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After a long journey, Queen Sophia faces her enemy for the last time - but will she succeed in saving her parents?
Overall rating 
Liked it!
4 / 5
3 of 3 found this review helpful
All good things must come to an end...
PostedJuly 8, 2014
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Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Match 3, Strategy, Puzzle
Current Favorite:
Fun Factor 
4 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
5 / 5
4 / 5
This review is based on a Complete Playthrough of the game and bonus content.
I've been a fan of this series since the start. After Sophia became Sophia the Queen, I was hoping we'd see more... doesn't look that way though. On to the review:
First off, the Bonus Content (or Why should I pay double for this game?): The bonus game took me about an hour and a half. I did cheat and use the SG on two of the puzzles. Basically, it's a combination of "Where are they now?" along with a very brief series recap as told by the new princess casting you (her new nanny) in the role of her mother. Such a rapscallion!
If you've played most of the series, you'll enjoy it. Otherwise, most of it won't make any sense to you at all. Be careful where you click on the last mini-game, I accidentally skipped and blew my two achievements. There's a very high ratio of puzzles and HOS in the bonus. The HOS were much more 'traditional' than in the main game.
The Garden is a neat idea, you play minigames, unlocking them with the collectibles you find in the game, and grow flowers by mixing seeds. I think they could have done more here. A bunch of work for no real payoff other than seeing some plants in pots around a static scene - not like decorating your own throne room or something you have any control over. Still, it was something more to do, essentially mixing a marble popper in with the game.
I played on the middle difficulty, didn't find all the collectibles but was otherwise able to complete everything.
THE GOOD: The graphics are excellent, yes there's a lot of red in the palette, but it fits. Sounds aren't intrusive, and the storyline ties things up fairly well. We're finally going to defeat Dreadmyre. Again. The base game took me a solid six hours and ends conclusively.
They varied the HOS around quite a bit - put things in, take things out, find things. The puzzles were challenging without being terribly so. It's more an adventure game than anything else though.
Jump map with marked spots where you have Stuff to Do(tm). The Strategy Guide stays open where you left it, and there's enough non-linearity in the game that you may have to hunt a bit to find where you are. Overall, I think that's a good thing, given the 'game on rails' alternative.
THE BAD: The series is over. Seriously, not much bad to say about this one. The storyline isn't as strong as some of the previous titles, but it does move things along to a fairly satisfying conclusion.
THE UGLY: Only one minor glitch I encountered - at one point the map marked the wrong location for an objective. That's it. Everything else worked great on my computer.
BOTTOM LINE: If you've played them all, then this is a must-have. If you like the games but aren't in love with the story and don't need the extras the SE may be fine for you. Personally, I liked the added info in the 'bonus' ending.
I recommend this game!
3of 3voted this as helpful.
Help Sam rescue his love Anna in Brink of Consciousness: Dorian Gray Syndrome, an incredible Hidden Object Puzzle Adventure game!
Overall rating 
Liked it!
4 / 5
4 of 5 found this review helpful
A good game that didn't age well.
PostedApril 20, 2014
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Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Strategy, Puzzle
Current Favorite:
Fun Factor 
4 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
4 / 5
Level of Challenge 
5 / 5
3 / 5
Copying this over (modified slightly) from my CE review:
This review is based on a complete playthrough of the game plus bonus content.
This was one of the first games I bought here, but for some reason didn't play it until now. I've got to review it compared to new games in 2014, since this is when you'll be spending your hard earned cash.
First off, the Bonus Content, so you know what you'll be missing: there's not much. No achievements, morphs, collectibles, or a lot of the 'bling' that comes standard with CE games today. The bonus chapter is about an hour long, ties up a loose end from the main story, and ends on an 'unresolved' note of its own.
Personally, I think the SE is the way to go on this one. Now the game:
THE GOOD: Graphics were a 'realistic' style, with a darkness that worked well with the mood of the game. The map was also presented as though you were drawing it in yourself as you went: it labeled each room and showed 'points of interest', puzzles, HOS (very useful, this), and locked doors.
The puzzles were challenging - some very challenging. I had to skip a couple - something I almost never do. Not all were maddeningly difficult, but there were enough.
The storyline: it's a 'psychological suspense/thriller' and holds to that pretty well (no comic relief or other 'breaks'). The game does a good job of reminding you what's at stake so you always have a 'sense of urgency' in moving forward.
