I use to like the show as a kid and then got bored of it and I thought the game would be boring. Was I wrong. That was a very good game and would add it to my rainy day list. Music got a little tedious. Come on game maker make it more like the movies. Give us a big music list to listen to during the game. Adds more atmosphere to the story.
I wanted this game to be a great game. Maybe I am having an off day. I got bored and could hardly wait for the demo to be over. It got good reviews from many others so not sure if I would recommend this game.
Lots of attention in details in this game. From birds flying in the sky, bugs around lamp post and occasionally the whiz by of a dragon fly. I can hardly wait to see what the monkey is all about. That little guy with the mirror is stealing souls I think. Not a lot of back and forth on this game. I was stuck on a puzzle and can hardly wait to defeat that. Very fun all the way around.
No complaints here. I usually do not care for under water games. This one made me jump twice. Just by surprise. Great fun and love being caught off guard. Puzzles were great. Story line has me sunk deep. lol. I will be buying this game. Nice graphics. Just nice on all aspects. Great game.
I recommend this game!
1of2voted this as helpful.
Unfinished Tales: Illicit Love Collector's Edition
After the Raven Queen crashes her wedding, Thumbelina must save her prince to reclaim her happy ending!
Someone would be hard put to find anything wrong with this game. Loved how they had me use the frogs tongue. I do not like the story Thumbalina, but I love this story tail. It does have everything. Very creative and hope to own this one soon. The stunning art work was A-1. I did not get very far on my free play, but I am a slow player on easy mode and that made it show me it would be also a great game. I do not like a game to go to fast so this one was just right.
Nice smooth game for all ages. I would buy this on a rainy day. Graphics were great. Did not mind the characters being a little bit cartoon. Music okay. Only confused on the lady bug collection. It does not tell me why I am collecting them but I did not opt for the editorial at the beginning.
This was a smooth game and moved fast for me. Almost too easy. Music was okay. I had fun and would buy it on a rainy day. Older kids would like this but a tinge to gruesome for younger kids.
This game was pretty easy. I did get stuck a few times, but it was still fun. The werewolf talking was a little Corney. I would add this to my collection.