same old same, also why have all games on BF gone up in price, used to have cheap games/sale but not now :(,, plus have to pay tax on them and always in dollars, I am in the UK! Am a pensioner and so sad can not afford buy games here now
so glad did not buy this from BF, played it free on Gametop, all games there are FREE! lots games that are on here! Saves pennies when you only get a pension
I am really loving this right now, be sad when it is done .Great story and features, wish BF did more game can afford, we can not all afford Collectors games, bring back the cheaper versions like before , think they cost around £2 lol. I love HOG, more like this please
Oh boy, totally boring game, read the revies and it sound a good game, yes have not been playing it long but already losing interest in it :/ I wish there was a bargain basement that we could get games cheap, not the daily deal as that is no longer a cheap price! I only buy games now and then now as the prices are bit much for me