As my title suggests this is the best game that I have ever played and over the past 3+ years I have easily played 300+ Hidden Object/Adventure games.
Everything about thing game I loved! and I so didn't want it to end, unlike a lot of games these days I wasn't bored once and the hours flew by.
The unusual storyline that kept me captivated, there were very fitting visuals and audio and yes the story is creepy but I like creepy!
The game play flows wonderfully and never left me wanting, the puzzles were often unusual and well explained & the HO scenes were very good.
The map works great and the inventory bar is lockable and there are the standard three levels of play plus custom.
I will most definitely replay this game many times which is an unusual event for me these days.
As this game is creepy I would suggest that you trial the game first to ensure that you are happy with the style of game but personally I cannot recommend this game enough!
I recommend this game!
50of51voted this as helpful.
Subliminal Realms: The Masterpiece Collector's Edition
Albert's worst nightmare becomes reality when a creature from his grim paintings kidnaps his family. What does she want?
Overall rating
5/ 5
2 of 2 found this review helpful
PostedJuly 24, 2015
fromSouth West England
Skill Level:Intermediate
Favorite Genre(s):Puzzle, Hidden Object, Time Management, Adventure, Large File
I loved this game, it was genuinely the best game I have played in ages.
The storyline is excellent and a bit different to normal, the graphics and audio perfectly fit the game, the HOS and puzzles are great and are not the same old ones we are always getting in games. The painting aspect of the game was a really nice touch and which surprised me as I didn't expect to like it. The map and hint system worked great as did the journal, in some recent games the journal has been missing, I always prefer a game with a journal so I can look back on aspects of the story etc.
The CE lets you collect slides which form paintings which you paint for your gallery, there is also an extra great card game, as well as media etc.
Overall I loved this game and really enjoyed it and I would recommended it to players of all abilities who are looking for an engaging slightly different, fun and relaxing game.
As you can guess from my title I loved this game! I have just completed it on the middle ("Normal") setting and it was of my favourite games this year if not my favourite game.
The graphics are top notch as is the audio, the storyline is captivating, there is a wonderful mix of adventure and unusual hog scenes. The map is perfect, the hint button works great, the puzzles are not too hard but are fun and make sense, the inventory locks, the ending is good, so as you can see in my opinion this is a top notch game very well deserving of 5 stars.
I recommend this game!
2of3voted this as helpful.
Haunted Manor: Painted Beauties
A peaceful day at the park becomes a journey into the surreal when you become the latest victim of a troubled artist's deal with Death!
Overall rating
2/ 5
1 of 1 found this review helpful
Bored, Bored, Bored
PostedMay 28, 2015
fromSouth West England
Skill Level:Intermediate
Favorite Genre(s):Puzzle, Hidden Object, Time Management, Large File
Out of the 200+ games I have played with Big Fish I have chosen not to complete less than 5 of them, even if they were a boring slog, but with this game I just really couldn't be bothered to complete it.
Played on the Casual setting as I was hoping for a relaxed afternoon's game play.
Graphics wise it is good and the storyline isn't too bad.
But oh my the amount of going backwards and forwards all the time was so tedious, I found the items you had to find so were often nondescript and hence you couldn't remember where you needed to use them and hence I had to use the hint button a lot, the map shows you locations you have visited but gives you no clue as to what areas need items completing in.
The soundtrack was ok to begin with, but as mainly the same piece is played again and again this also became tedious.
To be honest I didn't care enough about any of the characters to complete the game which is very rare for me & I was genuinely just so bored!
I am a huge fan of many old and new HOG games, as well as a seasoned adventure game and large file player but this game didn't appeal to me on any front.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
Having just finished this game on the casual setting (there are two difficulty settings), I must say that I really really enjoyed it.
Yes it a somewhat slower paced game but I loved the story, I loved the music which wasn't intrusive or loud but which was atmospheric. Graphics wise I really felt the graphics suited the game. The diary was great & held information on the story, characters & family tree.
The map didn't teleport you but informed you where various rooms etc. were. The hint button recharged slower than in some games which I personally prefer, the hint button gave you some help but not to much, I didn't feel like my hand was being held all the time which I prefer. The inventory locked which for me is a big bonus.
I also really enjoyed the puzzles which were somewhat different from the standard and I was able to complete them all which is unusual for me, they were not hard puzzles but were enjoyable. The HOGS I found great, in my opinion they were quite difficult sometimes which I loved but were very doable.
Overall I loved this game, it was a very refreshing change from the bright gaudy, loud games that seem to be all the rage at the moment, which at times I enjoy but at times like tonight when I want a more relaxed thoughtful game to play this game is perfect and I would wholly recommend it.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
2/ 5
Review based on completed SE edition on advanced.
I completed this game in 4 hours in one sitting and it was very much a mixed bag.
Pros: The visuals are great First 20 minutes are so are very good Good Hog scenes with some variation from standard Good variation of different types of puzzles with very varied level of difficulty Lovely dog, who isn’t a cutesy helper, but who does help you somewhat
Cons: Very abrupt ending in SE In all honesty the game became boring and drawn out in the second half of the half game Music, very monotonous and grates after a bit Storyline, vague with not enough detail to enable you to care about the characters Running back and forwards all of the time
Having played 400+ games I would put this at around 50% favourite wise, I found it very hard to decide whether to recommend this game or not, but there are good parts to the game so I went with yes.
I recommend this game!
0of0voted this as helpful.
