This is definitely my least favorite of the Vacation Cruise Games. A lot of scenes were way too busy and cluttered to find the objects and it was like a horn dog teen went wild with the female characters. I didn't enjoy the puzzles in this one either and skipped way more than I ever have before. I usually replay all of these games but this one I'm not going to.
I was so excited to play this game, road trip, national parks and camping was right up my alley. But this game is so frustrating to play! The transition time between scenes is so slow and the skip button on mini games is timed. So if you come on an annoying game that you don't like, you can't just skip have to wait and wait. There is no point to that. I wish you could turn off family dialogue and just play the game. Or at least be able to skip through it very quickly like you can most other games.
I liked this game. I finished Rangy Lil's Wild West Adventure and liked it, so I looked up other games by the same people and found this one. I liked the simplicity of this one and the focus on finding hidden objects. There was not a storyline to go with it, simply a screen of information about the town you were entering, then a hidden object scene and then mini puzzles where you could earn more hints. The mini games cycled through three different games and I enjoyed them. This simple style of game is a nice break from the ones with the detailed storylines. When you just want to zone a little and not do heavy mental work.
I've played around 15-20 hidden object games on here so far and this one is definitely one of my favorites. No walkthrough needed because it's not that challenging, but not super easy either...just right for me. LOTS of HOS and the mini-puzzles were some of the funnest ones I've played so far. I loved the concept of putting the two horseshoes in each scene to earn additional hints. Well worth the money.