You thought this would be just like any other investigation. But now you find yourself lost in a mysterious mansion brimming with strange creatures, comatose colleagues, and mysterious tentacles around every corner...
FIRST IMPRESSIONS This game was a little disappointing, as previous games in this series have all been excellently creepy and unrelieved tension. This one tries too hard to be all things to all players. There is still the general grossness of Dr Blackmore, our insane tentacled foe. And the nerve racking jumping in and out at you in his flying computer incarnation.
But there are also a lot of pretty colourful and some are downright cute animals, most are useful, but they are insane! These do not persist in past the first chapters, but it is an awkward match. The signature Haunted Halls electronic creepery doesn’t sit well with lovable animals, burgeoning plants and flowers, and beautiful colour.
The story hangs together very loosely, but it is outside the norm and offers interesting twists plus a surprisingly good finish. One that has tied up most of the loose ends... but still allows for the possibility of a sequel.
WHAT’S HAPPENING Now that you are the renowned expert on all things peculiar, the FBI comes to you about an interesting case. A scientist is experiencing paranormal activity. What we find there is seriously weird. Flamingos with split personality disorder, a narcissistic magpie, all loony tunes.
And just why has Dr Blackmore turned up here?
PROGRESSING An easy game to follow with fun puzzles and HOPs. There are more puzzles, but each HOP is visited twice. They are silhouettes and interactive lists, and I think I remember a multiple HO or two as well. You can switch to a Match 3 game for the list HOPs but not the others.
The Notebook also holds the map, which is annoying, particularly if you are trying to remember which room led to where. The hint system is directional and refills quickly on lowest difficulty (so does skip).
There is a game-specific recurring mini-game in this one. Using special glasses to see the invisible magic runes, you must put them together in a domino-like game. I found it fun, others didn’t. Each time the game appears it is more difficult than the last, but I didn’t feel it ever got really impossible.
As you progress through the game, a certain amount of degeneration occurs, and the game seems to flow less comfortably, but I can’t really explain how. The action is just not as tight as in the earlier parts of the games. Maybe I’m just missing the crazy animals that so charmed me in the demo.
Not the best offering from this developer, or the best game in this series (I prefer Fears From Childhood), but it is an interesting and long (for me) game which stimulates you to keep up with that scoundrel yet again!!
BONUS CHAPTER The bonus story is not really relevant to the main story, and is certainly not necessary to it. I assume it’s no spoiler to say it is a cat story. Fred, who we met near the end of the main game, introduces us to new feline adventurers, and we are off to discover the world just out of sight of the one we see around us. It really is a lovely little tale, and I am glad to see it continuing in the new Christmas Stories game.
There are about 10 locations in this game, and half of them are new. The HOPs are a bit more frequent here than the main game, and the puzzles are a bit easier. The graphics are not quite up to par, although why this should be consistently so with Elephant I can’t imagine. The bonus took me a casual hour and 15 minutes to play, without skipping. At that, it is a little shorter than most bonus chapters.
STRATEGY GUIDE I found the strategy guide almost entirely unnecessary, although it was very useful when I did check in, clear images and easy to understand directions. It stays where you last left it, and the last page gives you the locations of the collectibles.
WALLPAPERS (11), CONCEPT ART (9), SCREENSAVER (1), VIDEO (5) Elephant make the best wallpapers and concept art. They have actually been created separate from the images for the game, as opposite to the seemingly random shots most developers give us. These are specifically designed as wallpaper, and therefore show one or more characters on a typical location, with room around the edges to place our desktop items. This is so much more appealing than simple screenshots. The concept art is also good enough to use as wallpaper.
MUSIC (4) Not particularly interesting.
COLLECTIBLES & ACHIEVEMENTS Dolls (25) are the collectibles, each different, and not hard to find. I actually found all of them. The achievements are the standard story plus a couple of performance ones. Only about a dozen in all, and they are presented as Christmas presents under the tree. Look nice but are nothing much to get worked up about.
CAT CAVE This is a grotto that sort of enshrines the cats of this story. You can see each with the personal belongings and weapons or tools that are part of his/her function. Cute but not earth shattering.
FINAL COMMENTS I am not unhappy with having purchased the CE of this game. I enjoy the wallpapers, and the cat story was quite fun. But I don’t think you’d feel the loss if you just bought the SE version. Particularly if you are a seasoned player and probably won’t need the Strategy Guide.
I loved this game from the opening few seconds! I do not participate in Christmas, but I love all those wonderful decorations, great food, and lovely music. So this game is a real treat for me. And the developers have outdone themselves with possibly their best ever production. It does, however, load slowly. Worth the wait.