PuppetShow: Lightning Strikes
The women of Paris are being turned into puppets! Can you find out who's pulling the strings?
Overall rating
5/ 5
57 of 61 found this review helpful
Wonderful Game
PostedSeptember 20, 2014
fromSouth West England
Skill Level:Intermediate
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Large File, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
5/ 5
Review based on completed SE game with sound on, played on casual setting.
I really enjoyed this game, I have played a few of the other Puppetshow games and personally I prefer this game, it feels like it has been freshened up.
The game is a very good mix of adventure, HOGs & Puzzles & they are slightly different than normal. The storyline is very good and the theme follows the previous Puppetshow games. The visuals are stunning and I really enjoyed the audio track.
The hint system works well, and the hint and skip recharge on casual very quickly. There is a map but I didn't use it. I like the edition of the case file, choosing where cards relating to different aspects of the case go. The diary is good but doesn't hold masses of detail.
The only slightly negative aspects of the game in my opinion is that the game is somewhat shorter than standard (I completed the game in about 3 hours in one sitting), also the challenge level is quite low, but saying that I was playing on casual.
There are three levels to choose from, casual being the easiest, then advanced and then hard.
Overall I really enjoyed this game and would put it in my top 15% of games I have played, having played 400+ games.
Review based on completed SE game on challenge (middle) mode with sounds on.
Having just completed this game, I am so pleased I purchased it! I would grade it as being in the top 5% of games that I have played (having played 400+ easily).
The storyline is great, it is creepy and spooky but without being over the top.
This game is a good mix of adventure, hogs and a handful of puzzles. There are a quite a large number of hogs and you revisit the same hog location a few times, the hogs were clear, some were easy and some were pretty tricky. There is an option to play a match three game instead of a hog, in one scene you can mix & match with part hog & part match three. I found the match three generally more challenging than standard which I enjoyed and I played a mixed of both but mostly hogs as I really enjoyed them.
There were not that many puzzles, the puzzles didn't have much if any instructions with them but it was pretty obvious what you needed to do, they varied in level of challenge, but in my opinion were pretty easy, they can be skipped if wished.
The characters & voiceovers are wonderful, the audio track is haunting and very enjoyable, the visuals and artwork are stunning & are perfect for the story. I loved the fact that even with the SE edition there were trophy's to achieve which really added to the game play.
This game has no map (I didn't miss it all, whereas usually I would have missed a map), the game flows great and is instinctive to play, I used the hints twice and they were helpful but not too helpful.
This is a wonderfully long game, it took me over 5 hours in one sitting and I had never had that moment of come on hurry up and end as you do in some games.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
5/ 5
Review bases on completed standard game. Completed game in 3.5 hours.
I really enjoyed this game, it has a good mix of adventure, hog & puzzles, the gameplay was intuitive. I really enjoyed the storyline which wasn't cute but which also wasn't scary, hence the storyline suitable for most ages. The storyline concluded quite well, but I would have preferred to have known what happened to the Mother and the doctor, but maybe the collectors edition bonus chapter tells you this.
The hog scenes were clear and quite easy, the puzzles were a god mix and I only had to skip 1, in my opinion the puzzles were between easy & intermediate. You find a talking teddy bear very early on in the game who isn't too cute as is sometimes the case, who provides you with hints if needed and who can be quite comical.
I never had one of those of those moments of what should I be doing due to the great map with objectives marked on it
The audio track was very fitting to the game and I really liked it, the visuals were great bright but not to bright and was not childish.
I would put this game in my top 20% of games played (I have played 400+ games).
I recommend this game!
17of17voted this as helpful.
Shrouded Tales: The Spellbound Land Collector's Edition
Your magical powers have finally awakened. Now you have the strength to free your mother from the Shadow Realm!
Overall rating
5/ 5
62 of 63 found this review helpful
Truly Loved It!
PostedSeptember 16, 2014
fromSouth West England
Skill Level:Intermediate
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
Review based on completed CE game and completed bonus chapter on the casual setting:
I normally choose to play darker games than this, but I truly loved this game from start to finish, I would count it in my top 20% of games and I have played 300+.
The gameplay was a decent mix of adventure, HOPS (varied somewhat) and puzzles (mostly pretty easy), at different points in the game you learn various spells that help you along your way but they don't help you too much as some spells in games do. The gameplay flowed naturally and was instinctive. The map allows you to travel easily to all the locations you have already visited and the maps the shows areas you need to visit. The spell book shows your current task, but there is diary, but I didn't miss it. The hint and skip filled very quickly on casual & the inbuilt strategy guide was easy to access & navigate (I needed to access it once only#.
I really liked the audio tracks #I generally play with headphones on so that I am fully immersed in the game#, the graphics were very good, they were not childish or to garish/pastel etc. and they were nice and crisp.
The storyline was between average and good, but the gameplay made up for any shortcomings, the main game had a decent conclusion and the bonus game was a separate game but which led on nicely from the main game.
There are no morphing objects etc. to collect in the CE edition, the bonus features on top of the bonus chapter are a quiz based on the game #fun), replay options on the HOPS and the puzzles, concept art etc. there is also the lost pages which was actually quite fun to read and quite humorous.
Some reviewers have complained that this game is short, I personally didn't find it so, the main game gave me about 5 hours gameplay and the bonus chapter gave me a further 45 minutes to an hour of gameplay, but I personally not to rush through games and prefer to play at a more sedate pace.
I truly enjoyed this game, and would highly recommended it others.