Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Strategy, Time Management, Puzzle
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
this is a typical marble-popping game with one variation: it takes place in the stone age, so dinosaurs do pop up from time to time. the goal of this game is to smash groups of stones by shooting a coloured stone from your slingshot into groups of three or more with the same colour. if you succeed at that without the fossil dinosaur skull swallowing the stones, you collect trophies and points, which you then use to upgrade your houses.
graphics: i didn't expect much so the graphics surprised me -- they're actually pretty good.
music and sound effects: rather annoying, actually. the booming voice proclaiming "GOOD" or "AVALANCHE" got a bit annoying after ten seconds or so.
storyline: somehow, smashing stones is supposed to help you upgrade your (wooden) treehouse, although i am completely confused as to how those two events are related to each other. but on the other hand, this is a marble-popping game, so the storyline is a bit of an afterthought, isn't it?
gameplay: straightforward with no sluggishness.
my interaction: one hour demo, normal mode (this game has three modes; easy, normal and challenge. a fourth mode -- “skill master” -- must be unlocked by completing a game first). i played “classic” (this game has several “play” types as well; strategy and survival must be unlocked after a minimal number of accomplishments have been achieved, and i managed to unlocked them whilst in demo mode). these different game types certainly increase replayability.
if you like marble poppers, then i expect you'll like this one, too. if you are not a fan of this type of game, i doubt this one will change your mind. this is a good family game, and i predict the kiddies will especially like it (the pterodactyls flying over the game board are a nice touch).
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Strategy, Time Management, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
4/ 5
in this hidden object puzzle thriller, you are Sarah Pennington, a restaurant owner who lives in Sunward City, which is managed by a corrupt government. the story starts when Sarah is saved from being murdered. the man who saves sarah's life then claims to be her nephew -- from the future! at this point, most people might decide they were in shock from terror, but not Sarah. it turns out that her now-deceased father was a member of a secret order, The Order of the Griffin. this secret order was engaged in a battle with the mafia and used time travel to help them achieve their goals. but now that all the main players in the secret order are dead, it has fallen to Sarah to complete her father’s work.
graphics: absolutely stunning. gorgeous, crisp and detailed with little fuzziness: a true joy to behold. this game's graphics are consistently of the highest quality i've seen in a Big Fish video game and they alone are worth “the price of admission”. (the scenes in the demo version are astonishingly similar to my NYC neighborhood, which creates an eerie feeling for me.) the hidden objects scenes are logical and carefully laid-out. some items require a bit more interaction before you can collect them (pouring a glass of champagne, for example). items that you find in these scenes are used quickly, which adds to the development of the story itself. puzzles are sprinkled throughout the game, and they too are logical, fairly easy to solve (a few require a bit of fiddling to get the solution) and -- most important -- they make sense within the context of the story and also add to story development. no random brain-teasers here!
music and sound effects: the music was nice and matched the ambiance of the story. there are no voiceovers.
storyline: no overtly scary scenes, although the tension builds as you work your way through the game. it has neither ghosts nor graveyards, neither demons nor even any gory scenes, although it does include time travel -- but this is an integral part of this science fiction story, not the main focus of the story, which makes this fantastical element enjoyable.
gameplay: the hint button can be used in hidden objects scenes, puzzles and throughout the game itself, and it recharges quickly. there is no click penalty on hidden object scenes. a communicator provides additional help (from your nephew, who has returned to his proper time zone) as well as access to a map. scripted cutscenes explain and develop the story (and its characters) very well.
my one and only complaint: sluggishness: the cursor would freeze-and-jerk when i was clicking around and the game would freeze when i went from one scene to another. EXTREMELY distracting and frustrating since this pause was noticeably long, on the order of 10-30 seconds! (thus, my 4.5 star rating on a game i would otherwise give 5 stars to.)
my interaction: one hour demo (this game has only one mode of play). despite its sluggishness, i did purchase this game because i liked everything else about it.
wow, what a beautiful game, and by "beautiful" i mean it's exceptional in every way that a game should be: the graphics, the audio, the design, the plotting and character development. all that said, i do recommend you try this game before you purchase it to find out if the game is also sluggish on your computer and if it is, so you can decide if you can (or wish to) deal with that.
many thanks fishies for sharing this wonderful game!