Absolutely love the graphics in this game, uninterrupted beauty and light and colour. Everything is clear and detailed, items are perfectly easy to see, just well hidden. The animation was good too, but it was a bit of a surprise how little animation there was in the HOPs. There are also a lot of cut scenes, and these are expertly done.
THE single best thing, and the best of any game I have played EVER is the music. Largely culled from Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker Suite, it is the perfect mood setter for Christmas. The ambiance is good, though I could have done with more of it. The voiceovers are very nicely done, and used just the right amount of the time.
You have been invited to the palace for the Christmas Ball, but you arrive late. The other guests have gone, but you still can go get your presents. Turns out your gift is actually a Nutcracker, under a curse placed on him by the evil Rat King, and he needs your help. He must rescue his true love Mary who is being held prisoner by the Rat King, who wants her for himself.
The balance of HOPs vs. other puzzles and mini-games is well kept and there is much to do in every location, and you’ll be returning to them time and time again. The interactive jump map is essential for this to and froing dominates the game. Hint gives you a clear instruction for the next action required. HOPs are interactive lists.
The puzzles and mini-games seemed to include a lot of new material, but the instructions are sometimes a bit confusing with these. All the games are beautifully crafted and fit the Christmas theme. I found quite a few very challenging.
You have a few companions in this game. First there is the Nutcracker himself. He takes on rats when he is not vastly outnumbered. An animated candle (cute and funny) is there waiting to light your fires, and there is the cat. He’s good for getting those hard to reach items. We pick up other companions along the way, but they never stay long.
Love, love, love this game! Would have won Game Of The Year in 2012, if it had been released in time for awards. It is a music and arts festival, with a delightfully different story, and sufficient variety in gameplay and difficulty to please most.
FIRST IMPRESSIONS Christmas Eve, done Redemption Cemetery style, is something a bit different from the rest of the series. Yes, you still do end up in a cemetery, and you do save people, at the behest of spirits who are trying to protect them from the other realm. Just as with each previous instalment.
But this time it is your ancestors you must save, in order to ensure your own continued existence. And our sometimes-helpful raven has departed, leaving us in the care of Koturi, the Owl Spirit, who is our ancestor, and a... Native American(?).
While it breathes new life into a series that had probably reached the end of its cycle, it comes dangerously close to not qualifying as a legitimate follow on from previous stories. The fact that it is a Christmas tale only adds to the alien feel of the game.
SIGHTS & SOUNDS The opening sequences present a new look for ERS as well. There is something remarkably stylish in their depiction of an unnatural frost, and something of a departure for them from the usual look and feel. It is magically done, and definitely a new peak in artistic terms.
I would never have imagined leaving a Christmas story by Elephant to play one by ERS, where the colour and flamboyance would be comparable. If you not familiar with the works of these developers, my apologies for the ‘insider lingo’, I mean merely that my two favourite developers, each exceptional in their artwork, are both now offering spectacle and extravaganza on a new level.
I must say, in music, the Elephant still leads by a long shot. Here the music is nice, for the most part appropriate, but it’s Christmas Eve, where are the carols? Voiceover by the narrator is very good, and the other characters are reasonable. I would have liked to be made more aware of ambient sounds.
MAKING PROGRESS In this we are more typically ERS. There are two HOPs in the demo, one a simple word list visited twice, with the difference that each item retrieved uncovers a piece of a jigsaw puzzle to be completed at the end of the HOP. There is also the option to switch to a (relatively) difficult Match 3 game instead.
The other HOP is a new design. It is a highly stylized replace objects game, and very cool. There are more puzzles and mini-games, not overly hard at this stage. You have the choice on some to play the casual or hard version. (This is on top of your 3 difficulty levels plus custom option).
I found it difficult to get into the mind set of this game, and so my progress was slow, and relied heavily on the interactive jump map and directional hint. Other features include combining items in inventory, and a magic feather that allows you to enlarge items, for example scissors become garden shears.
CE BLING! Nothing shockingly new or different here, but nicely done. A generous number of attractive gallery items, plus replayable mini-games (18) and HOPs (11). Plus the SG and Bonus Chapter.
Achievements are prettily depicted, and collectibles are snowflakes, which you use to restore your personal snow globe in the manner of Gardenscapes et. al.
FINAL VERDICT It’s a good game, just how good I am still not sure. A lot will depend on the developer’s ability to hold on to the tradition of Redemption Cemetery within a different kind of story. For me, one hour was simply too soon to tell.
