Cargo flight 821 has crashed on an uncharted, beautiful and deadly planet. Your only companion is the trustworthy robot, Oscar and together you must escape.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Puzzle, Mahjong
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
When I first began the game I too felt lost as to, what to do, and where to go, I nearly backed out, but am so glad I didn't. This game, being different began to draw me in while trying to figure out how it works. I found the info. and hints are there, I just had to pay closer attention to everything.
For me, I kept a close eye on the curser for any changes, clicked on everything, and checked on the data often. Eventually, just before the demo ended I had that ah ha! moment... I don't usually get into Sci-Fi much, but the graphics, voice overs and sounds are so good it held my interest, now I'm going to have to buy it. I'm totally sold on this game, just give it a little time, if you like a bit of challenge I think you'll have fun with it too.
I had no idea what was in store for me when I downloaded this game, only knew I didn't play the type that this game looked like ha.
I am so glad I gave it a shot, the whole time of the demo,(which is short) I kept saying," this is so cute". I loved the 3- D kind of flow the developers gave to this game, and I laughed when the little guy came charging across the screen on his trusty steed heading for the castle to save the Princess.
I loved the interaction, the graphics, sound quality, and choice of options, But I wasn't crazy about the music, I just turned it down, not a problem for me. However, the name given to our little hero kind of bothered me a bit. He didn't happen to have the name Baron in front of it did he ?
This game is so different, and so CUTE I'm going to use a game credit to buy it. I gotta see what happens when he meets the king.
I truly enjoyed this Adventure/Hog game. I sometimes get lost in time travel type of games, and then get bored, but the developers really had a handle on that, and made it easier to remember what was where, and when :)
I was pleasantly surprised by the amount of puzzles, loved those too, and fairly easy to figure out. The graphics were very good and clear,enabling these 64 year old eyes to still focus after playing a few hours :) The theme is saving Merlon, the story is about saving him, and gathering necessary items to do that.
I appreciated all the detail that the developing team placed in every scene. The rooms in the mansion, furniture and art works, just beautiful. For a while I just sat and checked it all out. Other times I played around and click on the little fire fly like fairies? just to hear the cute sounds they make. If it wasn't for the fire thing, I'd like to have a few flitting around the house :) All in all I had a good time playing this game, and hope to see their next game come out real soon. Have a great day E1. Carol