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Strategy, Time Management, Puzzle
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
5/ 5
in this hidden object puzzle adventure, you are a princess of the dragon kingdom who is preparing to marry the prince of the phoenix kingdom. these two kingdoms have been at each other's throats for 300 years, so this marriage is of great importance. the fact that the prince and princess are actually in love only make everything that much sweeter. however, just when your prince is scheduled to arrive, you learn he has been kidnapped by his evil cousin isa, who then declares you are his betrothed. your goals in this game are simple: find your prince and rescue him so you can marry and your two kingdoms can finally live in peace.
graphics: the art and graphics are absolutely wonderful. i also loved the cut scenes, which are integral to the story. they elevated this from simply "a fun HOPA" into a truly exceptional experience. these cut scenes made me feel i was watching a full-length theatre film. the hidden object scenes were interesting; including item lists as well as shadow lists (the shadow of an item is shown and you have to find the object). the hidden object scenes often required you to locate one item or more that you then used to find or create another item that was necessary to progress in the story -- a bit of a logic puzzle within the hidden object scenes.
this game just feels so generous because, for example, even though a hint button is provided, there is no click penalty. additionally, this hidden object game is generous with the puzzles and mini-games, which i also enjoy -- and these were actually part of the storyline rather than silly busywork. the puzzles and mini-games are well thought out, interesting and solvable, and have hint buttons (although -- generously -- a skip button is provided, too). further, the hint button is actually useful for a change, even outside of the hidden object scenes. there is a notebook (although it is beautiful, i think it is of limited use) and since there is minimal back-and-forth, a map is not essential.
music & soundtrack: music was average, certainly nothing exceptional (but also not annoying), but the voiceovers and sound effects were above average.
storyline: this is a typical good versus evil fairy tale, but the characters were so well developed (well, for a video game) that i actually wanted to follow the story to see how everyone fares.
my interaction: one hour demo, casual mode (this game has three modes; casual, advanced, and hardcore).
i highly recommend this game, but i must warn you about the inexplicably slow load times. the sluggish transitions between scenes and temporary cursor freezes drove me crazy (at least 10 seconds and sometimes even as long as 30 seconds -- yikes!). i wanted to play the game, not have my laptop freeze temporarily whilst i waited for the next scene to load! in fact, my four star rating -- which actually is 4.5 stars -- reflects my frustration with these technical issues, since i would otherwise have given this game 5 stars. i interrupted gameplay to check my laptop to make sure everything's up-to-date (it is) and none of my other games have this issue so i am baffled about the source of this annoyance. if you are interested in this game, i recommend you play the demo first to make sure you don't also suffer the same problem.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Strategy, Time Management, Puzzle
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
4/ 5
in this historical hidden object game, you join Professor Francis Galton and Sir Melville Magnaghten as they seek to identify London’s infamous Jack the Ripper. you help collect and review evidence and use new (at the time) forensic techniques such as fingerprinting and blood tests.
graphics: lovely. detailed. time period-appropriate items. the scenes were very well designed and nicely rendered, no junk piles anywhere, just lots of optical illusions so it was surprisingly difficult to find some of the items on the lists. in addition to the hidden objects, each scene had a policeman's badge hidden in it, which adds a "clue" (hint) to your hint meter, and five fingerprints, each of which gives you extra time (30 seconds?), although i may be misremembering the precise time per found fingerprint. static cutscene scripts provide context, review the evidence and develop the story.
music and sound effects: music was appropriately delicate and melancholy and sound effects were appropriate as well. but overall, the audio aspect of this game was always in the background, quiet and very un-intrusive. no voiceovers.
storyline: no ghosts, no gore and for the most part, no movement. this game takes place in London’s East End in 1889. it is a static game that presents and reviews the historical evidence for each of five men suspected of being London's infamous Jack the Ripper.
my interaction: one hour demo, untimed rookie mode (this game also has a timed detective mode).
fans of history or of hidden object games will enjoy this game since it's a straight HO with a few very easy puzzles thrown in for variety.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Strategy, Time Management, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
5/ 5
in this hidden object puzzle thriller, American writer Nathaniel Hawthorne has supposedly died during a freak snow storm. was he murdered? since you are a detective with a particular affinity for ghosts and time travel, Hawthorne's ghost is asking you for help to unearth the cause of his death and to expose the secrets of Salem’s witches.
