This is a take off the off Jewel Match 3 game series, this time with a Xmas theme. Problem is there i no theme, and less directions, so if you are not familiar with March 3 games it will be a bit of a chore. The key is you cannot blow up the obstacles but must match 3 to release them. The "trophies" aren't worth getting so the key is the game itself -- you either like matching or don't.
Some of the matches are tricky, as they block out half of the image. The hide and seek one are tough because of the background matches so well. Graphics aren't the greatest which is why matches can be work, but that's what you want, you don't want everything handed to you. Biggest drawback I saw was the horrible sound effects, so I turned them off. I really enjoyed it, surprisingly.
I played the whole game and can say two things flaw it: one the cursor is rather flaky and does not always hit the exact mark and the game really wants perfection. Second, while the first part -- up to purchase -- isn't bad the second part, after purchase, can get repetitive which is good I guess as you know what to do..
I liked the game. Colorful bright but I think I got one minigame in 90 minutes of play. I did not understand what to do. Also I do not know if I gound all the little faeries in each tableau, I felt lost.
You've come to Mexico to explore a mysterious mansion. But this is no vacation. Your cousin is missing, and the house is crawling with bizarre and deadly creatures!
The game takes forever. It's bit over long and I got bored after a while. Then finally in the room with the palm tree I could not work the bottle no matter what I did -- so I think it's a blog and then of course there is no hint to help. Not bad though.
This game is more like chess than a 3 match. You really have to plan out your moves and know how things are going to fall to get the right combinations. Can't stand the marimba music and the colorus are garish.
Boring is the best word to describe this. I dunno what they did to this game but it's right now child's play...literally 7 years old are about all that could like this dull, slow, unenticing game.
Game requires too many wild cards because of the idiotic method the programmers have of laying out card covers 2 which covers 1 and so on and then there are 7 piles. I totally regret this seems tht the Egyptian Solitaire 2 match is the same.