Well I downloaded the trial and in one hour I was in chapter 6! Then I consulted the online walkthrough and realized it was 80% of the game. So I figured it is not worth buying the rest...
The fact that I was so quick comes from two factors: the HOS were fast and the level of challenge was not too big and I did not get stuck anywhere.
The HOS scenes are fast because you look for pieces of objects that stand out visually. So you do not need to read what you are after and look for it, you just click on ornamented pieces that look odd in the picture and 9 times out of 10 you get it right, Only last two or 3 need more careful attention.
The game is nice visually, like a dark fairytale addressed to a younger audience. For me too colorful, but it fits nicely its fairytale plot.
It is not a bad game, it could have been more challenging, but not always we need challenge. Some evenings we just want to take our minds off certain matters without too much effort, and this game is good for such occasions.
Would I recomend it? It depends what you are after.
I did enjoy it, especially visually. I like its creepy, desolate locations of a ruined town, covered in fog and rust. Actually I'd say the locations were the closest thing to Silent Hill games I managed to encounter so far in Point and Click Games. (Visually it is like a Silent Hill wanna-be ;)). I mean it in a good sense, I love Silent Hill series and this game has similar mood. Also I like the quality of backgrounds because they look more like a movie, then cartoon, if you get my meaning.
The plot isn't bad, the could have been better, could have been worse. I disliked the voice of our character, and the intro and the vanishing hitchhiker theme, which to me seemed too much of a cliché of American urban legend.
But I still give 5 stars. Because all the cut-scenes can be skipped and are not essential to play, for me they just spoiled the mood.
I like the sounds and the music, as they reinforce the mood nicely.
Puzzles are not really challenging and there are not many of them anyway. Challenging is the adventure side of it, to find interactive objects and what to do with them. Some of them are not well indicated.
I liked the idea of having a camera and taking photos, some interactive objects are revealed only when you take a photo of them.
First of all I must admit I did not like 2 minor things: the voice acting, some actors were simply acting on my nerves (but it is common in my case), and the visual quality, which too me was all too colorful and a bit too much cartoonish. But these two are the matter of my personal preference.
And now I'll tell you why I liked it: It is fairly long. And that's a rare thing. The HOS are nicely done, not too easy, but not a killer to the eyes either. And I liked the puzzles and the level of challenge. However, I must admit a few puzzles managed to annoy me, some took a long time to complete, like pushing shields around the maze, and even if you know solution and click wrongly once, you are forced to start all over again. Or aligning cylinders by rotating them round the pole... I guess I got this one by sheer luck. as there was no reset button .
So if you like the challenge then this is a game for you, that should suffice for a few solid evenings :D
This is one of my very favorite Mystery-point and click games! I like the story, which was intriguing, I was not bothered by the voice acting (which is a rare thing in my case), I really liked visual quality of it. Beautiful backgrounds, Nicely done HO scenes. Not too obvious but nice to look at, without putting too much strain on my eyesight. It was a pure pleasure to play. The level of challenge was good, enough to keep it entertaining not enough to be really difficult and waste too much time.
The only thing I consider a small minus is that it came to an end too abruptly. (It is not the longest by the way, but I think it is better a bit short leaving you wanting more, then too long leaving you weary). However when we solve the mystery of the first person I thought now it will proceed to the next chapter focused on another person, but within 10 minutes the game was over and all people I was supposed to help were sorted.
So the only minus was that I wanted more once I finished it, so I do recommend.
Player moves from one hidden object scene to the other. There is nothing else, as far as 3rd chapter at least (I did not bother to play more). The scenes are very tedious and hurtful to my eyes.
The graphics was not really dark or grim as Sleepy Hollow theme would suggest, though decent. I did not liked it.
I must say I bought this game only because I was buying a whole bunch of games and this one was 4$ only, and I just added it because I saw a good review. I am not the person who likes elves, faeries, and sparkling things, I like darker stuff, but I gave it a go and I noticed that beside this colorful, magical facade the game is decent. It has nice puzzles, and the HOS are not too often and not too tedious.
So if you like elves, deep forests and magical creatures, I'd recommend you this game.
I had a mixed feelings about this game when I finished it. I did not like the plot and the ending just did not appeal to me, but over all I had a great time playing it.
The graphics isn't spectacular but it has this sort of creepy, grim atmosphere, that I like and that helps to create the dark mood that I am after.
The absence of Hidden object scenes gave my eyes a bit rest and for me was a plus, letting me focus on adventure and puzzles. The level of challenge was great, not too difficult not to easy, just fine to have fun.
The game is fairly short, for one, two evenings at most.
Overall I enjoyed it and I would recommend it, but I am aware not everybody is going to agree with me.
The entire town has been put into a deep, dark sleep by a mysterious evil force. Now young Lillian must find allies and uncover the dark secrets of voodoo in order to save her master and free her friends before it is too late.
I played the demo got hooked and I must say the first chapter was one of the best Adventure-HO Games I played, long, lots of beautiful locations, interesting plot, and spells and alchemy provided nice addition to the game-play. And That's about it.
The rest of the game is short, repeats the same pattern over and over, and it is just bland... I mean it is decent, but because the first chapter is so great it comes pale in comparison.
Play the DEMO I recommend. But I would not bother playing full version. It is not worth it.