I enjoyed the usual seek and find tasks. The hidden object scenes were clever. I found most of the puzzles workable and skipped a few that no matter what I did they were troublesome so I just skipped.
Morph objects always desirable and game provided them in hidden object scenes.
I liked the collectible in each scene.
I would say the story was creative. I found that I had mixed emotions. I find myself wishing that game producers could find creativity in story telling much like the story in 13th Skull.
At least swapping one body for another was a relief from silly monsters.
Here is the thing the game for what it is both in story line and creative content is well done, no argument there. Here is my rub the game is short in length, not challenging at all meaning a knuckle head with a dunce cap on would find they suddenly found genius, that's right, no challenge for a heavy duty HOG player. Young players may like the game.
The game has one of those sweet messages for kids centering on teaching, passing on kindness -- for an old woman like myself I want intrigue -- like a little murder, gore well you get the picture.
I am worn to the bone with so many games dished out of this type. With that statement I was totally unimpressed with the game. It is important however for all to make up their own minds. We do have a diverse consumers of games. What is ones dish is not another's.
I do not relish giving a less than stellar review. My goal in doing this review is to drive home that some of us enjoy a game of intrigue, great story that makes one won't to read the journal end to end and hunt through a good journal for clues to solve problems we encounter in the game.
I honestly appreciate the work to produce the game. My recommendation is that the entire team put effort into a blockbuster one that challenges us and leave this genre type in the dust bin.
Enjoyed even though the game was short. I got the idea there is a sequel.
I forgive the programmers because in the Garden Scene after searching until I turned green I never spotted a morphing object, I found all other morphing object in the other scene locations so I will just pat myself on the back for that accomplishment,
I enjoyed the game despite it not being a slick type game we have come to expect.
It was a game of true seek and find. Dotting here and there to find objects needed in scenes.
Nothing fancy but because of that fact those who play HO's for a long time were challenged to give up the notion of the functions of present days slickness. Just had to get over it.
True the game was short and there existed plenty of opportunities to develop a better storyline.