The main game took me about five hours, which is par for the course.
THE BAD: The map/layout. This game needed a jump map in the worst way. The entire game was in one continuous area that you kept going back and forth and back and forth over. Not just a few rooms either, often it's double digits each way.
The HOS - a monochromatic, dreary gray. Especially in the start of the game. I get what they were trying to do, but they sacrificed too much in terms of playability in the attempt. I think every scene gets repeated once: things you pulled out are back in the picture the second time. They aren't terrible junkpiles, but games today do it much better.
The story gets repetitive. You can only be surprised by the same thing so many times. The sound effects compound the effect as you hear the same ones over and over.
THE UGLY: Apparently you're asthmatic by the way you breathe in almost every scene. They were probably trying for fright or shock or something, but after hearing it so much it just got annoying.
BOTTOM LINE: Better than just an ok game: 3 1/2 stars rounded up to four. While the bonus chapter adds a nice 'twist' ending (and not the twist I was expecting) I don't think it's worth the price of a second game to see it. The game is resolved enough at the end.
I recommend this game!
4of 5voted this as helpful.
Help Sam rescue his love Anna in Brink of Consciousness: Dorian Gray Syndrome, an incredible Hidden Object Puzzle Adventure game!
Overall rating 
Liked it!
4 / 5
2 of 2 found this review helpful
A good game that didn't age well.
PostedApril 20, 2014
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Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Strategy, Puzzle
Current Favorite:
Fun Factor 
4 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
4 / 5
Level of Challenge 
5 / 5
3 / 5
This review is based on a complete playthrough of the game plus bonus content.
This was one of the first games I bought here, but for some reason didn't play it until now. I've got to review it compared to new games in 2014, since this is when you'll be spending your hard earned cash.
First off, the Bonus Content (or Why should I pay double for this game?): there's not much. No achievements, morphs, collectibles, or a lot of the 'bling' that comes standard with CE games today. The bonus chapter is about an hour long, ties up a loose end from the main story, and ends on an 'unresolved' note of its own.
Personally, I think the SE is the way to go on this one. Now the game:
THE GOOD: Graphics were a 'realistic' style, with a darkness that worked well with the mood of the game. The map was also presented as though you were drawing it in yourself as you went: it labeled each room and showed 'points of interest', puzzles, HOS (very useful, this), and locked doors.
The puzzles were challenging - some very challenging. I had to skip a couple - something I almost never do. Not all were maddeningly difficult, but there were enough.
The storyline: it's a 'psychological suspense/thriller' and holds to that pretty well (no comic relief or other 'breaks'). The game does a good job of reminding you what's at stake so you always have a 'sense of urgency' in moving forward.
THE BAD: The map/layout. This game needed a jump map in the worst way. The entire game was in one continuous area that you kept going back and forth and back and forth over. Not just a few rooms either, often it's double digits each way.
The HOS - a monochromatic, dreary gray. Especially in the start of the game. I get what they were trying to do, but they sacrificed too much in terms of playability in the attempt. I think every scene gets repeated once: things you pulled out are back in the picture the second time. They aren't terrible junkpiles, but games today do it much better.
The story gets repetitive. You can only be surprised by the same thing so many times. The sound effects compound the effect as you hear the same ones over and over.
THE UGLY: Apparently you're asthmatic by the way you breathe in almost every scene. They were probably trying for fright or shock or something, but after hearing it so much it just got annoying.
BOTTOM LINE: Better than just an ok game: 3 1/2 stars rounded up to four. I still say the SE is the way to go, but if you want the resolution of the bonus chapter (and a nice 'twist' ending: not the switch I was expecting), you can do a lot worse.
I recommend this game!
2of 2voted this as helpful.
Track a mad man across time and investigate a gristly murder from the past!
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
4 of 4 found this review helpful
Firing on all 12 cylinders!
PostedApril 19, 2014
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Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Large File, Strategy, Time Management, Puzzle
Current Favorite:
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
5 / 5
5 / 5
This review is based on a complete playthrough of the game.
I haven't given a game straight 5 stars since Fate's Carnival CE. This is a very different style of game, but it's just that good. The story is 100% tied up in the SE ending.