FIRST IMPRESSIONS At first, you may be thinking you downloaded the wrong game. I mean, did you plan to download a game where one of the first tasks is to prepare the fashion collection for delivery? In your ultra-modern very realistic office? Your only hint (outside the original main menu visuals) that you are in for a supernatural battle between good and evil is those strange hallucinations you have. But that’s the pills, right?
You must bear with this game through its first 15 (?) minutes, while your situation is carefully presented to you, preparing you for the leap of faith needed to play the rest of the game. That game is almost 100% medieval locations, HOPs and mini-games.
SIGHTS & SOUNDS There is not the too-oft-taken-for-granted spectacular intro on this game, but in a way it has something just as powerful. The main menu screen is simple if excellent art and the music is a song – yes, vocals – very eerie, haunting and addictive. And it is not without its dramatic impact. (Trust me).
In the early part of the game we find pseudo-realistic imagery done very well, with extraordinary animation. Later, that becomes handpainted, subtle and lovely art.
A totally irrelevant aside – including this, I know of only 3 HOPAs which have actual songs on the main menu page, and I absolutely adore all 3 – both song and game. (Dying For Daylight & Chimeras) Perhaps noteworthy, developers?
WHAT’S HAPPENING When your ordinary (birth)day, turns absolutely extraordinary, you learn that you are a member (by birth) of the Order of Keepers, a secret sisterhood of warrior women who are bound to the task of defeating “the Dark Ones”. (In style and purpose they remind me of Red Riding Hood Sisters from the Dark Parables series.) Just how you end up in the Middle Ages I’ll leave you to find out for yourself – and don’t expect it to be easy getting there! *evil grin*
The ending was satisfying, tying up the loose threads, providing closure and leaving a possibility of a sequel – which I hope they do.
MAKING PROGRESS At first this game has the feel of an adventure, rather than a HOPA. Sure, there are puzzles and HOPs (although not many early on), but with so much dialogue, you choosing your own responses to situations (i.e. “Lie” or “Tell the truth” to your psychologist), and trying to barricade your door, it just *seems* more ‘freewill’ than most HOPAs allow.
Once into the medieval part of the game, the mood changes to more of what we’re used to. And you get your own interactive jump map. There are a large number of HOPs that are not at all monotonous as they come in many varieties. Interactive lists, progressive silhouettes, fragmented objects, related pairs and misplaced items.
There are also a lot of mini-games (some requiring a little hand/eye coordination – like the “click within the green section of a slider”). There is also still plenty of adventure-style tasks to complete.
As well as the usual gameplay, you will need to acquire special skills potions to perform certain tasks. These you can get by finding the Keepers’ figurines. Again, they *feel* like collectibles, but are not because they are necessary to the immediate gameplay, and are placed on a board game needed to complete the game.
There are also 30 Achievements. Presented in a very unusual if somewhat confusing way – but you can also opt for a simple list – nice innovation.
WHAT’S WRONG WITH IT? Well, it’s true, I would have given this game an easy five stars, but for 2 very annoying problems, either of which might put you off the game entirely.
1.It is very hard to get the voices to the right level, often you can barely hear them, other times they are too loud. A shame, because the voice acting, when you can hear it ( there’s subtitles) is absolutely wonderful and sometimes very subtly ironic.
2. The back arrow takes up too much screen space too high up, so that I was always getting tossed out of somewhere for getting too near the inventory bar. (Could have used an inventory lock too)
FINAL VERDICT I’ve had a lot to say about this game, and while that is hardly something new for me, it is a lot less than all the impressions and responses I had to this game. Technical issues or not, this is a truly involving game.
The music is still playing over and over in my head (I already have the words just about memorised), and I keep seeing that main menu page. It’s a story where you really want the good guys to win, and where your curiosity is likely to run away with you.
As a stand-alone soft release SE it is truly buried treasure!
FIRST IMPRESSIONS This game gets off on the wrong foot with me straightaway. We all bemoan those black bars on non-wide screen games. This one has black bars all the way around. Presumably, it is simply made in too poor a definition to handle any sizable screen. It’s only for the movies, but it is still annoying.
SIGHTS & SOUNDS Other than this downer, the game graphics are okay. Certainly not great, or even good, but bearable. Each new scene takes a bit to load, so you see a lot of the hourglass. The interactive map does not teleport, so you are doing enough moving from scene to scene for this to be a pain.
And sometimes, the cursor becomes ‘sticky’ and movement does not flow, or you have to click several times for it to respond.
