Based on Demo: That's my first one from the series (quite familiar with other Elephants Games, though) and I love it! I have a soft spot for creepy urban legends, so it's totally my cup of tea. Beginning seemed a little bit generic, though (sudden calls and everything like that), but I like how it goes on. In love with the lightning and color job on the scenes - adds realistic, yet very magical feeling of danger. Puzzles, so far, were quire easy, but not in an irritating kind of way. Hint is given via text messages and, fortunately, not hand holding. What satisfies me most is that developers prepared tons of extra content for us (it seems:))! Gooood!
Just loooove it - exploring at its best! I've just finished demo and want more.
It was quite easy to figure out what to do in this game, fishes, after a little bit of exploring, which is just great, coz I hate games with thorough tutorial (it makes you feel childish, totally not cool). Pace was ok for me, and I had just enough time for enjoying my play. To my surprise, there were lots of minigames - goood! Hope, they saved some for the rest of the game. :) Personally, I think art could be a little bit better - though gameplay itself was to addictive to care. :)
Wow, match-3, at last! Long time no see a good one. Dear fishes, totally loved this one! Lovely combination of addictive gameplay, fab art and touching storyline (nearly cried).
And guess what? There is a song playing in main menu! It's lovely, a little bit strange accent, though. (Maybe it's just me). Wish, it had wallpapers in it, cause I want to grab some art from it :)