THE GOOD: The graphics. A very 'realistic' feel, while staying away from trying to go 'photo' real. The bust of Angelica next to your inventory keeps moving as she makes different facial gestures or expressions. Sometimes she reacts to things you do.
The music fit the game perfectly. No overbearing background music to turn off. Sound effects were done and timed as well as the voice overs. They solved the 'lip synching' issue by simply not showing her full face while she's talking.
The character Angelica Weaver is brilliant. Think "Criminal Minds" meets "Dr. Who". You're a psychic criminal investigator. The focus is almost entirely on the investigative side with 'time travel' thrown in, though you do briefly meet two 'spirits' during the game.
You have achievements to earn, some for getting things on the first try - so if you miss it it's gone (till your next replay). Others for completing the game with no hints or helps, or solving a puzzle 'efficiently'. You keep credit for ones already done when you replay. Collectible badges to find as well.
The puzzles were creative and challenging. Some are variations on standards with a few that don't turn up very often. Enough challenge for me to work my brain without being over the top hard.
HOS were clear and well lit: list type with some 'crossword puzzle' type clues and some things 'hiding'. You comment on some of the items you find (you're looking for clues, after all) even if they don't go into your inventory. Other parts of the list are random - so no simply memorizing the first scene to get the one minute achievement.
THE BAD: No map. Personally, I found this to be a positive thing: you're an investigator, make your own; but I know I'm probably in the minority on that one. There wasn't a lot of senseless back and forth at any rate.
Once you choose your difficulty level there's no changing it - even on a replay. If you want to try it harder/easier you have to make a new profile and start with a clean slate.
Dreamweaver symbols over the HOS on the middle difficulty. There weren't that many scenes though, so it isn't as bad as it could've been.
THE UGLY: In the beginning, and a few other places they do that 'wiggle' thing with the screen where the background moves a bit when you move your mouse. But it doesn't do anything: there's nothing to find hidden 'behind' things - it's just a 'feature' thrown in with no purpose, made worse because it doesn't even stay for very long into the game.
BOTTOM LINE: A great game. It was plenty long, and felt 'complete' on its own. If you can live without the 'bling' and bonus chapter of the CE, this is a great mystery/adventure game (and my new current favorite, replacing Grim Tales: Bloody Mary).
I recommend this game!
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A famous actor has literally stepped off the screen to kidnap your niece. Now you must find a way into the dangerous and exciting world of the film to save her!
Overall rating 
It was OK.
3 / 5
3 of 4 found this review helpful
Disappointing Chapter in a Great Series
PostedApril 15, 2014
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Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Strategy, Puzzle
Current Favorite:
Fun Factor 
3 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
4 / 5
Level of Challenge 
5 / 5
3 / 5
This review is based on a complete playthrough of the game + bonus content.
Every series has its 'slump', and Surface finally found theirs. Here we go:
First, the Bonus Content (or Why should I pay double for this game?): The bonus chapter is about an hour long with very few locations and a plot thinner than tissue paper in the rain. The ending, while 'nice', didn't really make sense in terms of what we learned during the game (the whole bonus chapter, really). Strike One.
There were collectibles - a ton of hidden flowers (I found a little more than half) which unlocked three 'movie' reels. They could have done a lot more here - where's our room to customize or UI skins from the collectible shop (a la The Noise she Couldn't Make)? Step backward here. Strike Two.
The achievements/trophies were all the usual fare: finish a scene in under a minute, go make a sandwich for ten minutes then finish, no hints/skips, etc. Again a step backwards even from the first Surface game, which had an achievement for solving a 'mystery' that wasn't critical to the plot (ie: you could finish the game and not get it). Strike Three.
Now for the regular game:
THE GOOD: You can replay cutscenes directly from your journal.
The hint system was a nice improvement - it showed you the scene where what you needed to do was, and let you jump right there. Functionally, it's exactly the same as a 'directional' hint button, but without the need to traipse all over the game world.
Graphics and sound were good, voice acting fairly solid.
HOS were neat, orderly (this doesn't mean easy), and used the 'put some items from your inventory into the scene' mechanic. If I have one fault with them, it's that they're all the same, mechanically.
THE BAD: The hint button sticks out WAY further than it should, which makes it very easy to accidentally click during HOS (which kills your achievements).
