This game has the potential to be a lot more then it is, it is a shame that it is not! It is fun and action-packed but soon it becomes very repetitive. The little quests they throw in there are the same ones over and over -- it would of made it more interesting if they made them different and challenging as the game progresses. The "helpers" you can buy only upgrade a few times until there is no more to buy, which takes away from the game as well. They have all of these spell options and I never even needed to use any....
This game would of been great if it was a just a side quest of sorts in a bigger type of game, or if they made this more challenging and in depth. I am not so sure it makes a good game all to itself as is with what they give you...
It is okay if you are just wasting time and trying to keep busy with something to do, but it isn't the greatest.