i am a little shocked at the blurred graphics as i have all of these games....i love this series because,tongue and cheek humor is rare....there is zero beating a clock unless you want that, and , i, love the music.......worth a peek.......
am still trying to finish this game....it is a long one, but it is, to me, pure boredom.....deluxe. i am making myself go back to try to end the agony...so wanted to like this game....not today.play with a good nights sleep, or you will nod off alot. ...
for all the hard core MCF fans....this was a let down. but...still a nice game, we will never see the classy MCF games again....i guess the makers have all died or moved on. that said....this is a very short game, some cool puzzles........just play with an open mind.....
thanks to Grandma for this great game!!!!! we finally have a decent game to play. i always let the pro reviewers go into minute detail..that said...this is a keeper for sure..have fun gamers!!!!!!
i must have played a different game than the others. this was a tedious game. very little storyline and LOTS OF BACK AND FORTH.....LOTS. i should have learned my lesson...Do games have been bad for several yrs. now. good luck.
was just crushed....this one is not even close to as good as the first one. it is fast moving, but, i am not sure as to where it was going. oh well, maybe next time.
poor graphics...weird game all around. so dark, had trouble finding objects.and when i did find something.....what is it, and what is it for???? just an odd game. i will pass...play the trial........