The cutscene animation was a little stilted. They ended up in that 'too good for normal graphics' but 'not good enough to look real' range. You're eyes know something is off so the scenes just don't 'feel' right. They've done better before in this series (and plenty better in other ones).
The game took me four and half hours, including task-killing and replaying a mini-game several times to get the 'one-minute' achievement (never did). I'm a slow player, so this is a short game. The game+bonus is shorter than what most standard editions take me to play through.
THE UGLY: I'd like to say at the story was good, but it wasn't. I understand they're working within the 'Surface' paradigm, but c'mon, Can we please have one game where no one gets kidnapped in the intro/opening scene?
BOTTOM LINE: I'm glad I got this on a BOGO weekend. While this game may still be better than most of what's out there, it's not up to the standards Elephant has set - in this series and others. All the parts for a great game were there, they just didn't deliver the goods.
If it were longer I might recommend it, but at the length it is it's not up to CE standards. Wait for the SE if you really want to play this one.
I don't recommend this game.
3of 4voted this as helpful.
Rescue your daughter from the clutches of the evil Emma!
Overall rating 
Disliked it.
2 / 5
1 of 3 found this review helpful
It was almost ok...
PostedMarch 31, 2014
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Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Strategy, Puzzle
Fun Factor 
2 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
3 / 5
Level of Challenge 
5 / 5
2 / 5
This review is based on a complete playthrough of the game.
It was the end of the month, five punches on my card, and this comes up as the DD. I read the reviews, figured this would be the best in the last couple days, and got the game. Should've waited one more day...
This is a HIDDEN OBJECT GAME with some puzzles and a bit of plot thrown in.
I played in expert mode (you can't change once you start). HO scenes still had sparkles, which was probably for the best as a lot of times there wasn't a logical 'flow' to where you should go next.
THE GOOD: The graphics in the HOS were clear for the most part. The scenes started off fairly well done - well placed items that mostly made sense, but as the game went on the piles got more cluttered with random clip art.
The puzzles - There were some good ones: a nice sorting algorithm puzzle, one that does test your mouse 'twitch' skills a bit, and a bunch we've seen before. The game is weighted heavily toward the HO side, but the puzzles become more frequent and get harder as the game goes on.
THE BAD: The graphics everywhere outside the HOS. They were grainy, distorted by my wide screen monitor (and playing it windowed wasn't much better - fixed resolution).
Some of the puzzles were "challenging" just by being repetitive and almost random. I've never seen the last puzzle in this game before, and I hope I never do again.
The Hint button is worthless. Outside the HO scenes sometimes interactive areas wouldn't 'turn off' when you gathered everything, so the hint would keep sending you back there. Inside the HOS sometimes it directed you to spots where nothing was. This is the first game I NEEDED a walkthrough to finish.
THE UGLY: A lot. Bugs where the 'info' screen stayed stuck on puzzle directions after you left the puzzle, the Hint button issues. A VERY annoying click penalty.
I had to turn the music off - another first I think. The same high pitched piano keys over and over and over ...
This had to be somebody's first attempt at making one of these. Things just didn't quite work: a cutscene with 'ominous' music as you go up a staircase, and then you're just in another room. The witch has got our kid in the house, and we're wondering who's buried in Grant's tomb outside. Items that had to be used EXACTLY the right way, with no indication to help you out.
It took me around five hours to play through over two sittings - maybe a bit less. A lot of that was figuring out puzzles, or wondering what to do next. The Hidden Object scenes are fixed, so there's no replay value like you get with Prime Suspects or Ravenhearst.
BOTTOM LINE: Not worth your time. The game has some good ideas, but they're all poorly executed. If this developer stays with it, and learns from this, they're next game should be much better. But take a pass on this one.
I don't recommend this game.
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Take a journey through medieval times. Help Joan of Arc to build a new kingdom and change the fate of the people in this epic story of honor and courage.
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
1 of 1 found this review helpful
Turning Me into a Match-3 Fan!
PostedMarch 26, 2014
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Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Strategy, Puzzle
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
4 / 5
Level of Challenge 
4 / 5
4 / 5
This review is based on completing the first 25 levels in relaxed mode.
I'm an RPG addict. I love good HOPA's, Point and click (Syberia type), and 'traditional' RPG's going all the way back to the first Final Fantasy and Wizardy. But I also like to kick back with a relaxing solitaire type game every now and then.
