First of the only extra in this Collector's Edition is a very short bonus chapter, that adds an extra conclusion to the one open question at the end of the regular game. I really enjoyed this game, the story is very simple but it fist together nicely with the game play. The obstacles are not too ridiculous and I seldom had the feeling that I was just sent from scene to scene to find an object that would unlock another object that would unlock another object. The HOS were not overbearing, only at few points in the game you did them with little time passing between. There were some pretty humourous scenes when talking to the various animated toys you meet in the game. My only major complaint is that the mini-games are not accessable through the extras. Those games were fun, especially the ones invovling the gun and sword. However, I also have to say it was an easy game. It involved a bit or memorizing and fast clicking but nothing complicated to get through the puzzles and mini-games. also, I wanted to smack the Beast everytime he repeated that I have to look for the soul shards.
I could not finish the demo. But I thought I share my views, so you can decide if the game might be worth checking out for you. Things that made me cringe were the horrible lines and the unimaginative plot. I way almost grateful when the narration switched from real person to drawn scenes. The drawn scenes are comic style but the actress with vapid unfitting expression just standing around like she was in an elevator was really terrible to look at. As usual the person you play is dumber than rock salt. After two uninspired searches in two houses, she stumbles into an obvious trap. Then came one HO scene after another. If the intend was to draw me in the story and make me feel scared or at least invested, how about not letting the character aimlessly search through rubbish? If you let her make comments how about giving me some sense of danger? For me it turned into a boring, cliched set up with ugly HOS. The "live action" video clues you find are beyond ridiculous. Unless they are supposed to be salvaged from other videos by the maniac behind the scenes (who must be a wanna be music video maker) they don't make any sense. Nobody doing home videos does them shaking so much and filming the floor. Same for peole who document their experiments. It is just plain ridiculous. If you like frequent HOS, don't mind clumsy story telling and are willing to fill the holes with your own imagination this game might be what you are looking for.
First off, I only played the demo. Took me less than 40 minutes. I was mildy entertained because the graphics are good and at least the story seemed to be somewhat interesting.
So you go to this hospital, completely unprepared knowing there are several supersoldiers gone mad with crazy powers waiting for you. How lucky they are not actually attacking you. That turned me off a bit.
Thing to was, after using a useful item once or twice you discard it. Then two screens later you realised, well if I only had kept xy then I could get to yz. I don't mind having to look for items to use in scenes but I expect games be more creative and logical about it. Let me keep an axe or a crowbar and smash my way through locks, doors and windows there are other obstacles to be had ...
After all am I playing Goofy or some supposedly smart investigator?
As for the few story telling elements - they are the typcial on the surface summaries: A did this, then B happend and C reacted. Nothing more. In Elementary school we told us stories with more depth.
In the demo there were few interactive HOS and riddles, all fairly easy and silly. Going back to the story: I am investigating some paranormal incidents with corpes lying around but fist I got do some embroidery? Really?
Might be the game for you if scenery and the most basic of story telling is enough for you.
It is a very simple game where you have to find mostly the same type of objects in a scene to get to an new dialogue or scene. It is not your typical "rescue your girlfriend from the fiendish vampire" story - but a rather silly take on the current sad state of the vampire genre.
I thought the references and hidden complaints were quite intelligent - but if you are not a genre buff or share the same kind of weird humour you might just find this game and story incredibly silly and dumb.
The characters you encounter are a combination of walking stereotypes - so beware if you don't like that sort of humour.
The worst mistake you can make when buying this game is to expect something scary or sinister: After all this games features a vampiric version of the teletubbies which is something some might find very terrifiying.
I really had fun playing this game, despite its short comings and the ending (during the credits) was incredibly funny and rewarding for all the tedious searching for objects.