Artifex Mundi have improved in a sequel, making me, as others have stated, unable to STOP PLAYING until the adventure was over! I only hope there will be a part 3!
Artifex Mundi are probably first to utilize your played character to instruct another what to do.
The reason of being unable to put this down IS the number of twists and plot turns this adventure takes. Time-wise, players WILL get their money's worth!
Recognizable puzzles, those that are easy can be completed without the skip feature.
It is no wonder this one is a #1 download for its time!
I recommend this game!
3of4voted this as helpful.
Nightmares from the Deep: The Siren's Call
Face off against Davy Jones and his nightmares from the deep!
A murderous figure in a red mask haunts the streets of a small French town, and the mayor needs your help to track him down. But you soon discover that the mysterious Red Masque might not be the real criminal…