This is the second Match-3 game I bought, and it's the one I find myself coming back to every time I need to unwind. No crazy extra features, just good, clean, simple game design.
THE GOOD: Options: You want timed? You got that. You want relaxed? You got that too. Three different types of 'Matching' and you can choose a different one at every level (there's even an achievement' for playing all three). Different 'power-ups' at each level, that you 'unlock' as you go.
Buildings - A nice diversion. Maybe they do something in the higher levels, but at my level (25% through the levels it says), you gather gold by playing the games, and you spend the gold to build and fortify your city. Different buildings give you different bonuses (+2 gold per match for a type of tile). If you play on relaxed, you can just chill and keep playing and gathering gold, or you can play timed and see how much you can get before you have to move on.
Different goals for different levels: either 'clear all the gold tiles', 'Drop the chest off the board', or some combination involving 'locked' tiles of some sort that have to be cleared out. Many levels have 'keys' that drop off and unlock new sections of the playing board.
THE BAD: Not much. So far there hasn't been much of a story, but I honestly wasn't expecting much. Maybe that comes in later once your town is finished. The game doesn't really need one.
I normally only review games when I'm finished, but at the rate I'm playing, that will be months from now - I just do an untimed level and play till I've had my fill and am ready to get back to whatever I was working on.
THE UGLY: Joan could've been a little hotter, maybe a chainmail bikini?
Seriously, the only things I can think of are the 'Goals' screen and the music.
The goals screen (which buildings come next, basically) could have been spruced up a bit. As it is, it's a very large blank 'scroll' with a just a few words on it, and no 'flavor' text.
The music is soothing, but repetitive. If they had made three or four different loops and played a different one each level, or switched every so often, it would have helped.
BOTTOM LINE - I got this as a DD and it's one of the best values I've gotten. I've put hours and hours into it already and I'm only a quarter of the way done with the 'game', and I'm sure I'll restart another one when I'm 'finished'. So a lot more hours of playtime than even the longest 'Collector's Edition' game I've played here.
If you have any desire to have a relaxing, fun, not mind-bending game to play off and on, this fits that bill perfectly. If you want more challenging, turn on that timer and work out the fastest ways to clear out the spaces under what you need to drop or 'break'. Great game either way.
I recommend this game!
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The Queen's Hope Diamond is gone. No one is talking. It's up to you to recover the stolen gem. You be the detective.
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
3 of 4 found this review helpful
If you want a pure HO game, this is the one.
PostedMarch 26, 2014
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Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Strategy, Puzzle
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
4 / 5
Level of Challenge 
5 / 5
4 / 5
This review is based on a complete playthrough of the game.
I'm more a HOPA player than pure HO, but I got this during a MCF sale and I'm glad I did. Much better than Huntsville.
THE GOOD: Lots of locations, and they do a good job of shuffling them from one 'suspect' to the next so you're not going through the same scene back to back to back (some HOPA developers could learn from this...).
There's only one difficulty mode (they added 'relaxed' in later games), but the time control is much easier than Huntsville. It gets harder as you go, but by then you've seen the scenes a few times, so you can go through them faster. Where Huntsville was try after try after try till I got it, I only had to repeat maybe four scenes my entire playthrough. Some cut it close - I'm not saying it was a cakewalk, but more realistic time controls for us mere mortals. I ended up last visible 'agent' on the time sheet when I was done, so there's loads of room for improvement if I ever play it again.
If you do 'fail' a level, you try again with different objects - so you can't look to a strategy guide like you can with a lot of more modern HOPA's to point out where everything is. Ditto if you replay the game to beat your time.
Different puzzles at the end of each level: either a picture scramble, concentration, or a word find. The 'final' puzzle (at least the one I got - there may be different ones), unfortunately was terribly easy if you've ever seen it before, and I think they give you the clue to the solution somewhere along the way if you pay attention.
THE BAD: Graphics are a little grainy by today's standards. As I said, I'm not so much into the pure HO, but I gotta think that if one of the big three or four publishers put out a pure HO game in this style with today's sharp graphics, a lot of people would eat it up.
Sound got very repetitive, and the loop 'broke' from time to time (maybe because I took so long).
THE UGLY: There were a few minor issues with ambiguous objects (a time clock or a wall clock for 'clock), and they recycled a lot of the 'art' from Huntsville.
