I can't in all honesty ever give a one star review because it takes a lot of effort to make these games. It's just that they are all the same thee days. Within the first few minutes, we had to oil a rusty thing to open it, improvise a zipper, appease a cat, and a host of other things that have been done over and over again. The color saturation was dark, overdone and too blue and purple. Could not get into the story line, and my biggest pet peeve in the custom difficulty when i ask not to indicate the "plus" items, they NEVER do it! Eipix has little circles as do a lot of them. This one didn't even attempt to disguise the big plus signs at all. Disappointed in this one for sure.
I will make this review short sort of like the game.. (pun intended). I do not like to pay twice as much for a game (collector's vs standard editions) unless there is a substantial reward. Bonus games should be well thought out and not just an afterthought. And both the main and bonus sections should be considerably longer and MORE CHALLENGING please. I didn't like the fact that you could only replay HOP's and not minigames (no reason for that) and I wish that developers would really get rid of any markers on the plus item things in inventory (if you can choose). I also HATE huge banners splashing across the screen to announce meaningless achievements. Their only purpose I feel is to interrupt any sense of immersion gameplay and annoy me specifically. This game did have some redeeming qualities in that the puzzles and hop's were interesting and varied and the dreamscape storyline is ok but it's been done much better before by others. I really enjoyed the previous Maze and was so happy to see this one but was a bit disappointed. Even so, you may absolutely love it so definitely try it. The game is still better than most we've seen recently.
I almost never give 5 stars, and this game doesn't quite qualify. That said, I really love the way the main characters drew you into the story. Even though they are animated, they appear more realistic with very fluid human-like movements exactly as in the New York Mystery games (to which I did give 5 stars). This is a better game I think than the "Editor's Choice" which didn't grab me enough to finish the demo.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
3/ 5
I almost never give out 5 stars. Those I save for for "Drawn, "Angelica Weaver" and the "Broken Sword" series. EIPIX games are always top notch when it comes to graphics, cut scenes, voice-overs and over-all 'polish". However, I do agree with others that something is missing when comparing this game to the old Mystery Case Files. What I liked: I absolutely loved the multiple step puzzles and especially the ability to skip just part of the puzzle you might be stuck on. I also enjoy the fact that all of them are replayable and that you get a chance at the end to recover collectibles as in all of their games. What I didn't like: There were way too many notes to read---a pet peeve of mine. I would rather learn the storyline more through characters interactions. And why can't they please really get rid of ANY indication of the plus items in the inventory when they ask you in custom mode if you want to get rid of them Drives me nuts to have them highlighted at all. Also not too wild about the storyline. I prefer games with more challenge and this one was a little better in that regard, primarily because of the puzzles. HOS's were interactive and fun even though I'm not a junk pile fan. I hope devs will take the time to challenge us a bit more and not always, for example, put the note with the code on it next to the code cylinder...... or get rust off stuff, put out fires, and saw through trees. We need more surprises and less predictability.
I really loved the interactive HOS scenes which in this game replaced the old school endless lists and junk piles. Enjoyed the storyline, the cut scenes and the way the game kept me interested and involved in the story. I appreciated the labeling of items in the HOS inventory since that is often not done in other games. (most games don't label the found silhouettes and they can be so small you can't tell what they are or how they interact in the scene). On the plus side, HOS and minigames were replayable, and the missed collectibles could be located at the end of the game allowing a few extra jigsaw puzzles to be played. However (and this was a problem) there was no active hint button to help you locate them. I had to go to the strategy guide under collectibles and morphs to look at the scenes, then find them on the map, teleport and finally locate the pesky missing items. The only downside for me was getting lost frequently, not being able sometimes to remember where to go in the several locations. Items in the inventory were kept for a long time in some instances, but I much PREFER having a little challenge than having things handed to me to use in the very next scene. Besides the hint button was very helpful. Bonus game lasted about an hour or so and was decent. Minigames were on the easy side, and I wish more developers would use the megapuzzles more, but on the whole, a very good game, worth the "collector's" edition assignment, and I will probably play it again (rare for me)
I still gave this a 5 star rating because although it did not have the bells and whistles of the usual CE (I could care less about achievements, wallpaper, soundtrack and a jigsaw that was so easy as to be laughable), the storyline and atmosphere kept me interested throughout. Well done and I hope more games get released that do not hold our hand or treat us like preschool gamers. Challenge and intrigue are most important must-haves in any game, with the hidden object format only included if it flows with the storyline and doesn't feel like abrupt obstacles thrown in for distraction and/or lengthening gameplay. Love MadHead now and vote this group better than Eipix. The bonus game was not fun though.....could have been, but it was way too short and only one or two things to do in each scene.
