Review based on completed game in casual mode. Before I begin, allow me to state that there are more HOS than puzzles/mini-games but still a great adventure. Also, despite the map and hint, there's a lot of backtracking. Animation/VOS - Good even for the player in some scenes. HOS - Don't remember any interaction. The norm of dark to light, small to larger items. Repeated scenes. Lists. Hint - Fast charge. Gives directions and clues. Random Click Penalty - None Puzzles/Mini-Games - Swapping tiles, rotating rings, switching photos, etc. Moderate skip. Map - Does transport. Inventory - Locks in place. Items used fairly quickly in other areas. Journal - Contains map, notes, objectives, codes, clippings and story. If you prefer HOS around every corner, you'll enjoy this game.
Review based on completed game in casual mode. Animation/VOS - Excellent IHOS - Clear with small to larger objects. You can switch to a matching puzzle. Repeated scenes. Random Click Penalty - None Journal - Contains story and photos. Hint - Fast charge. Gives directions and clues. Map - Does transport. Imp - Assists you with items you are unable to reach and gives you objectives. Inventory - Locks in place. Items used quickly in other areas. Puzzles/Mini-Games - Quite unique from the norm. Had me stumped most of the time. I give myself 3 tries to solve than it's the fast skip for me. :-D A word to all devs - the constant backtracking is annoying to obtain items for puzzles, locked doors, etc. In many, you may need two, three or more. Why not just let us find the amount needed in one area and avoid backtracking? Or are the games designed this way to make it seem longer? For me, it just makes me lose interest. Glad for the hint button and transport maps. :-D All fishies, throw in the line and reel this one in. Enjoy!!!
I recommend this game!
2of2voted this as helpful.
Nightmares from the Deep: The Siren's Call
Face off against Davy Jones and his nightmares from the deep!
Review based on about two hours gameplay in casual mode when I began to lose it. Animation/VOS - Good IHOS - Clear with the usual small to larger items. Lists and silhouettes. Hint - Quick charge. Gives directions and clues. Map - Does transport but my favorite is always the hint button. Diary - Contains sketches, story, notes and objectives. Puzzles/Mini-Games - Different than the norm. Skip has moderate charge. Inventory - Locks in place. Items used quickly in other areas. I found The Cursed Heart to be a much better story and gameplay than this one. Usually enjoy stories about the ocean but this one just didn't grab me. Perhaps I was in one of my moods. You may like it so give it a try. Lots of action and adventure in the short time I played so to be fair, I will recommend this game.
Review based on completed game in casual mode. I always play in easy/casual mode and keep a notebook handy for reviewing the game as I play. Also to record puzzle codes. I know I would never remember the details without my handy book. :-D Animation/Live Actors/VOS - Excellent!! Was it my imagination or did this game switch from live actors to drawn characters from time to time. Characters were beautifully drawn as were the locations and the IHO scenes. IHOS - Clear with the usual fare of small to larger items. Repeated scenes. Random Click Penalty - None Hint - Fast charge. Gives directions and clues. Shows a circle that states "Travel to---". Map - Does transport but the hint was my favorite as always. :-D Journal - Contains story, photos, notes, objectives and audio logs. Inventory - Locks in place. Objects used quickly in other areas. For puzzle lovers, you may be a bit disappointed. There are more IHOS than puzzles and mini-games. Puzzles/Mini-Games - Unusual and fun to solve. Skip is available quickly. Played the previous game of Final Cut and enjoyed this one more but then, I don't remember too much of Death on the Silver Screen. :-D So, fishies, grab the net and haul this one out. Have fun!!!
Review based on completed game in casual mode. Animation/VOS - Excellent! Loved the wooden dolls (people). IHOS - Fairly clear with small to larger items. Found the pounding noise every time I clicked on an item annoying. Hint - Fast charge. Gives directions and clues. Journal - Contains story, photos and map. Map - Did not transport when I tried it. Puzzles/Mini-Games - Unique. Some cannot be skipped. Skip - Fast charge. Inventory - Items are used quickly in other locations. Can't remember if it locked in place. Random Click Penalty - Screen turns foggy for a second. Really, devs, overclicking should not be penalized. When the items are small, that's the only way I can find them. :-D Characters and scenery are beautifully drawn. Now that's the way animation and vos should be done! Throw the line in and hook this one! Enjoy!!
Not doing so well here. Perhaps it's the mood I'm in. Found this game to be another that did not hold my interest. Not much animation and voiceovers that I could see and hear. More searching than anything else. Would have liked more action than merely going from place to place.
Review based on about an hour's gameplay in casual mode. Very little animation that I could see. Voiceovers were good. Items very small in IHOS and hard on the eyes. Storyline did not hold my interest.
Review based on completed game in casual mode. Animation/VOS - Excellent IHOS - Silhouettes and lists. Clear and colorful. Small objects. Repeated scenes. Hint - Moderate recharge. Gives clues and directions. Journal - Contains info, photos and the ability to replay scenes. Inventory - Items used fairly quickly in other locations. Puzzles/Mini-Games - Unusual from the norm. Skip has moderate recharge. Some cannot be skipped. Had to use the walkthrough. Random Click Penalty - Scene freezes for a second. Map - Does transport but I seem to be hooked on the hint button. :-D You have a pet squirrel and collect coins to upgrade her living quarters. Wonderful fairy tale game. Jump in the pond and reel it in!!
Review based on about 1 - 1 1/2 game play. Not much animation and vos that I could see. Thought we'd be able to see Marcus instead of just a pair of hands. What animation there was could have been drawn better but the vos were good. Colors very bright. Not fond of silhouette searching. Would rather have a list of objects.
Review based on completed game. Animation/Avatars/VOS - Excellent IHOS - Two kinds, list and put objects back in scenes. Gray areas, small items. Hint - Moderate recharge, gives clues and directions. Map - Does transport. Random Click Penalty - None Puzzles/Mini-Games - Unique and fun to solve. Skip is slow to charge. Inventory - Does not lock. Objects used fairly quickly in other locations. Journal - Contains photos, story, etc. Collect grandfather's 15 messages. Think I got as far as finding 9. :-D Was creepy and some scenes made me jump. Give it a whirl.