I have recently found this little gem , I know it's been out for awhile . I downloaded thinking I'll try it because of all the reviews but it did not look like my kind of game . I couldn't have been more wrong . The trial went by so fast I had to buy it ! It sits on my desktop for me to play everyday ! The graphics are amazing , for example rain splashing off of rocks or running down the cave walls , trees and weeds, wildflowers blowing in the wind . I'm on my 3rd play now lol . I hope they make more games similar to this one ! My only complaint is the hint not that it doesn't work great it's just that when you get into a scene with multiple resources it always shows me what I don't need lol . Anyway I'm off to play again :) Have a great day fishes :D
The graphics are crisp and clear . I liked the interactive HOS a couple of those in the beginning then you move on to the traditional list type . Puzzles that I came across were easy , another good sign for me was that hour went by before I knew it ! The hint system worked great outside of HOS . I hated using it but since I only had an hour wanted to get the most game play that I could . It will be a buy for me , hope the rest of the game is as entertaining as the trial . Try it for yourself , and have fun !
The trial was over before I knew it , that is a good sign with me , I have all the others in the series ...this one will be a definite buy to add to my collection !
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Large File, Match 3, Puzzle
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
5/ 5
This is based on the trial , and what I seen I really liked it, would have purchased now if there were achievements and collectables . I don't know what dev first came out with the above mentioned extras but now I'm spoiled and I expect every CE to have them ! The hour went by quickly , if you played the first Phantasmat you'll like this ! I so want to buy now just to find out what happens next, but I will be good and wait for the SE . May be I'll even visit the first one again :) Happy gaming fishies ! :)
I have played all the games and excited to see this one out, loads of achievements and collectables , HOS are easy but so what ! It's a nice change from all the demon infested games out now (although I do enjoy these also) . Was thrilled to see achievements as those make the game so enjoyable to me , other tools you collect to use later on. I have only played a few minutes and had to buy. Boom Zap is the developer and have done an excellent job in my opinion . Dana Knightstone fans will love it !
This is my first match three game, and I have enjoyed it ! Downloaded the trial because I didn't see anything new that I liked in the HOS and Adventure games that I usually love ! I liked the different game play modes, I love the group play the best, you have all the trophys to win and to build an enchanted little town, even after the town is built and the trophys are won the game isn't officially over until you complete all game modes !
I love this game , I have played in every level of challenge, I have played it so often that in the hos I don't even have to look at the list. The dev's need to come out with more games like this ! Graphics are awesome, three levels, hos not junkpile, voiceovers when used great, live actors and achievements ! I still have to look at the SG for two puzzles that I can't remember for the life of me, the circle one in the attic, and the one in the helicoptor. I still love to play if I see nothing new that compares to this !
I did not like the first Azada game at all the timing thing please, tried the trial on the second it didn't thrill me.. but for some reason I decided to trial play this one.. WOW ! I bought it right away with only a few minutes into the play.. This is the kind of game I love to play ! NO HOS !!!! Just fun and different puzzles. It's like the Dev's got together and said "Let's put together a game Gwen would love to play !"
I didn't even try the trial version, just bought it straight out after reading the great reviews and I was not disappointed ! I'm usually into puzzles more than I am hogs but these were different, oh they have a few of the traditional ones and it is a long game (took me about 8 hours to complete). Achievements galore ! Love the map and the journal, I just love everything about this game ! Don't believe me ? Just try the trial version but be warned you'll be purchasing it within the next few minutes ! The SG also keeps up with you so when you need help it will be right where you need it to be !