Favorite Genre(s):Word, Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Card & Board
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
This is a great game. Good challenge with 4 choices. The graphics are good. Creates a mysterious chilly atmosphere. I mute the music. Hidden objects are easy enough. Puzzles medium challenge level. Are the bad guys all bad? I recommend this game.
Favorite Genre(s):Word, Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Card & Board
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
2/ 5
This is a really different kind of HOG, puzzle Adventure game. I found it confusing & frustrating. There is a transporting map, but it will not let you go where you think you want to go next. The music & sound effects are repetitive & irritating. One scene has flies.. Buzz, buzz, buzz repeat. The hero's voice is optional....Mute it....a bit melodramatic. Cut scene sounds are also irritating..... The graphics are good. The HOGS are simple enough. The puzzles are good but are more challenging. There are options to choose along the way that effect where you go & what you do next. You also have choices about when to use or not to use a certain clue. There are collections to make with the game telling you which object to choose next. There are also achievements to be had. I usually like new ways to play a game but not this one.....The many choices made the game for me fragmented & frustrating. I don't recommend this game.
It's an Elephant game...They are always quality games,engaging, challenging without being too difficult. Many collectables....look carefully..... Graphics are great for the story. HOs, puzzles are fun, clear & just right on the challenge level. Music appropriate for the storyline. Hints are teleporting to where you have to search when you need them. The 7 deadly sins have taken over the town. Your job as detective is to restore order & peace plus destroy the 7 deadly sins. I really like this game.
Based on the trial version I was not taken with this game like most. It seamed fragmented as to what to do next. Some of the clues didn't make sense to the next thing needed to be done. This game didn't engage me as to wanting to go further. I played for 20 minutes & exited. The atmosphere created by the graphics is light. They are good graphics. I didn't like the music, but then on most games I mute it anyways. The HOs weren't hard at all. I liked them. Try it you may like it.
This is a fun, intriguing HOS, puzzle, adventure game. The HOGs are silhouettes which release the next item needed. The graphics are good & pieces/parts are very recognizable. The puzzles are challenging without being too difficult. I usually don't play with the music on. This was good music for the theme of the game, but I still turned it off. Personal preference. I like the storyline-artist gone made with evil paintings coming to life to stop you from your tasks & goals. I was engrossed from the beginning & it ended too soon....... This game is not too dark either graphic wise or theme wise. Just enough to hold my interest......can I stop the evil artist? I recommend this game.
This is not my kind of game. I play for relaxation & I found this game frustrating & not relaxing at all. The graphics were good but I turned the music off as it was irritating..... If this is your kind of game then it probably is a good one.....If you want relaxing then I don't recommend this game....
I liked this game in the CE version. I like this one as well. I don't really care if I have the bonus games & the wall papers are usually superfluous as I don't use them. This version has a built in strategy guide, interactive map, hints recharge quickly. For my money & the way & reason for the games I play, this is the one for me. I recommend this game.
Your grandfather disappeared while searching for Inuits' legendary treasure. Travel to the Arctic to find your missing grandfather and solve the Inuit mystery.
This is a fun-keeps-your-interest-makes you-want-more-kind of game. Most of the reviews written say it all. I liked the graphics, hogs, puzzles, collecting coins to spend in the igloo, morphing bad items & playing. I play the 1st time of any game in casual mode to use the buttons given for a game...These were pretty good. No journal to refer to tho'. I also base my reviews on the trial version. If it keeps my attention to the end of that, I usually buy it. All in all I will get this game.....Good "cool" atmosphere to play in the hot summer.....
I like this game. All the good things about a game you could want. Graphics are good....great atmosphere. Once you complete the current objective follow the ghost. Hogs are mixed-standard & silhouette with an option of bubble pop instead. Puzzles are challenging without being too difficult to figure out. The map is great. You are here. There is something to do there. Click on the location & go there.... The hint button recharges fast enough, but I used the map more when I needed help. Collect roses from Maries bouquet...... Good story line. Based on the trial version in casual mode & using all the "buttons" I really enjoyed this game. I recommend this game. The music is a bit too repetitive for me but appropriate for the game.
Based on the trial version I had enough time & different activities to know I want this game. My time was up before I was ready to stop. It held my attention so I would continue with the search for answers to the mysteries. The music was very pleasant & not distracting. I usually mute the music, but I quite enjoyed this. The graphics were superb. Nothing was that difficult to find in the HOGs & had fun interactive things to do. The puzzles were good with enough difficulty to be challenging but, not frustrating. The map helps you see where there are things to do now & things to do later as you find inventory pieces to use. The notes were also very helpful as to what just happened and where to go next. I used the notes & the map more than the hints which were very helpful when needed. I did not use the strategy guide. For me it wasn't necessary. I like the story line as it seems to be different. It is mysterious and made me want to know more. This is a "dark" tale without being a dark atmospheric game. The voice overs were ok but I read the caption as they speak & not look at the lip movement. Mystery, murder & intrigue. Who is that masked man? Why is he doing this? What is wrong with him? I must continue on to find the answers. This was a fun game. I play the trials in casual mode but will play at a higher game level when I get this game. I recommend this game.