I haven't had any issues with the things people are mentioning here; maybe the game needs to be redownloaded? I'll make sure Joe's aware of these glitches... I'm sure he'll try to fix the problems.
I have all the Clutter games. I can no longer play with the timer on, but I was able to complete the challenge without the timer, and I enjoyed it. I still have hundreds of other levels. Joe has come through as usual. This is easily the most difficult version IMO.
What's there to say? I love Clutter games. I lean more to the basic, original games (simple matching) but I will take on whatever challenges Joe throws at us...and with each new Clutter game he finds something harder. I've played all of my games multiple times through and will go back to Clutter 2 or 3 even now. Hubby knows I always have a Clutter game in progress. Great for people who just love pure puzzles. No messing around, no forests to navigate, just matching. And it gets VERY difficult!
Ah, the game that started it all off for us Clutterbugs. Looking back now, it's pretty simple, but I can't tell you how excited I was when I first found this game. I love hidden object games, but don't enjoy other aspects of most HO games, like moving around and using maps. I just want puzzles! And that's what Clutter is. All puzzles, all the time. If you try this and like it, I strongly suggest trying the other Clutter puzzles in order. There's a lot to like with every one!
I have all the Clutter games. This is a solid entry, same games we know and love with some new twists. I have played all my Clutter games multiple times; replay value is very high. Thanks Joe!
Although there are levels on this game I don't like (the emojis, primarily), I've still played through all 100 levels at least 10 times in the last few months. Another Clutter game is due any day, and I cannot wait!