This game had a lot to do but a lot of repetitiousness. More so then other games. They all have a certain amount of repetitiveness. The Cut scenes were many and Characters were grand. Very well done and made it worth sticking out the whole demo.
This game had very good critter action and the puzzles were good it was just too many of them over and over again in just them demo. Lots to do, collect dragons, nice jump map, learn to fly, learn a new language, and dodge the local guards. lol
I would still buy it just for the story part of it. The earning new physical features was great. Want to see more of what and where that gets the character. Game had a pretty nice beginning and loved the first meeting with Aron (sp) and all the shooting stars while listening to his explanation of things.
Very good game. Has critter action, tons to do, Lots of morphing objects, collect parts of a machine, good HO's, Nice jump map, great characters, Puzzles a little to easy but good enough types, and pretty smooth game flow.
Love this character and was happy to go on a new adventure in this game.
This game was good enough for a buy and I love games with rain, snow, or fog. The jump map helped me a lot in this game as I constantly had items I did not know what to do with and seeing the indicator on the jump map of where I actually had something I could do now was what kept me from being frustrated.
I collected some sort of globes which were kinda cool looking, Some HO's had morphing objects, Guide book was a help on the reflective light puzzle, Good Characters, Good Story, but not great game flow sense I was constantly needing a little nudge.
I did not see any critter action and did not notice any journal. I know there is less chance of critter action in the a frozen world but still miss something in that area.
This game could be runner up for game of the year award. I had some things well done. 2 Character play which I usually do not like. This one was a good enough 2 character game to keep me interested.
Game has: Nice jump map, 2 or 3 collectables. Was hard to determine what was a collectable and it was hard to see what I had collected. If I were to guess I would say Greek objects like winged shoes with a lightening bolt on them. The colors of the game made it hard on the eye when searching for collectables and made me not really want to find them. I like games where the collectable can be seen in detail even though it is standing in front of a tree branch or other items. So that was a downer.
Puzzles were very easy, HO's were a good percentage of working. Add this fix that type thing, critter action, good characters, good ambiance, and lots to do.
Tempted to desert this game but has a few saving graces. First it was a tiny bit to large for my screen so I could not see or grab pieces on outer edges during HO's. I have a pretty good size monitor and do not have this problem with most BigFish games. Character images were a tad bit to computerized images which takes away from the fun of interaction. HO's had some interesting things to it. Game had a lot to do but a I did not like the jump map. Which indicated places for things to do which I already knew that, but was stuck on what I should be concentrating on when I exhausted those areas already and could not figure out what I had missed.
Games has Morphing objects, collectable demon coins, some sort of doll or creepy character to collect and the Morphing objects. HO's had some with Morphing objects as well.
I got frustrated with this game as well as found it leaning on the boring side. Creep factor failed for me on this one. Almost felt like I was playing a tired out game that someone had tried to pump life into it.
I might buy this on sale. Hope others like it more then I did.
Snotty little game with its snotty little critter's who throw things at you. lol. Runner up for game of the award.
They put some thought into this one. At first I thought oh a creepy game in fairy land, but then some of the things that went on and had a chuckle or two or three. HO's were different in some aspects and I liked it. Critter action. My helper has to be the laziest in the world and clumsy too. Like all the character. Nice play on the bones. Good jump map and some morphing objects.
There were some parts of the game I felt miss placed but the game was so entertaining with some charm to it that I did not mind the slight bumpiness of game play. Must go on the To Buy List.
I recommend this game!
20of30voted this as helpful.
Phantasmat: Town of Lost Hope Collector's Edition
Carrying the lives of many on your shoulders, you are forced to balance on the tightrope placed between life and death.
Overall rating
5/ 5
27 of 42 found this review helpful
Lost and Somewhat Hopeless
PostedApril 7, 2016
fromJeffery carryed a nice big axe will be give me a great big wack
This is one of those can not get out of the parking lot days. Just when I think I am about to make progress up show Ma or Son and they are no fun. lol.
Fantastic Game. Creepy, Scary, and can hardly wait to see what is around the next corner.
Game has lots of Shadow HO'S with mini HO's and Some of those or was it all of them working HO's, Like how I got my map and yes a jump map, Characters were good, Nice Ambiance, Plenty to do, Do not remember any critter action,and there are some sort of collectable unlocked something or other that would not let me check into to see more of what it was. But in the game it looks like a waste basket with a sick green color. Like Hazard material or stuff from the dead.
Can hardly wait to own this game as it is one of my favorite series and I own I think all of them.
Morph right into this game which has a bit of everything. Slight creepyness, Morphing objects galore, critter action, Jump Map, collectables, Awards, good pace, Lots to do, and Good Characters.
Love the little beetle in the secret passage that goes all the way across the floor, Also was 20 min or more before running into a shadow working HO's. I love that in some rooms items moved with touch Like plants and curtains, But wish it was in every room, I took the time to see what type of collectables and Morphing objects I was suppose to find. Not sure but I think one of the 4 is music notes which I never found morphing nor as a collectable. Shields were collectable as well as cards, but miners and apples were Morphing objects. Good game. Goes on the to buy a possible contender for game of the year though I know of 2 that are way more fantastic.
Whisper Darkly Your Child Song Nightmare; Hey title for their next game. This Game should be front contender for game of the year award. It was a bit creepy, had some twist to features I do not recall playing before. Love the child's play to find Angela and her room. Puzzles were entertaining enough and not to hard. Critter action, Marbles to collect, Good Characters, Nice Ambiance, and a Jump Map.
I found the bit a tad confusing. The most exciting thing was the collectable morphing mask. The HO's were ok, Critter action just ok, story line good, but should have done more with it. Also found Characters mundane. I felt like this was the SE game with maybe the Morphing objects thrown in to make it a CE game. Map was ok but did not jump me to place to place. Story line was good and the puzzles decent. I would buy this on a rainy boring day on sale.