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Adventure, Large File
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
2/ 5
This game was so short and so not interesting I can't believe it went out as a Collector's Edition. The ending was abrupt and gameplay was predictible and not engaging, The voiceovers for the children were obviously adults trying to be kids but failing miserably. The saddest part of the entire "adventure" was that the premise of fulfilling wishes that could go wrong is an intriguing idea that was ever developed to any meaningful level. I rarely feel this disappointed over a game, but feel obligated to share just in case somebody is on the fence thinking of purchasing. Sure wish I hadn't.
Favorite Genre(s):Puzzle, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
I really liked this game. Very refreshing to have a little challenge for a change. Clues were given elsewhere to solve puzzles rather than just throwing up the answer on a note for you to copy. Loved the cutscenes, music, graphics, and most voice-overs.\ Long game....the extras made it feel more like a collector's edition Custom mode Jumpable map Interesting puzzles although fairly easy (really prefer the giant superpuzzles that require sequential thought provoking actions) Loved the HOS because they required more work than the actual gaming process ie. the cursor often did not change over needed items They were totally interactive and absolutely had no junkpile themes. In fact, they allowed the game to flow more smoothly and did not feel like rude interruptions or disruptive sideshows. Loved the extras too including being able to replay minigames and offering other games too ( one using mirrors to reflect light through a maze ) Lots of collectibles and beyond objects that would be hard to find if the cursor didn't change over them.
One negative comment----- It looks like that if you don't find all the collectibles (and there are several groups) then surprise puzzles will be locked. AND it looks like once the game is there is no way to go back and try to locate them as other devs have allowed. That's very disappointing. But other than that, this game was, over all, a step up from recent offerings....Enjoy
I recommend this game!
6of6voted this as helpful.
PuppetShow: The Price of Immortality Collector's Edition
Your friend vanishes after investigating the mysterious Theater of Emotions
Granted, there is another helper, but this game holds my interest and introduces a little suspense. I don't want to ruin the premise for players who will find out soon enough why the storyline is a bit creepy. So I can only say that after an hour or so, I am definitely going to buy this game.
Pros: Custom difficulty Choice of gender and appearance of player Excellent VO and graphics Very good use of cut scenes that move the story along Collectibles Not as predictable as other games Replayable minigames and HOS as part of "extras" Varied HOS Minigames have a casual or hard option
Cons: If you absolutely HATE any helpers whatsoever, you may not fall in love here, but I suggest you at least give it a try. Not as challenging as some, but fun and as mentioned above, minigames can be "hard" or "casual"
Maybe I'll deduct a star after playing the entire game, but right now it's getting a very good rating from me.
Very uninspiring so far, and I do not like to give reviews typically until I finish a game. There are excellent voiceovers, graphics and music as this developer has shown before, but nothing else is exciting about it. The HOS are junk piles, (somewhat interactive, nothing new), custom difficulty, transportable map, OK puzzles (I encountered more hidden objects than puzzles.) Storyline different at least as detective stories go.
But I am so disappointed with the level of challenge! As one reviewer previously noted, there were not very many interactions per scene, and you used inventory items too quickly for my taste. This is definitely a beginner's game.
And PLEASE Devs, stop throwing in HUGE "objective" and "achievement" notifications that 1.rudely interrupt the gameplay 2.. cover a quarter of the screen, 3. are generally not necessary for the majority of folks and 4. are apparently directed at second graders who also don't need them to progress in the game. Not interesting enough to be a buy for me.