I am really enjoying this game, I can't finish it in one sitting and that's great. I like the variety of scenes, ex. underwater and in the hotel. Visual quality very good; I don't listen to sound on any games. I'm challenged just enough. Story line is weak -- I miss seeing people in the games. But Scene 33 -- the Dock -- for the life of me I cannot find the utility knife. The hint doesn't pinpoint it. Can anyone help? Thanks!
monotonous, nothing to do with Christmas (except for a few trees), even a 10yr old would get bored quickly. Man I wish there was a return/exchange policy. The one time I don't try a game out first.....
After almost 10 years purchasing BigFish games, I can honestly say this is the absolute worst HO game that could ever be made. I love hidden object games; it's almost all that I ever play. You can't get help on these screens, if you can't find something that's tough - you can't go on until you do! You don't learn anything about Italy, and the photos are just something that looks italian with objects thrown willy-nilly all over it. And do we know the difference between an accordion and a harmonica? I think not!
I'm an older player, and this game is not worth the effort. Pictures are dark, items are small and almost impossible to make out -- I ended up just clicking around to see if I could find something by chance. There's no help button and no magnifier. and btw, no fun either!
I like this kind of game, calm, relaxing. Pictures are oddly placed, some too obvious. Magnifier works ok, but you have to push 4x to get back to full picture. I don't mind the cross; there are several Buddha statues throughout the game. So what. I like it because it's a bit easier for me than some, but the music never changes, and that can get irritating. But overall I liked it. Not buying, though, waiting for some favorites to come out with new versions.
I love this series of games, and I, too, always look forward to the next one. I've enjoyed seeing how each succeeding one has more motion, more details, more cute stuff, and more clever hiding places. However, I have one complaint on all these games, and that is that your jigsaw puzzles have way too many pieces for some of us. I never do them because it takes so much time. I do have a suggestion -- maybe you could give an option to choose the same puzzles but with only half as many pieces? I think that would be great. Otherwise, this is the best series of games I've ever played. Thanks for listening!