BOTTOM LINE: For what it is - a pure Hidden Object game with no pretense of a plot - other than improving the graphics I don't think it can get much better than this. And that's saying something considering the year of release of this game.
I recommend this game!
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A murderous figure in a red mask haunts the streets of a small French town, and the mayor needs your help to track him down. But you soon discover that the mysterious Red Masque might not be the real criminal…
Overall rating 
Disliked it.
2 / 5
8 of 8 found this review helpful
ERS is the guilty one... could've been a great game.
PostedMarch 23, 2014
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Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Strategy, Puzzle
Fun Factor 
2 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
3 / 5
2 / 5
This review is based on a complete playthrough.
ERS is a top studio that has proven they can put out some first rate games.
They didn't with this one.
THE GOOD: The visuals were top-notch. ERS delivered like they always do in that department. Sound was nice for a while but got very repetitive.
The idea of "picking the ending" sounds good on paper, but it didn't play out well - it had absolutely zero impact on game play: you just get to pick which of two closing cutscenes you watch before the credits roll.
Map was interactive, diary kept track of all the information you found.
THE BAD: The game was disjointed. You had this plot going on with the Red Masque, and then you had all these puzzles to solve. Unfortunately, for the most part one seemed to have very little to do with the other.
A lot of what you did made no sense even in a game. One of the worst uses of a loaded gun I've seen, being stymied in your quest for justice by a bullfrog, and the whole 'animal' thing just left me shaking my head.
The 'scales of justice' was a nice visual, but again served no real mechanical purpose, which made them a confusing element of the ending.
THE UGLY: HOS repeated - one back to back [15 of this, then 15 of that]. Things impossible to spot (no click penalty at least).
BOTTOM LINE: If I could describe this game in one word it would be "boring". You'll decide for yourself very early in the game who you want to be 'guilty', and then the game just goes on and on and on...
Neither of the two 'culprits' is presented in any sympathetic way - both are killers, why can we only arrest one? It's a very old concept, but every hero needs a tragic flaw and every villian needs a redeeming quality. Neither had those here.
I don't recommend this game.
8of 8voted this as helpful.
A crime spree baffles Huntsville™ police! Can you help solve the crime?
Overall rating 
It was OK.
3 / 5
0 of 1 found this review helpful
A very challenging, pure HO game
PostedMarch 20, 2014
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Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Strategy, Puzzle
Fun Factor 
2 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
3 / 5
Level of Challenge 
5 / 5
2 / 5
This review is based on a playthrough through case #6 (a little less than half).
I normally wait until I complete a game to do a review, but I'm not sure I'll ever finish one, and I've gotten a lot more info now than just doing a demo, so here goes:
THE GOOD: The HOS takes up the screen - no worrying about clicking near the bottom and leaving the scene, or opening up inventory, or any ot that.
The scenes are clear, and fairly well lit. Graphics aren't sharp by today's standards (which is what I have to compare it too, since you'd be spending today's money if you buy it), but I've seen worse. You can make out the items 90% of the time once you find. There are some though that even after selecting the 'Hint' I still can't see.
There is no real story, just some humorous "case info" to set up the scene, and a 'what the criminal was really doing' after. You get a new title at each level.
THE BAD: No relaxed mode. Ravenhearst is timed, but at least gives you a mode with a lot more time for each scene. The time control here is _tight_.
Every time you 'retry' the case, you do the same scenes but with different objects in the list. You slowly expand the scenes you'll visit but you'll keep coming back to ones you've done many times. Eventually you learn where everything is - if you play long enough or have a great memory.
With whatever time you have left you have to put together a 'swap the tiles' picture of the crime scene with the 'culprit' included, so a few things may be moved around. If you don't finish the picture in time, you start the level all over again from the beginning, with different objects to find in the same scenes.
THE UGLY: The scenes aren't terrible junkpiles, but the graphics just don't cut it by today's standards. It stretches to fill widescreen, which distorts the image, and just a general 'fuzziness' about it. It doesn't have the "focus" issues Ravenhearst has though.
BOTTOM LINE: There aren't a lot of 'pure' HO games coming out these days, but you can do a lot better than this one. I picked it up on a half-off MCF sale, so I got the only two in the series I didn't have so I can get a MCF trinket to put in my game trinket drawer.
I don't recommend this game.
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