This game surprised me. I actually liked it. By the time the demo ended, I was really into this game. I will probably buy at next sale or may wait for SE.
I love the Adelantado series and this is similar. I have played all of them over and over many times and find something new each time. I miss old Don Diego, but I like that anyone can open barrels, talk to others, etc. I bought this sight unseen and I'm glad I did. Don't know how I missed this first time around! Luckily I read reviews and saw comparisons to Adelantado. I learned in previous games to click on everything just in case there is a treasure. Time Management is just that, you have to be constantly moving around and doing things. For someone just starting out who has never played these games, start on relax so there is no pressure. I personally loved it, but try it and give it a chance.
This will be a great game if it works next time. I got hung up and couldn't get out of the HO in the sleeping bag! Wouldn't let me click on the darn sock. I'm sure it will work fine later. Next good sale I'll probably get this one.
This game and the bonus Chapter were both very long. That's just the way I like them. I feel like I got my money's worth! Everyone gives recap, so I'll just say it was fun and kept me interested all the way through. A few of the puzzles weren't my thing, so I skipped. Other than that, great.
Started off really slow. I almost deleted and then decided to go a little farther in the demo. I was actually starting to like it by the time it ended. I used to love this series when it started. Wonder why they changed it? I guess it is too late to go back to the earlier characters. I probably won't buy CE, maybe later the SE.
Based on the Demo, I loved this game. I won't retell the story again, but it is my cup of tea. Definitely will be on my list of "to buy" games. (May even spring for CE) Quite a relief after the quality of games offered lately. Most have been not worth the money. (I hope someone doesn't tell me this is a short game.) I'm really tired of spending money for a 2 hour game. I appreciate the reviewers who mention the length. Helps my decisions about buying. Another thing I like is the listing of other games in same series. Some of the older ones I hadn't seen before. Gives me more choices.
I love Spirits of Mystery, but was so disappointed in this game due to it's short length. After the demo, there is very little game left. Also, at times it would skip over dialog. Often I was left wondering what was going on. Whole parts were missing. If I have an hour to kill sometime, I may play it again to see if I can get better understanding. Also, I don't like games that end abruptly and this one did. What I got to play I liked. I can't recommend someone else buy this game strictly on it's length.
I'm a little surprised by the poor ratings. I liked this game. (demo only) Oh well, to each his own. I play these games to relax, kill time and escape. I like the switching characters. There are only so many plot options available so you will have repeats. It is the extras that keep things going. There have been some real stinkers lately, and I'm glad to get back to some basics. I would like to know the length of the game if anyone knows.
Based on the demo, I loved this game. Not only H.O., but variety of other games. I had fun with it. Probably not worth a CE price, but would be fine on sale as SE. I'll recommend it as SE.
I've been disappointed in last few games in this series. Used to love the games. The demo on this was very short and hard to give a review. Based on what I have read, the game is short as well. I'm sick of buying a game and it ends after couple of hours. Not worth the money. Maybe later as an SE. I don't know. Devs need to back up and take a look at what we like and the value we get for our money.