wow!! what a of several worlds in this game.....lots of things to do, many old friends show up to help...i never go into great detail of any game, ruins the fun, that said....this is , i hope, a great new series...time will tell.
this is a very good game..the HOS puzzles are unique, the graphics are eye popping.......the first 2 in this series were ok.. this one is good!! i do not go into great detail of any game....i think it ruins the game....have fun gamers.......
what a crying shame...this once great series is no more. this game is long and boring, same old everything. excitement in this whole game, just long.the last 5 or so in this series were the same...dreadful.
i was not going to play this one as the last 5-6 in this series were dreadful...this one is great... the puzzles are well thought out, you need to use your brain to solve refreshing!!!!!! i do not go into great detail of any game i think it spoils the gaming fun...that said...this is a wonderful suprise.if you have played this whole series, you will enjoy this one for sure......
i uninstalled this game after about 5 min. ...same old same challenge, and the ever popular little devices now needed in almost every game, either devices or yapping animals as little helpers. sad...
i want my money back!!!!!!! just an awful game.....this series is long gone...same old puzzles, same everything.......boring to the point of me partaking in a dose of no-doz.nothing new here, and in the last 6 or so in this series......what a shame.
this game was just ok for me.....very slow. and the same old stuff..bug spray to make..birds flying into trees to retrieve things too high. same old puzzles. just not feeling it.....
this game was 90% mini games and not much else. was very shocked at these high ratings. yes the graphics were ok, but, mini games overdose.....I was wanting to like this can do.....
this game, hands down is so far the worst of the year. no storyline, no fun, just plain awful....could not warm up to anything in this mess of a game......