Elephant seems to have forgotten how to make the excellent games they have become known for lately. I did buy this because it was an Elephant game and I kind of enjoyed it in the end but it's not up to their usual standard. SO much running around, thank goodness for the map but having to use the map so much always makes me kind of lose the plot and makes me less immersed in a game. The puzzles were pretty easy and I prefer a challenge. A game worth trying of course but one you have to make your own mind up about before spending your hard earned cash!
I see mixed reviews for this but I loved it! The storyline is interesting and drew me in and it is a good long game. I made it last 4 days because I didn't want to finish it as I was enjoying it so much!! The HOS scenes are clear and the hint button shows you which way to go should you need it. The puzzles made the game for me. OK, the instructions were pretty vague but it was pretty obvious what you had to do, it was just doing it. Some took me a while but I feel a great sense of achievement at managing them all. A game I will definitely play again :)
This just came on the Daily Deal and I read the reviews and decided I'd better try it for myself what with all the mixed likes and don't likes. I'm pleased I did, finished the demo and just bought it. It's very different with some very intriguing puzzles. Once I got the hang of the game the time went so quickly. I say, try it and be patient until it gets going. Well worth the daily deal price and for me a real find. Looking forward to doing the whole game now.
I almost didn't play the demo for this game, let alone buy it, because the download took so long for me. I'm so glad I was patient though and got it downloaded in the end as I really enjoyed the game. The graphics are great and the hidden object scenes are lovely and I liked the riddle at the end of those too. The map is very useful and the length of the game is just right. Maybe not the most challenging but very nice to play and it's always nice not to have to cause to use the hint button. Good puzzles too, a bit different. Thanks devs and BF :)
I put off getting this game for so long because of some of the poor reviews and I didn't want to be disappointed because I loved the first two. Well, I wasn't disappointed in this after all! I loved it! Nice clear graphics, lots of fun and humour and cute little puzzles. Not too hard which made the whole game a nice and relaxing play and the length was just right. Thanks devs and BF :)
Just finished the game and I enjoyed playing it but it's nothing special. I was disappointed in the length, it seemed quite short to me and it's pretty easy. The puzzles were nice though, really enjoyed those. As I did the hidden object scenes where you find something and use it to interact with other objects. The normal HOS I found hard going for some of them. Some of the objects were almost see-through and I couldn't see them! Mind you, I have old eyes!! On the whole I found it worth playing as I used a free coupon! Not the best from these devs.
Just finished this excellent SE game and enjoyed it so much that I had to write my first review. I only needed the hint button to point me in the right direction as there's no map. Not too many HOS which I found clear even though some items are small. What I loved the most were the puzzles. Challenging but all do-able with some thought and patience and many unique ones. I got a great sense of achievement after completing each one! I just didn't want it to end. Highly recommended :) More of the same please BF and devs!