The sounds, too, are glitchy. Some crackle and some dropping in and out. The music is definitely appropriate, and the sound effects are really good. Although I was very glad to get in out of the rain. The heroine’s voiceover is very good. The other characters – weird delivery.
WHAT’S HAPPENING You are a successful architect who has landed the job of doing up the abandoned mansion of the late great Mr Gatsby. The place is in ruins, and it is obvious you have a lot of work to do. A strange call from your flatmate sends you home, and you discover she’s been kidnapped. In payment for her return, you must find the Gatsby treasure.
MAKING PROGRESS This is a HOG-heavy HOPA, with only a few puzzles, although some of them are unique and quite imaginative. The HOPs are all interactive word lists, and so far are visited only once. There is some need to find your way around and figure out your next move, but not too much.
There is a diary with objectives and “materials” , which I think means evidence. There are also plans to the Gatsby mansion which operate as an interactive map. Hint is directional.
The most interesting feature of this game, which saves it from being just another not-quite-good-enough game is the flashbacks. You have an antique watch given to you by your mother, and when it flashes, the scene changes from today to the mansion as it was in its heyday. This transformation is done before your eyes and is truly excellent. While there, you do a mini-game.
Another unique feature is the “u-turn”. It is an arrow that curves down from its original upward direction, attached to the inventory, and it is the easiest way to back out of the scenes down to previous ones. I think I like it.
FINAL VERDICT Ultimately, I have to come down on the negative with this game, unless the glitches are fixed and, although I had no need of one yet, I think a walkthrough is probably worth waiting for.
This is a very well named game. It IS the ultimate if you like jigsaws, spin the tiles, and spot the difference and plenty of other image-based games.
The game looks good, with excellent clear and bright graphics and well-chosen beautiful images. Most importantly to me, they are high quality photos and art that are truly Christmas-themed.
The same with the music. Most of the music is recognisable Christmas classics, or what I can only describe as ‘lounge music’, which may be adapted from more modern tunes I don’t know.
This is saying a lot. I have reviewed a dozen or more Christmas games leading up to today, and this is by far the best puzzle game in creating a xmas atmosphere. Makes me want to buy it to play today – and I don’t even celebrate Christmas! [And I do have to play A Christmas Carol - the 'ultimate' Xmas HOPA of the year] *happy grin*
Now some stats on what you get:
Jigsaws: Easy x16, Medium x41, Hard x28, Extreme x 8. The level of difficulty is determined by the number and size of the pieces and the amount of similar details on the image.
This is not one of those games where you can customise. The only option is to see the image while you work.
Spin the tiles: Easy x16, Medium x9, Hard x7, Extreme x7. The degree of difficulty is determined by the image, but more so by the number of small (1 unit) squares vs. the number of large (4 units) squares. In extreme, clicking one tile spins it and another tile – not necessarily adjacent.
Other Puzzles:
Spot the difference x8. The images are very “busy” Memory Pairs x6. None hard. Follow the wires x3
And a few others. One jigsaw in the “Other” section is a map of the US with all the states as jigsaw pieces in their correct shape. Fun for this Aussie who is useless at geography!
FIRST IMPRESSIONS My first reaction was this game is going to be too cute, juvenile and silly for me. But it is not at all. It is really quite a good time. And there is so much to do!
SIGHTS & SOUNDS Being able to adjust the aspect ratio to suit my widescreen is always a good start with me. The locations where you repair and rebuild the orphanage, that is, the areas outside the HOPs are cartoony but beautifully done, bright and bold, and aquatic, which is my personal favourite environment.
The HOP scenes are pseudo realistic and not so good. You notice the rough edges to items that just doesn’t happen outside.
The music is divine. So soothing and relaxing, just a light piano twinkle. Very cool. There are no voiceovers for our cast of characters and no ambient sounds. Again, it’s a shame because underwater sounds can be so nice.
WHAT’S HAPPENING You are trying to save the orphanage from nasty developers who want to close it down. In order to do this you are going through the building and collecting surplus items to sell at the markets. As well, you take on quests, searching for specific items that they need. With the money you make you can upgrade the orphanage and beat the sharpie sharks.
MAKING PROGRESS There are about a zillion items casually left where they lay in countless rooms of the orphanage building. This is a strictly HOG, so you won’t be choosing which room you go into or when, and there is no inventory to worry about. You are given a list of items, 15 or so, exposed only 6 at a time.
As well, there are gems in each scene to collect for extra cash. Each item has a different points value depending on how long it took you to find it. (There is also a untimed option). There is also present in each scene a catalogue you need to open up new improvements for the orphanage.
