The only thing that I can add, that has not been mentioned by other reviews, is that I wish this games "Hint Button" would actually point to the area that needs to be searched for missing item, rather than simply stating "Nothing more to do in this area". If you like back tracking all over the place looking for the missing item, then this game is for you. I myself don't.
I agree with the other posts regarding the fine artwork, but I found this game very frustrating due to the fact that the items you seek, blend into the dark background, making them impossible to see.
Therefore, you have to always use the "Hint Button", which does NOT point to the item you seek, instead, it waists so much of your time, refilling, only to point once again to one of the many, blended into the background coins & pics.
Also, the hint button does NOT guide you to the area that you need to go to next. Instead, it lights the way for many areas, forcing you to do a lot of back tracking and waiting for the "Hint Button" to refill, bcos it always points to yet another coin or pic that you missed. No wonder this game takes so long to finish!
And if you randomly click all over the place, looking for the IMPOSSIBLE to see coins, pics & items to find, a pop up appears, asking you what's your hurry!
Also, you have to play this game on a much smaller display setting, which makes it even more difficult to see.
Sometimes, if you select an items in the inventory and it does not work, the item does NOT release back into the inventory. Very annoying indeed.
I could not get into enjoying the story of this game due to these issues.
Why do designers insist on using these types of annoying, frustrating game strategies? Hint buttons should provide proper hints & items should NOT be blended into the background so much so, that you cannot see them without a hint.
R of R II is brilliant in all categories. Different landscapes, vivid colours, amazing scenes, challenges, strategy, much harder & much more interesting & challenging than R of R 1.
This game is not boring at all. I can't wait until R of R III is available in the Mac version.