This is the first time I have had the opportunity to play a trial for a Nancy Drew, much appreciated guys. Just keep an eye on the time during the trial though because I lost track of time, didn't think to save the game and ran out of time. Your game isn't automatically saved during the trial. So when I bought the game I had to start from the beginning! This is the first Nancy Drew where I have had not only a trial but Hints and solutions in the To Do list. No strategy guide needed. You can still phone someone for a hint like in the older ND games but in this one you can click on 'Need a hint' in the to Do list and if you're really stuck you can click on 'I need a solution'. This isn't available straight away though, you are given plenty of time to try and work it out yourself first. I love the camera and the fact that the items you collect are at the bottom of the screen instead of having to open them up separately like in some of the other ND games. The To Do list and notes are conveniently placed at the bottom of the screen. If you want to get through conversations quicker you can click through the dialogue at your speed. Also, having the camera means you can take photos not just of evidence but also things you need to no more scribbled notes for me! Awesome game. Will definitely play it again.