When I started this game and watched the opening cut scene, I was impressed by the detail and look of the game. Don't know how old it is, but the characters have that old stiffness I relate with games from the 2010's and earlier. But I can ignore that if the rest is well done. And it is.
Excellent story. Wonderful voice acting. If you've played lots of these games you'll have heard the worst voice acting of your life. Really hideous. But this game was different. I thought at first the main character's voice was a bit similar to that of the actor Christian Bale.
Suitably creepy and dark atmosphere, The usual Transylvanian characters you find in a Dracula game or movie. Loved the navigation into files and inventory.
But. I just couldn't get used to not being able to click on things. You can't. You can't get closer to a side table or an interesting painting. You click on the arrows and go whichever direction they allow. Everything is scenery from rubble on the streets to chest of drawers, etc. It bothered me so much I didn't get very far. It was just too frustrating. I think if I had played further I would have gotten into the mystery more and would have been able to forget the frustration. So I might try later. For now, it's too sad!
There are reviews which criticize this game and the series. I don't disagree with the points they make. BUT if you love coloring in pictures you will love this. There are lots of variety in the entire series although individual games will get in a rut of landscapes, dark still life pictures of fruit, etc. There are still beach scenes, colorful strawberry desserts, bright flowers, cute houses. I especially love the bright birds on branches. Not just parrots but all sorts.
One review stated you have to complete the first eight pictures to go on to see what is available. But there's a trick to getting around that. Simply complete the last picture of the first level then an options box comes up which offers three options: go to the main menu, select level, and then a round red arrow to go to the next picture. Select the red next picture arrow and voila! there you are on the next page.
Give this game a try. Choose any of the other 12 available. I think you'll like them.
I love the pixel games. Coloring in the pixels is the best way to relax. But the game does have it's drawbacks as the other review mentioned.
They said you can't go past the first level unless you complete all the pictures but there's a way around that. Simply complete the last picture in the level and then hit the arrow button to go to the next. And voila! You can do that on every level.
Another trick I have is when it's a huge picture I fill in the larger colors with the one click. It takes time to recharge but if you hit the select level button you can go to the level and then choose the picture you're working on. And presto! the meter is charged and you can click on another big area.
I would love it if the developers would make it so the color we're on is either lighter or darker than the other pixels. It's fine until you click on the color and then it vanishes into the general grey. Irritating.
I don't mind when a game is the standard, ordinary HOP. I love them and the fun I get finding hidden objects is often all I need. However, when a HOP is a mystery, when there is something happening which needs to be figured out to make things right again, I need to see some sort of clues, something which is an interesting indication that this problem is serious and terrible things can happen.
I guess what I'm getting at is this game is not immersive, not like HOP's such as Angela Weaver; Catch Me When You Can, or Sherlock Holmes and the Hound of the Baskervilles.
Not everyone requires this level of immersion and challenge and if not they should try it and see for themselves.
For me, it's not immersive and, well, it's boring.
Every time I play one of these games I wonder why someone would put a key in a plastic skull hidden in an air vent. But they do.
This game has everything I hate in an adventure HO game: too easy, everything leads to something else, an idiot villain and mind numbingly easy mini games. I'm not an Einstein by any stretch of the imagination; this game is just really easy. It's not fun when you're led by the nose.
Mini games were boring. In one you clear the static from a tv screen block by block to expose an image. And that's it. No challenge whatsoever. In another there's a picture with symbols on the top. You use a UV light to expose hidden symbols on the picture. Click on the ones which match the ones at the top of the picture and there you go. Done.
So if you like easy games which aren't scary, then try it. Otherwise, go for something else.
I've read the glowing reviews and wonder what they saw that I didn't. It's boring. Find some flint to start a fire, find the missing incense sticks, place misplaced images on childish drawings. Very, very easy and very, very boring.
"Psychological horror"?? Where? It's all pretty bright and the ghosts are simple human forms which kind of float.
If you want psychological horror try Facility 47, or Haunted Manor Queen of Death or MCF Escape From Ravenhearst. Don't waste your money on this one.
This game is a nice variation to the pixel genre in which square by square you paint a picture. I was happy to see the squares (pixels) were like tiles which flipped when they were clicked on.
However, for those who love pixel games you should know that if you click on a tile which is not the one you're wanting to fill in, and it's already a color, it will flip over to show the number, the color will be gone and you will have to go back and do it again. I didn't care for that because the tiles are tiny and it is so easy to make a mistake.
I won't buy this game and didn't finish the sample; just too frustrating.
I thought the game was very well done. Very interesting and quirky. But you have to play arcade style games to get necessary items. By arcade I mean space shooters, etc. I can't stand those games because they're too stressful for me requiring hand/eye coordination and moving fast. That's not relaxing and it stresses me. I played most of the demo and came across three and also noticed the games were on a separate page saved with at least ten more spaces for more games. Which meant I was going to have to shoot lots of aliens or ships or meteorites to get anywhere in this game. At that point I quit. But if you can handle those occasional games then you won't have a problem with this one.
When you are required to use an old used piece of chewing gum you find on a mailbox to repair a major tear in a hose to a powerful machine, well, that sort of explains the entire game. Or demo, anyway. I accept non logical keys to puzzles but that was a bit too much.
Game was predictable and because of this, boring. Well, the gum was an unpleasant addition.
This is an old game. That's fine as long as it's fun. But I played part of the demo and came out very frustrated. I tried everything to get things going but it all led to nothing. I had my character do whatever was possible in his apartment and next door. There were no responses or clues as to what to do next. So I googled a walkthrough and what an eye opener. Unlike the game I was playing, in the walkthrough the character talks in reaction to things which in the demo here, he only stared at. There is dialog with the messenger service, the character says out loud the name of the neighbors. Very frustrating. I can't recommend this game because it simply doesn't work.