The game could have been great. All of the elements we look for are there: interesting story, great art, good voice overs, not too blatant logic errors. But, it is just too easy. The puzzles/mini games are very simplified. One step and you're done. If you buy these games for or to play with your children or grandchildren then you might really get a kick out of this one as family fun time.
This is the first Bridge to Another World that I haven't actually liked. The graphics and game play are excellent as usual. No logic black holes. No repetitive motions. No ridiculous back and forth. It had all of the elements of a 5 star game. It was just that I found the story a bit ... meh. I am a stickler for a good plot. This one had a twist to the tale of Hansel and Gretel, I just found it lack luster in the execution of the story. Try it for yourself. You may like it. Many do.
The Lost Lands The Four Horseman has been my favorite BFG of all time for years. This one is pretty close to it. A much older Susan the War Maiden heads back to the Lost Lands to save her son who has been infected by a LL cursed object that found its way to Earth. Another generation of her family enters the Lost Lands as her granddaughter follows her through the portal. The adventure begins.
I love everything about these Lost Lands games: 1) the complexity of the multi-world setup that makes you have to work your brain to remember where items would be needed 2) having to travel through the dolmans (after you set them up) to get to different nations of the Lost Lands but also having the option to click where you want to go on the map 3) that the game uses a common sense approach so that you don't just pick up every random item and lug it around forever but you go back and get useful tools that you've seen laying around when you need them. 4) that the story is interconnected with elements of the previous episodes but can still stand alone 5) logic, logic, logic - the stories are intriguing and they make sense. No blaring plot holes. No stupidly hidden keys inside a wall for no reason, no well and bucket, no bees to smoke 6) Relevance - this game absolutely won for me when Susan needed information and actually kept going back to a LIBRARY to look up relevant information using the Lost Lands' version of the Dewey decimal system, lol. 7) the puzzles, mini-games, and hidden object scenes are perfection. They're challenging but not frustrating. Hard enough to make you think, but not enough to make you skip. 8) the artwork is fantastic! 9) the sound track is fantastic! I could go on singing this game's praises.
This is an excellent addition to an excellent series. Keep it up, Big Fish! Bravo!
While I enjoyed myself tremendously playing this game, I recognize that this is not the kind of game for everyone. It's a story-driven, actually dialog-driven, game. You are the commander of an away mission to the moon, steering the story through your direction of the main characters. The action unfolds through the dialog of the main characters reflecting the choices that the player makes.
The game is a science fiction mystery. The more risks you take in choosing alternative options (which ultimately kill all of your characters) the more you learn about what's actually going on... and there is a LOT happening behind the scenes. You're attempting to find the source of a strange signal and then get all of your characters home safely.
The characters you interact with through dialog alone are all very well-drawn. Through simple dialog these characters are fully fleshed out and the story is riveting. You get hooked right away.
In the event that you get all of your guys killed (you will) you can rewind the story to any previous point in the game to try to get a "Successful Mission" outcome. The other possibilities are "Partial Success" or "Failure."
I had a blast! I played through multiple times before I got a successful mission outcome. But I'm still going to play it again taking other choices so that I can get all the details of the story and have my unanswered questions about what was going on on that mysterious moon base answered.
I highly recommend this game for people who like a good story!
This game is going to either hook you or turn you off right away. You start off confused about what the heck is going on and you stay that way, lol. BUT the gameplay itself draws you in and hooks you.
You have no clue who your character is and how or why you're jumping from world to world nor exactly who your companions are. You're just thrown into the action of looking for "the heart" and having a wizard dude call you "my son" while others call you "heartbringer" implying that you've done something monumental with "the heart" before.
It's the gameplay and the interaction with the surroundings that draw you in even though you don't know what's really going on. No cookie cutter actions. You have to actually think about what you're doing in the scene regardless of what is supposed to be happening in the nonsensical story. The puzzles are really good. There is no hand-holding and you have to figure it out. (But there's a skip button you can use if you want - you just have to find it because it isn't labeled "skip."
The game is weird, but I like it! Very different concept from what we've been offered lately. Please try it for yourself.
I couldn't make it through the demo. I did 45 mins then quit. the story fails to engage. It's quite draggy and slow. I was bored within 10 minutes but kept at it hoping it would get bet better.
The premise is unique, but the execution is overly preachy. As usual the artwork is great and the VO actors did a good job.
If you're an adult gamer then this one is most likely not going to do it for you, but if you play or buy HOPs for/with children then this will probably appeal to you. There is a lot of blue/purple cartoony screentime which can be hard on mature eyes. There's a dragon baby helper which most kids would find cute. The story involves saving a parent and unknown uncles from a bad blue genie guy that kinda looks like Will Smith's genie from Aladdin. There are a lot of nonsensical back and forth meaningless tasks that would be repetitive and annoying to an adult player, but would probably delight a 6 year old. (Meaningless to the story, but that involve critical thinking that a child would like - i.e. in the HOP scene what do you need the hammer for? Oh, yeah, bang the nails in! little kid smile)
Of course, you can tell that I didn't like the game, but I do see its appeal for children. My days of buying games for small children are over, so I will be passing
Wonderful game! I loved the first one but was skeptical about this game mainly because the set-up of the story line looked like it could go either way and the VO of the main character's sister is terrible. (I thought she'd be around for most of the game, but she isn't.) So I opted for the SE instead of making the investment in the CE. Well, I enjoyed myself so much playing this game that I wish I had gone for the CE so I could keep going.
