I have to admit that I nearly didn't get this game after reading a few poor reviews from others. But I decided to give it a try, the demo hooked me quite quickly and I wanted to find out what happens next. The trips in to the past are really well done, as are and the trips back to the present with the information to be easily used on both sides of this game. If you know the some facts of the assassination of President Kennedy that helps a little bit, but it's not that simple.
Prepare for a mind-bending journey into the realm of the weird in Haunted Halls: Revenge of Dr. Blackmore! Brace yourself for the unexpected in this exciting Hidden Object adventure!
This 3rd installment is Dr. Blackmore's finest performance yet, he's even more insane than before, and he's better animated this time around. For the most part you see a floating head, Max Headroom style, but that's just so right for this maniac. Tim Still needs Rescuring, but not before everyone else of course. He's the kind of guy that can wait for his girlfriend to rescue him... Eventually...
We continue from HH:GHS as a recap in the notes and away you go, this is just as weird and eerie as HH1 but still just as fun, not for the kids of course. There are some lovely puzzles and the same old crazy ways to stop Dr. Blackmore with his awesome tentacles, and his diabolical plans. First rescue the Children from their scary and sometimes quite understandable fears. And then save Tim... Again.
The Idea behind looking around a haunted Sanitarium delighted me straight away, the story progression is great, as everything about the game, the end sequence left me wanting more... So I'm really looking forward to playing the next Haunted Hills Game...
I so love this game, the story line is great, there is interaction between you and the hidden objects games as you sometimes have to manipulate other objects to find what your looking for, a red picture frame needs to be created by the use of 2 other objects !!! The music it's self is both lovely and suspenseful a Great Game to play.
This game was such a shame as there was no real progression to the story, you keep going backward and forwards to the same places but there is no explanation as to what you need to obtain and why... The Hint button was the only real help in the game and I hate to use the Hint button...
This is a really good game to play as I got it in a 3 play pack with 2 other games, which where The Mystery Chronicles: Betrayals of Love and The Secret Order: New Horizons. So this was a worthy game pack to purchase.