Only one girl has survived the mysterious attacks on Whitewall, but she's not talking… So they've called you in to end the town's terrible torment!
Overall rating
3/ 5
19 of 20 found this review helpful
3 stars
PostedJanuary 15, 2013
fromSoutheast, Ga.
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
3/ 5
sort've enjoyed the game - not hard - smooth progress - a relaxing game with plenty of HOS, which i like...the big "but" is because the game is so in very short. maybe the shortest HOG i've ever played..and the ending was flat.
reminds me a little of harry potter - flying books, moving structures, etc....even seems british since clock time is like military time. definitely enjoyed the demo and it is on my list to purchase soon. engaging storyline.
Great graphics, clear storyline...particularly liked the HOS, but as soon as you get the car fixed the demo is over. had 25 mins of my hour am worried the overall game will be short as well...otherwise recommend at least playing the demo and deciding for yourself. Don't be fooled, it isn't necessary to use the walkthrough - at least not for the demo.
Nice game - nice change of pace. Interesting storyline. Isn't hard but keeps you playing to see the finish. Enjoyable way to spend a couple hours on a rainy day. The 2.99 fair value.
The game is unique, so that alone makes it worth playing the demo...but...many of the interactive tasks lack logic and this forces you to wait for the help button unless you just get lucky and blindly click on something useful. Minigames and the HOS scenes are different and for halfway thru the demo, looked forward to these...thought might buy it just to see what other minigames in full version might offer or to see how story ended, but by end of demo was so bored, just didn't care about either. Sorry to thumbs down this one, but would not spend a game credit on it...possibly buy it at 2.99 deal, but I doubt it. Congrats to those who enjoy it - just not my kind of HO game.
Don't recommend buying it until you play the whole demo.
the dialogue was nicely were was enjoyable to me, but not challenging. mini-games were unique..some were easy and some were tricky...overall, the game is short and seemed like the ending was a bit rushed. not the best game out there, but if you enjoy the mechanically oriented games, this one will entertain you. length of game and level of challenge kept me from giving it more stars.
a little too much hand holding and dialogue for me. likely appeals to those who enjoy a good whodunit. nice job of laying out the story line in the demo.