1) The story is engaging and, surprisingly, gots even more interesting AFTER the demo. There is even a plot twist that I didn't see coming. The character interaction and switching of viewpoint is done better in the first game, but this one handled it well. 2) The artwork is a bit cartoonish but it fits with the Arabian Nights feel of the story as it allows for a lot of rich texture in the scenery. 3) The VOs are excellent except for the sister - that was a poor choice of actress by the developers as the sister's super-cringey voice turns a lot of people off. 4) The puzzles are good. Creative twists on puzzles we're familiar with - neither too easy nor too difficult. The HOs are mainly list finds, but they're smoothly worked into the adventure as it unfolds. (I'm a puzzle person so I don't mind.)
If you loved the first game, you'll like this one. The demo underrates itself. It's quirky and cute with an interesting plot.
If you're choosing between the SE and the CE, I'd say go for the CE if you want extended game play but don't care about all the bling. I read in a comment that this game is light on bling but the Bonus Chapter is very long (20 scenes) and starred one of my favorite eccentric characters from the main game. That would make it worth it for me. Go for the SE if you're happy with not having sequels, bling, or additional adventure. The story wraps up nicely in the main game.
I was enjoying the heck out of it, even the silly parts. My son and I laughed our heads off at the not-subtle Terminator references, absolutely delighted. There hasn't been a sci-fi this good on Big Fish since Beyond: Light Advent. I played this game all evening getting to just before the last chapter, and a major glitch has me just .... stuck. I can't move forward or back. I can see the piece I'm supposed to use, but can't click on it... I DO NOT want to play this entire game all over again, wasting 4.5 hours of my life, just because the developers made an error. I had to hunt walkthrough videos on youtube (wasting more time) to figure out what the problem was. Totally ruined it for me. Unless you want to start all over from point 0 after 4-5 hours, avoid.
For those of you who want to know: when you get into the mine near the end of the chapter titled "The Intruder" you'll have to pick up a power cube and a battery (that looks like a colored stick) from the pouch hanging on the side of the mine cart. When I clicked on the pouch, I got the power cube but not the battery. I kept going but very soon you'll need that battery to give you a map that is supposed to guide the cart. If you've already done all the other little actions then the cart is ready to go and waiting for the map. If you look at it, you can see the edge of the battery sticking out of the bag, but you can't open that scene to get it and you can't go forward without it to help you get the digital map. The help button will be frozen and you will be stuck. Good Luck.
Reviewing this game after it's already been out for 7+ years is interesting, lol. I didn't dislike the game, but I didn't like it either. Here's why.
Being old school, it doesn't have many of the bells and whistles that we've become used to in a CE. This can be both good and bad. Good in that the older games tended to give you more GAME for your buck - i. e. the main game and the bonus chapters tended to be much longer. Bad in that you don't have as many customization options, collectibles, map, lockable inventory, actual voices in the VOs, etc. I don't mind the lack of current CE bling. I also don't mind that there is a lot of back-and-forth because that makes you work your memory to remember where all of the little pieces to open this and that are supposed to go, especially since there is no map in this game.
The problem with this game, for me, is in the story. It's too simplistic/cliche while at the same time blatantly copying from one of my all-time favorite games - Dark Parables The Snow Queen. In DP Snow Queen two of the main characters are children - Girda and her best friend Kai - who help to defeat the Snow Queen and break the curse. These characters recur in the DP series so are fan favorites (esp Girda) who we see grow up, get married, etc. When you're playing the demo of this game, two of the characters that you meet are middle-aged victims of the Ice Queen who had successfully defeated her when they were younger - Gerda and her husband Kai.
Granted, the games are both based on a fairy tale involving characters with those names, but the attempt to recreate the feel of DP Snow Queen is just too obvious. I wouldn't have minded if the story had been more creative, the villain more sinister, the artwork more beautiful, etc. It was just a lame effort in my opinion. But hey, I might even be wrong, this might've come out before DPSQ - and in that case DP did it right and I just can't get used to this lame older version of the story, lol.
But, if you're not a story enthusiast and just want the HOs and puzzles, then this older game is probably going to do it for you. It still gets plenty of rave reviews. There are a lot of HOs, a lot. The puzzles are fun while not being overly difficult. The black bar voice isn't ridiculous and the objects that you have to find and use make sense in the context.
So while I ride the fence because of the plot, the game itself is fine and I do recommend.