The 360 degree movement is awful and I had a horrible headache after wandering around aimlessly for 10 minutes. No tutorial, no map, no explanation or advice as to what you're doing or how to do it. Don't bother.
I have been playing Nancy Drew games for awhile and just went back to the first one. I enjoyed this immensely - the puzzles were challenging but able to be figured out. I rarely had to consult a walkthrough and this made the game that much more enjoyable. Thoroughly entertaining. I wish I could play it for the first time again!!!
I am a huge fan of the Mystery Case files and the Drawn series and I have a hard time finding games that keep me entertained at that level. That being said, this was a surprisingly good game - I liked the mini puzzles and the story line. It is challenging enough but not infuriatingly so. It was entertaining enough to keep me up well past my bedtime. Totally worth the purchase!