Favorite Genre(s):Puzzle, Hidden Object, Adventure, Large File, Word, Mahjong, Brain Teaser
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
5/ 5
OMG, I love terror and blood. By the looks of the DEMO you get both. I do not scare easily but this game did it!!!! I bought the game and hope the rest of it is as good as the beginning. Intense, scary and good story line.
I recommend this game. At least try demo and decide for yourself.
Also finally have a change and do not need to do HOG's but instead can play a version of concentration.
Negative side, the game is a bit slow. I like to go fast throughout my gameplay but with this game you need to wait a bit.
All and all since there aren't too many great games out there , I am looking forward to seeing what else this game has to offer. I actually have all but one game of the Redemption series. Good Luck
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Adventure, Large File, Word, Mahjong, Brain Teaser
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
Based on the demo I am anxiously going to buy this one. I have been searching BF for an adventure game and this one is almost there. If only it had no HOG's. But the added bonus of scare/fright factor has me rooting for more. I want to continue to play this game and see where it takes me. Goosebumps on my arms. LOL Great game for once. Thanks BF.
Favorite Genre(s):Word, Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Puzzle
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
I played this game two times so far and have yet to finish or even get half way through!!!!. I don't use the strategy guide because I like to solve on my own. I found that if you put the wrong items on the potion table you can not undo it and the game will not continue. Then I started another file and found that I didn't pick one object up which was required for the correct potion so I could continue the game BUT instead the area got locked and I could not go back into the fireplace to get the moth cocoon I needed. Now for the third time I have to start the game all over again. BE CAREFUL not to forget items or you will be doing the same.
I recommend this game HOWEVER you must use strategy guide and not miss a thing or you will be locked out of continuing to play the rest of the game. Good Luck
The game was okay but not great. Just something to do while waiting for a better game. BUGS beware.
I loved this game. Might be the best game I ever played on BF. I don't ever write reviews but I could not resist this one. Had to let any ADVENTURE player out there know this is a great one. I actually read every storyline and played the games step by step and was surprisingly amazed. Graphics are the best I have seen. Voices were great. Character outstanding etc.
I can not say enough about this game. Can't wait to play it again. Note: Puzzels are challenging but I noticed if your patient enough and keep trying different moves you can eventually solve the puzzels.
Bonus: Game play amazingly long with Bonus Chapter. Best Concept Art I have seen. Replay games and HOS. Etc. Etc.
Great fun and adventure. Thank you BF. More please.
I was surprised that this game was free and it actually was not a bad game to play. It is not all HOS but most of it is. It does have a storyline and much better than any free game I have played. Definitely worth playing and downloading especially since it is free and a decent game to try. I recommend this game.
I loved the first two series but what the heck happened to the intelligent story line that made you want to progress and see what is around the next corner. I feel this was a poor storyline and the way it was set up was horrible and it looks like they saved a lot of money by not letting us explore more indept areas. OMG, I can't believe it is as if I paid for mostly HOP instead of a great adventure game that I had with the others. I was not satisfied at all. A wasted of time and money. You don't need intelligence at all to play this series at all. UGH is all I can say. Highly disappointed.
To save your father from a hideous monster, you've decided to sacrifice your own freedom. Now you must journey through a strange and magical land before time runs out!
Big fish has been really letting me down. I have not found a game I have enjoyed in a long time. I have paid for many games but find out I don't really like them. Finally today I try this one and it is awesome. I love all the animal/creatures etc. Graphics are awesome and I feel the story is leading to a direction and not all over the place. Thank you Big Fish. Please get some Adventure games cause I am sick of HOP but at least in this game we have a choice of HO's or a Pick 3 puzzle. I actually paid for this one. I have a free game ticket but can't seem to find a game to purchase lately. This was a collectors edition so I had to pay full price. But well worth it. YEAH
I hated playing this game. The graphics were a joke. Way too many HOG and not enough effects that I am used to having in a game. I think this was the worst game of the series. I regret buying it. What a waste of time.