Not a good addition to the series at all. Slow and boring. Only played the demo, won't be buying this one. I have been replaying old games currently on the Dark Romance series and this one doesn't come close at all. Please developers stop messing with the games. The series were popular and much better rated. Have not been buying games since the new Big Fish came about.
Another lackluster game. This one is the worse of the lot. Very boring and absolutely no challenge. Developers need to go back and see why previous games have been so popular and stick with it. Big fish has lost so many great game series and the quality of the few games that do come out has gone down including being to short. I miss the old Big Fish.
A really poorly conceived game, which is a shame because the others in the series were good. Really boring and repetitive. Objects are really hard to see, not because they are well hidden just really tiny in the background. Won't be buying any more games from this developer if this is the way they are going. Not engaging at all.
This game was such a disappointment! I have the other 3 and play them over and over. This game made no sense and completely lacking in anything comparable to the others. Terrible!
Really should have been a SE not a CE. People don't like spending their hard earned money on something that doesn't deliver hence the bad reviews. Wait till it's a SE before buying with a free game code.
Just a boring game all around. Epix has gone back to real actors in their games, let the bad acting begin! Won't be playing the next one. Bonus chapter was a real let down too. Shame, this was a really good series.
This game had everything you could want in an HOP! The characters, the storyline, and the background were awesome. I wish all the games were like this one. Well done!
This game didn't interest me like all the previous games in the series. The art was lacking in depth and detail and the story wasn't captivating. The challenge was good although the HOP's were a bit to easy. I won't be buying any more games in this series if this is the way its going. Too many great series are being changed and not for the better.