graphics: wonderful. beautifully detailed. splendiferous blend of hidden objects scenes and puzzles, combined with a mystery thriller storyline. hidden object scenes are refreshingly neat -- almost no junk piles here! some of the hidden objects must be assembled before they can be crossed off the search list or before they can be added to your object inventory. some of your inventory items languish for quite some time before they are used. there is no click penalty. puzzles are varied and some are challenging since the instructions for what to do are minimal.
music and sound effects: there is no music that i recall but the developers did make good use of ambient sounds (wind and calling crows, for example), there are special sound effects that accompany ravens and clovers and there is the sound of a quietly ticking watch in the background too.
storyline: fantastical tale but the basic facts are well-researched. for example, it's true that Hawthorne really did live in Salem (and his family were active in the witch "trials"), Hawthorne and US president Franklin Pierce were friends, it's also true that they met whilst attending Bowdoin College, and Hawthorne really did die in the month of May whilst traveling with Pierce. the developers' alternative idea about the cause of Hawthorne’s death is tightly plotted and includes enough historical detail to make their story truly captivating -- and it made me dig a bit to better learn about Hawthorne’s life and the actual facts known about these events. a really engaging way to get people interested in history. also includes time travel, which i usually find tedious, but the developers use it well in this game to develop their story.
gameplay: there's no hand-holding in this game: no strategy guide is included (although i don't think it necessary to this game, you can purchase it separately). there is a journal and a map, and hints are available in the form of ravens (click on a raven in a scene and you are awarded one hint, which is added to your hint meter). you also need to click on clovers during the game to unlock an unlimited hidden object mode, a "must" for HO fans. there is no sluggishness at all during the game, nor during scene transitions. an interesting feature is the meter that shows the percent of the game played thus far -- this is the first time i've seen this.
my interaction: one hour demo. (the game has only one mode of play.)
this is the second midnight mysteries game i've played and like the first, it's just wonderful; historical fiction with cute little innovations here and there. this game series has caught my attention and probably is my favourite series in the HOPA genre offered here at Big Fish. i've added this game to my "must purchase" list. i think you will also enjoy this game -- and you should check out the entire midnight mysteries series!
I recommend this game!
23of23voted this as helpful.
Start the Rockets
In Start the Rockets, you have a huge stash of fireworks that are at your disposal! Don't forget your protective goggles as you explode through each puzzle!
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Time Management, Puzzle
Fun Factor
1/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
1/ 5
in this puzzle game, your job is to blow up fireworks. to do this, you aim rockets at various items and then light them aflame and then sit back and watch -- did all the fireworks blow up?
graphics: adorable.
music and sound effects: no music to speak of, but the sound effects were, like the graphics, adorable.
gameplay: you aim rockets at a variety of objects, including each other, at stars, at barrels, and then light one aflame and watch to see if your rockets blew up all the things you were hoping they'd blow up. the faster and more efficiently you accomplish your explosions, the higher score you earn. good game for improving your observation and mouse skills. no sluggish gameplay.
as a scientist, i enjoy blowing up things as much as any pyrotechnics fan, but i got a bit bored after reaching level 18 or so. i mean, there's only so many times that you can blow stuff up before it gets a bit ... redundant. however, that said, this game is good family fun and may appeal to the kiddies in particular.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Time Management, Puzzle
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
in this time management game, you are interacting with cavemen during a time when dinosaurs walked the planet. in this game, your tribe of cavemen are gathering resources to build stone homes and to invent a variety of time-saving devices. along the way, you meet adorable (but delightfully scary) human-sized carnivorous plants, dinosaurs, prehistoric birds and sabre-toothed kittens, and more.
graphics: the cartoons were ADORABLE! colourful and entertaining and just plain fun. the human-sized venus flytrap gave me a smile every time, for example.
music and sound effects: the music was quiet and repetitive, but non-intrusive. i loved the sound effects, charming and effective. the venus flytrap makes a sound that is so familiar to me, although i cannot recall what it is ... a small electric saw? a dremel rotary tool? my one complaint: i was a bit put off by the caveman sounds and think the developers could have come up with a better sound for them to make than "ooga mooga".
storyline: completely silly and far-fetched (dinos and humans never walked earth at the same time, for example), but straightforward and compelling.
gameplay: fun and addictive. not very challenging -- at first -- but if this game is like these developers' other time management games, it becomes MUCH more challenging after the first ten levels have been completed.
my interaction: one hour demo. i enjoyed this game so much that i purchased it (well, it had a special price break, too).
i own many of these developers' games and they always are charming and engaging. i recommend this delightful game for anyone who seeks a fun, lighthearted time management game with adorable graphics and a straightforward storyline. fun for the entire family!
