Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
Let me start off by saying that I generally don't award 5 stars for a game that doesn't have anything to collect, no achievements, no extras, morphing objects, or the option to play another game in lieu of HO - I LOVE that. But TLI still gets 5 stars.
Pros: - The game is complete. I haven't played the CE but based on the SE I don't know why you'd spring for the extra money. Everything wraps up neatly. - I LOVE the back and forth between the storylines! You're in a mental hospital, trying to escape, and then *boom* you're back in the mansion again. At first it was confusing, but once I caught on, it was fun.
Neutral: - Voiceovers sometimes a bit off
Cons: - I did refer to a walkthrough at one point, and I used the hint button quite a bit (but I'm a beginner, so factor that in)
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
Another top-notch game in the series, as expected.
Pros: - Gorgeous graphics (as expected); NOTE: the girls are verging on red carpet sexy, with all the cleavage - what is up with that? - Very good length, IMO, 10 chapters plus bonus, which was also a good length - Good story - Good extras: 8 bonus puzzles, 6 wallpapers (I actually use these sometimes), movie gallery, music, etc.
Cons: - I had to skip several puzzles because no instructions were given and I couldn't figure out how they worked. Using the strategy guide to solve/move on is fine, but that's no fun. I prefer to actually do a puzzle than skip it or go through the solution steps using the SG.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Puzzle
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
I wish I could have.
Pros: - No timer - You can buy items for locations (but the graphics for those locations are cartoonish) - It's fairly easy to figure out how the puzzles work - Colorful and crisp, other than the locations
Cons: - Gives unwanted hints after 10-15 seconds of inactivity on the web, which removes the challenge and is very distracting. And you can't turn it off. Bleah.
I only played this for 15-20 minutes. It just wasn't much fun. If I could award 2.5 stars, I would. I'm really on the fence about whether to recommend or not, so I'm leaving that part blank.
I was just playing along on this one, and BAM! just that fast, it was over. What? Not even a kiss good night? LOL
I should probably preface this by saying: I don't review ANYTHING unless I buy it. Period. I don't think it's a fair review if you don't go through the whole game, including the bonus if it's a CE so you can tell everyone whether you think the extras are worth the bucks. But that's just me. From that, of course, you can deduce that I bought this and played it all the way through.
Pros: - Offers full/widescreen option (love this, even though it doesn't always work) - Pretty graphics (I've seen better, but still, very pretty) - 3 play options - Jumpable map - HOs had some multi-parts
Cons: - HOs are all junk pile, sorry but yeah - Storyline ended v. abruptly (I'm reviewing the SE because that's what I bought) - This is a VERY fast playing game - and I'm not flattering myself here. I'm not a fast player. I classify myself as a beginner (I'm not one of those '3-4 hours to finish an SE game' so if I finished it between yesterday and early this afternoon as a BEGINNER, how fast are YOU going to?)
The neutral: - No journal, but it wasn't really needed because of the jumpable map
I downloaded this game with very high expectations based on the reviews and... it just didn't meet them. The end was a *huge* letdown. The graphics, though nice, weren't anything special by today's standards. If we had the option of a 3.5 star rating, I'd award Lord of Statues 3.5. Like I said, a letdown.
I recommend it, but I'd only buy it with a code or on a sale.
Rescue a young girl from the Penumbra Motel. Solve puzzles, unravel a long standing mystery of death and disappearances in this heart-pounding adventure game!
Pros: - Beautiful graphics - Good video with MATCHING lip synch, LOL - 3 play modes - Good story - Skip option for all mini games - Fairly good length: 5 chapters + bonus
Cons: - I didn't like the wolves (this is just personal, I thought they were kind of cheesy) - No map - Only 3 screensavers & 6 wallpapers (I know most people don't use these but we DO pay double to get these things) - The biggest drawback was that this is one of those games where you find an object and then use it immediately, most of the time. Open a box, find a key, and then the next door you come across, oh look, the only key in your inventory fits that lock. I took away a star for that. Yeah, I'm mean that way.
There are so many other games that are done amazingly well that it wouldn't be fair to rate this one 5 stars. However, the CE is available for the SE price right now, so that might make it worth buying.
Graphics were pretty, though I've seen better (Final Cut: Silver Screen). And the witch was just plain hokey.
I consider myself a beginner (i.e., have finished ~50 games in my fave genre - HOs), so the things I note may be different from other reviewers. Also, I live rural (VERY rural) so I have satellite internet (restricted to 5 MG/mo.) which means I can't download game trials. It was a huge leap of faith to buy Final Cut based on reviews and use up half my monthly allotment. Worth. Every. Kilobyte. Don't wait til this comes out in Standard Edition. Really. The CE is packed with a megaton of fun extras:
- all the movie clips from the game - all the puzzles to replay - 2 bonus HOs - the usual wallpapers (none I wanted, but at least they offered them) - the music - achievement (not sure what they'll do about those with the standard edition) - a 'making of' clip - watch it, seriously!! I was amazed at the 'behind-the-scenes' stuff. This extra was the one that impressed me the most.
And those are just the extras I remember.
Odds and ends: There was some back-and-forthing, but the hints refill pretty quickly, so it's not annoying. Two level choices. Absolutely beautiful graphics (I was a little disappointed in the wallpapers they chose, considering what they had to pick from). The Bird Guy had that ring of authenticity. I really liked him, although I wasn't sure til close to the end that he was a good guy ;)
Minor quibble: The lip-synching is off. Don't watch too closely when they're talking or it'll probably start to bug you.
Cons: 1. It opens with a series of muddy B&W sketches (not skippable, as far as I could tell). 2. It doesn't have the stunning graphics that have become so common in today's games. 3. Worst of all, you have to wander around and around and AROUND the amusement park. There's no logic to the clicking. You're supposed to begin by exploring the park, but even though there are You Are Here boards, they don't help that much because... Click in the same direction, and somewhere between 2 and 4 clicks will usually bring you back to the point of origin. Frustrating!! After 15-20 minutes of exploring, the only things that had happened were a 'thing' that jumped out and coming across a locked building.
Pros: 1. There was a cool console with a recorder, camera, and phone for contacting the home base.
I never finished the game because slogging around the park was like punching mist.
Pros: 1. The storyline was different. It's set in a military hospital, and 'experiments gone wrong' on military personnel have created monsters that you have to track down. 2. Great graphics. 3. Widescreen option - yay! 4. Varying levels of difficulty in puzzle games. Skip option.
Cons: 1. An awful lot of 'junkpile' hidden object games. Some of them have 2-part items, where you have to uncover one item to get the one you need or put two pieces together #personally, I like these, so for me that part is more of a pro#.