This has got to be one of the most unique games I've ever played. It's quite fun. Here are my thoughts:
Good Parts: Thrilling Storyline How finding the hidden objects resulted in an item being made Easy puzzles Quick hint recharge The click penalty had no effect One of the most unique hidden object games
OK Parts: Some of the next moves in the game were not obvious and I had to use hints
Bad Parts Using the Skip button disabled the Hint button for 5 minutes. I get we should have SOME penalty, but FIVE MINUTES without a Hint button!? That's way too much When I used a hint in a place where I could do nothing, instead of pointing an arrow to where I needed to go, like some games, it just said "There is nothing I can do here" My demo ran out wit 12 minutes left of my free trial, giving me the indication the game was a quick one
Overall, this is quite an enjoyable game. With it's thrilling storyline and unique twists, it's definitely worth buying.
I recommend this game!
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Criminal Minds
Join an elite team of FBI profilers who analyze the country's most twisted criminal minds!
This game was not very good. It lacked the one most important thing a game should have: An excellent storyline. Here are my thoughts on the game:
Good Parts: You got to switch between the characters Easy puzzles The unscramble the word thing to find an object
OK Parts: The game didn't hook you at the start, but once you get in to it it's ok
Bad Parts: Slow hint recharge Every time I clicked to go to the apartment, it took me inside the police station! When I clicked "hint" and I wasn't in a hidden object scene, it would give me clues as to how to solve an objective rather as to where to go or what to do next When I clicked on hint to find out how to solve an objective, it got rid of it once I exited, so it was like I wasted the hint.
Overall, I don't recommend the game. I'll stick to the TV Show thanks
This game lacked the excitement I was looking for. I didn’t really enjoy it. Here are my thoughts on the game:
Good Parts: Great storyline Built-In Strategy Guide Quickly recharging hint
OK Parts: The hint told you exactly what you needed to do, but on the flip side, didn’t tell you how to get to the place you needed to go
Bad Parts: Wasn’t very enjoyable The amount of things that needed you to find two parts The Puzzles- They were extremely annoying and it took the skip a while to warm up
Overall, this game really bored me. I don’t think it’s collector’s edition worthy, and I'm glad I trialled it.
Dive into an epic journey as a museum owner in pursuit of an undead pirate who has kidnapped your daughter in Nightmares from the Deep: The Cursed Heart!
I couldn’t find a fault with this game. It’s simply amazing. Here are my thoughts on the game:
Good Parts: Thrilling storyline Interactive Hidden object scenes The hint was very quick to re-charge. It was almost as if I had never used it You can play mah-jong to remove the hidden objects instead of finding them Built-in Strategy Guide
OK Parts: Some puzzles were absolutely infuriating but others were good
Bad Parts: I finished the demo before the free trial ran out. That gave me an indication that the game would be finished a little too quickly. Unlike the hint button, the Skip took forever to recharge so I was just sitting there waiting
Apart from these very small laws, this game was very enjoyable. I don’t hesitate to recommend it and will definitely be buying it.
This game is simply amazing. I loved everthing about it. Here are my thoughts on the game:
Good Parts: Objects were pretty easy to find Very quickly re-charging hint- it was almost as if I never used it Gripping storyline The interactive parts of the hidden object scenes The ghost thing was like a second world
OK Parts: If anything, it finished a little quickly
Bad Parts: The puzzles were frustuarating The part where you had to find the sorcerers cats. They were pesky and just DID NOT want to be found!!
This game was very good, I simply must buy it and find out what happens next!
This game proves you shouldn't judge a book by its cover. I saw the concept and I was like "How boring!" but I played it and it was amazing! Here are my thoughts on the game:
Good Parts: Great storyline. Simillar to Wedding Dash 2: Rings Around the World Very good challenge Printable recepies The recepie book
OK Parts: Some of the dialogue was annoying The bonus levels- some were good and some were bad
Bad Parts: If you tie, you get 2nd place- what!? Every time you entered a new location, the objects were switched around, which annoyed me.
Apart from these small flaws, this is a very enjoyable game. I liked it and I think you will too
There wasn’t really much to enjoy about this game. After all the positive reviews I thought it might be fun. Here are my thoughts on the game:
Good Parts: The Super-Bug The 2 bonus levels and the end of each set of levels Gold rings and the alphabet thing Making 3 bubbles at the opening menu entertained me for a while
OK Parts: The frog was good for the early parts of the level, but in the later parts of the level he was useless
Bad Parts The storyline is pathetic Nothing like Luxor or Zuma The tips are pointless Rescue mode
Overall, I think you'd be much better off playing Luxor or Zuma. This game isn't very exciting
I don't recommend this game.
33of38voted this as helpful.
Big City Adventure: Sydney, Australia
Search for cleverly hidden items around the amazing city of Sydney. Head down under and join the next Big City Adventure!
My mum and I discovered this game while on holidays and I was hooked! It's a great game
Good Parts A virtual tour of Sydney (we decided to book a holiday there after playing this) Lots of levels Very Addictive. I've played it through 3 times The Skip button for those annoying minigames A break from all the crime solving HOG
OK Parts: As usual. the minigames. Some were awesome yet some were annoying
Bad Parts: The opening scene. Why can't they get rid of these things!? The stereotypical Aussie accents. WE DO NOT SOUND LIKE THAT! *sigh*
Apart from these minor annoyances, this is a very good game and I guarantee it's worth the money
Of all the Big City Adventure games, this has to be my favourite. It got me hooked and I couldn’t stop playing it. Here are my thoughts on the game:
Good Parts Most objects were easy to find, which is ideal, if you’re inpatient like me It was a virtual tour of San Francisco The little prizes you got at the end of the round It was addictive- I kept telling myself “I’ll stop after this round” and I just kept on going No BORING opening scene for once The postcards at the beginning
OK Parts: Some puzzles were good, but some were annoying as with all BCA games
Bad Parts: No skip button to skip the annoying puzzles
That was the only flaw I could find in this amazing game. I will definitely be buying.