There are several of the older games that I continue to download over and over again (every time I get a new computer or a newer hard drive) just because they are challenging and fun.
This is one of them!
You won't find mindless repetition. You really have to work at making this work out. Which is pretty cool.
Unlike the Build-A-Lot games where you have set places to build your buildings and you try to reach the time requirement, this game gives you plenty of leeway to hang yourself if you make the wrong choices, LOL!
I really have enjoyed this game and continue to do so! It might come off as overly simplistic, but it remains to be challenging even after the first time playing it.
I've played it about 5 times all of the way through and I'm not bored with it yet.
I hope they come out with another one!
The only thing I find really annoying is those commenters in the lower right hand corner. If there was some way to turn those off, It would make it oh, so much nicer!
I've always been a build-a-lot fan. I've got most of the games.
But THIS? Pretty pathetic.
Makes me think that after they finished building a fan base with good clean games, then got into all kinds of junk, they are trying to go back to normal good games and they flunked big time.
I tried it. Stopped after 10 minutes. Started to uninstall and decided to give it another chance.
I loved this little game. It's very cheerful and fun.
I love the music. I love the games. I love it that it was just challenging enough to make it fun but not so challenging that it made me want to take a hammer to my computer, LOL!
The graphics are great!!!
The only thing I didn't like about it was that it didn't last long enough!
1. The tutorial was lousy. Your goal was to earn a certain amount and the tutorial basically had you take actions so that you couldn't meet those goals. I had to restart it do "do my own thing" just to get past level one.
2. Just not much fun. Unless you like to watch paint dry. You upgrade the stupid rides and then watch time run out but you still haven't earned enough to buy materials to build the required rides and all the while you've got this boring music playing that at 3 in the morning is almost guaranteed to put you to sleep.
3. The theme of this game is rides named after mythology. If that's the entire basis of the game, then big whoop!
I bought this game thinking it would be a good clean game. Besides the fact that it was badly developed and I was super frustrated at the beginning, I finally figured it out.
And I enjoyed it!!! I'm going along got to level 34 and got PO'd. The first showing of any occult theme.
It was only minor so I shrugged my shoulders and get to the next level and now the game get's into amulets and happiness and luck kind of thing.
I don't get it! Why wait until almost the end to hide the occult stuff? Unless the developers are trying to scam us into getting the game and then finding this garbage?
This is the second game I've bought from these developers that had occult stuff way into the game, instead of at the beginning so that you can pass on it.
I've bought almost all of their earlier games. Build a lot and Farm Frenzy, etc. I'm beginning to think that I don't want to buy any more of their games until they straighten their act up.
Oh, and one other thing. Some of the levels are stupidly redundant. You make two or three moves and the level is finished? Maybe they got rich and got hooked on dope and can't produce a quality game anymore???