ive never tried these types of "games" before, and i never will again. same thing over and over...good if youre 6 yrs old. *yawn*..
I don't recommend this game.
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Time Dreamer: Temporal Betrayal
After joining a research team you are sent out to mine valuable krawtite. Along the way, however, something goes horribly wrong!
Overall rating
4/ 5
4 of 7 found this review helpful
hmmm not too bad..
PostedFebruary 8, 2012
Skill Level:Expert
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
i didnt think i would like this game after i played it for a few minutes, but i gave it a chance, (just the demo), and i thought it was..eh ok...but the demo was enough. so..ill give it a "kinda-sorta liked it"...:)
Favorite Genre(s):Brain Teaser, Adventure, Time Management, Hidden Object, Puzzle, Strategy
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
i liked the game..except for those tiny HOG's that had nothing to do with the theme of the scene. (a fried egg on a dresser mirror is worse than a sucker and a guitar in a cemetary lol)..stick to the theme so we dont get distracted from the point of the story, and pleeeeaaaseee no HOG's in EVERY scene! geeze give us chance to walk through a door or down a street w/o an HOG every two seconds...
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Strategy, Brain Teaser, Time Management
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
not too bad all in all, but sooo typical, it was a bit boring....and, im sorry, but i hate the " live actors" thing. not sure why :) i only played the demo, but i wont buy it....