Once you have completed a room you can send the items you have found to market and complete any quests you have fulfilled. You can also choose to buy upgrades depending on which catalogue you retrieved. With each, you have 3 choices of design for that particular improvement.
There are puzzles that are not too hard, at the end of each level, about 12 in all, I think. Each of these you can unlock as you beat them in the game. And each has 8 levels of difficulty.
You can also unlock wallpapers as you go and set them on your desktop as you unlock them.
FAMOUS LAST WORDS This is definitely a nice game, in type it is similar to the other aquatic games such as Fishdom series and Aquascape, but I think the overall game design provides a more sophisticated gaming experience.
Beautiful underwater locations and schools of fishy characters. Colourful HOPs packed with collectibles. A delightful adventure park to restore. Quests for certain items. Sea ponies to feed. This game has a wonder all its own. This is strictly a HO game, with puzzles a part of the HOP scene and no adventure component, just enough tasks to juggle to keep an octopus busy!
The world of Lagoona is a gorgeous underwater location teeming with interesting life and colour. In the first Lagoona, we raised funds to save an orphanage, this time it is an amusement park. Collecting abandoned items and selling them through a shop, we earn the coins needed buy repairs and renovations for the park.
The graphics are cartoon, very good, and imaginative. The HOP scenes are clear, and everywhere is bright and cheerful. The music is just plain lovely. The voiceovers are fabulous! But it is the variety of gameplay that makes this game something truly special.
HOPs (Hidden Object Puzzles) These are complex. There are items listed by word, some by silhouette, some by riddle. There are even some fragmented objects. All this in each HOP scene. There are also collectibles. Gems grant you access to the in-scene puzzle, a way of acquiring more objects for sale. There are also rainbow fish, which will find one item for you, and all kinds of food for your Sea Ponies. You must feed them regularly or they become sick and malnourished.
THE SHOP Once we have gathered the items located in a specific location, we put them into the shop for sale. We do this by placing geometric shapes representing each object into the grid opposite. Presumably, you could find yourself with insufficient space if they are not placed efficiently, but I never experienced that.
I could not figure out how the items are first, priced (on the speed of discovery maybe?), or second, actually sold. I do know that a quest item may bring in a much higher figure than normal.
BONUSES Achievements, and a statistics page listing exactly your status on everything. Number of objects found, number of collectibles found, puzzles completed, etc.
A bonus challenge game (by which I guess they mean a timed variety of HOPs) that can only be unlocked by completing all the locations in the game.
There is also a long list of Gallery Items, all wonderful, and a delightful surprise waiting for you there. Note, you don’t have to (and in fact, shouldn’t) wait till the game’s completion to view and use these items. I used them in the demo!
Not having played the New Yankee In Arthur’s Court games, I wasn’t too sure what to expect, but figured some kind of resource game. I am still reeling *cross-eyed stare*! So, no, not exactly! But it’s fun!
Santa’s pretty mad at us, losing his reindeer at Christmastime, so we better get on with finding them. And fast!
This is not the sort of semi-relaxed game I’ve played where, even if there are time limits, going over them won’t stop you playing on to the next level. And this one doesn’t either. But it’s not relaxing.
Along with the wood that needs cutting, the food that needs harvesting and the roads that need clearing, there are also polar bears eating your crops, crazed snowmen attacking your elves, ice witches, reindeer that are not all that keen on coming in out of the cold, and a zillion other obstacles to be overcome.
What’s kind of cool is that Johnny only fights off the enemies and Mary only casts spells (which speed up production, replenish resources, etc.). So you are keeping track of their work separate from what the elves are up to building, growing, mining etc. Which is why it is so compulsively frenzied even if you’re ignoring the time.
All in well drawn, bright and cheerful images, with animation that is fun, and funny, to watch. A music track that cranks up the adrenalin, and crazy cheers and whistles every time you achieve something on the task list. All this makes this game more like a roller coaster than a sleigh ride. (Still, how would I know? I don't ride roller coasters and I've never even seen snow!)
Are all the New Yankee’s like this? Oh my!
Having played (and survived) 10 levels of the game (in 45 mins, I know, don’t laugh!) with, as yet, no need to replay a level (unless I want to gain my gold Santa stamp), I can honestly say I have no idea what’s going to be around the next corner. As for the reindeer, there has been one so far, and he’s not been overly happy to see me. Allegedly, he’s my friend for life once I feed him, but... boy, can he eat!
This is a hilarious game in spirit with the season, and I figure just about anybody who plays time management/build/resource management games is going to enjoy this one - if they've got the stamina after Christmas lunch!