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Time Management, Puzzle
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
3/ 5
in this hidden object puzzle thriller, you are a detective who has been approached once again by Captain Gerard Froussard. it seems that the captain’s colleague, Lieutenant Pierre Disparu, disappeared whilst searching for a missing woman in a haunted mansion that was cursed by an evil card-carrying countess, the so-called Queen of Spades.
graphics: lovely graphics. hidden object scenes, which are replayed a number of times during the game, can be challenging since at least some of these scenes are sepia-tone, so those searches are based mostly on object shape, with few helpful hints provided by an object’s colour. further, many hidden object scenes are junk piles. the hint button recharges quickly, but is only usable during hidden object scenes. puzzles were interspersed throughout the game, and most were fairly easy but a few present a bit of a challenge. (there is a skip button.)
music: nothing special, although it did match the mood of the game.
storyline: fantastical, filled with ghosts and evil spirits (and cards), but it was internally consistent at least.
gameplay: you collect 52 cards during the progression of the game, a feature that serves to slow your progress by making you more carefully observant in each scene. this is fun at first, but later, it gets a bit tedious. fortunately, the journal keeps track of all the hints you run across during the game. strategy guide is useful and, in my opinion, interesting to look at. sluggish scene loads detract from gameplay.
weather report: always dark and raining.
my interaction: one hour demo, normal mode (this game has two modes of play, normal and expert.)
this game would be especially appropriate around hallowe'en time.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Time Management, Puzzle
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
2/ 5
you’re a famous chef who won a million dollars in a competition to start your own restaurant. in this game, you return to the cooking academy for help with a cookbook you are writing and you wish to learn how to prepare recipes from the best in the world.
graphics: decent, but not spectacular. smooth, no sluggishness.
music and sound effects: music is bright but repetitive and it gets annoying after a few minutes. the sound effects are what you'd expect, no surprises here.
storyline: believable, although not especially compelling. the feature i found most interesting about this game was the "food trivia": you learn historical origins of various food items before preparing them.
gameplay: there is one mode of play and eight levels, each of which has a variable number of recipes that you prepare within a specific time period. you can jump between recipes in the same level but you are "examined" over each recipe before you progress to the next level. this is not really a time management game, although each recipe preparation is timed. it does have some (easy) memory games, but it's more a game that focuses on how well you control your mouse; your speed and precision. for example, you have to chop things up in a particular way, stir things following a particular pattern, you also crush and peel and and separate or quickly catch items. requires a lot of mouse clicking and dragging.
my interaction: one hour demo.
this game may be acceptable for people of all ages who are trying to regain or improve their observation and "mouse control" skills. however, it can (and will!) get boring and tedious after awhile, and i think there’s better games out there for these purposes, too.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Time Management, Puzzle
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
It's a dark and stormy night and you crash your car next to a graveyard. dazed, you stumble into the cemetery seeking help. But the iron gates slam closed and now you are trapped in the graveyard. the ghost of a grieving father appears to you, pleading for you to save his daughter who he tried to save from a tragic housefire. since she is buried in the plot next to his, he was obviously unsuccessful in his attempt to save her.
graphics: beautifully detailed. the hidden objects scenes were well done, there is no click penalty and the hint button recharges quickly (60 seconds). but the puzzles were few and disappointingly easy. the transition between scenes is annoyingly sluggish, sometimes taking as long as 15 seconds, and that quickly became very frustrating.
music and sound effects: music was alright, nothing special, but it wasn't annoying, either. it did fit the tone of the story. the sound effects were too quiet to hear so i had to specifically adjust their volume a few times so i could hear them more easily.
storyline: um, predictable. the car crash opening scene, the graveyard setting and the ghosts/time travel scenarios have all been done before.
weather report: dark and stormy.
my interaction: one hour demo, normal mode (this game has two modes of play).
this game will likely appeal to many gamers, especially fans of hidden objects scenes and mysteries. since it has three novellas as well as extra play that is unlocked after the three novellas have been completed, i'd guess this game is also fairly long, which makes it tempting to purchase. however, i was not impressed by the sluggish scene transitions nor was i particularly impressed by the storyline, so i will not be adding this game to my collection. thus, my four star rating.