For me...a beginner...forget about it. I know the experts probably will get through it without blinking. Me? Couldn't do the first challenge lighting all the lights on the power grid. Darn...I really was looking forward to do this one. Good luck to all who make it through the first five minutes.
Many of the items (even with the magnifying glass) were just too small. Tools to use when solving problems were laughable, but they always are in Domino games. I am just a beginner, but I gave up after 15 minutes.
When I have to do the same action more than twice, I head for the hills. The visuals are blurry, the fun Send this game back for a complete overhaul!
Oh my goodness. I didn't make it through the instructions! I am just a beginner. Following them was too much for this individual. Also...UFOs are not my cup of tea. (Tennis, anyone?)
Can't give you the level of challenge, because the visual quality is way too dark. Everything to click on gets lost in total darkness. Forget about this one.
Reviews1 and 2: You are soooooo right. This game is not worth finishing.Sound effects are jarring. Objects to locate are either too big or too small. No story line whatsoever. Just completely boring.Graphics are dismal. Do not recommend purchasing.