This is the first game I really enjoyed from bluefish for well over a year. Very well made, not particularly difficult. It gave me a few jumps and it had a great spooky feeling with constantly new unexpected things happening. I'll be checking in with bigfish now and then to see if they will have any more games like this.. (I just cannot take any more junk piles or purple/blue graphics in the HOG games). The Emtiness is not a HOG game! The only (small) negative I can think of is the embarrassingly bad voice acting by the woman dressed in black. Other than that, a wonderful, fun game!
If only the rest of the games were of this caliber, I'd buy them all. A wonderful game despite all the glitches (which seems to have been fixed with the download upgrade) I'd just finished playing the game for the second time... and I NEVER play any game twice! Wonderful game!
Terrible, clunky, "old-style," no fun jigsaw puzzle
PostedMay 5, 2014
fromPortland, OR
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Large File, Puzzle
Fun Factor
1/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
1/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
I could stand playing just one jigsaw puzzle before I deleted the whole game from my computer.
Good points: 1. Many pictures.
Bad points: 1. Mix of average quality photos (I have better photos in my own family photo album). 2. There are 4 trays of pictures but with no separation into subject categories - like animals, buildings, nature, food etc. All pictures are jumbled up, and there are no differences between pictures in tray 1, 2, 3 or 4.. 3. There is a very annoying sound effects with EVERY correct placement of a jigsaw piece. I turned all sounds off after about 2 minutes. 4. The cursor has little red glimmering stars coming off it every time you move it (like a magic wand). Can't be turned off. 5. You have only 4 colors to chose between for background. 6. Pieces are rounded and fuzzy, and does not "fit" the cutout in a crisp way. Looks like they used 20 year old game designs and techniques. You have to guess and go by the annoying "sound" and light effects to see if the piece fit. 7. Each piece has a little shadow when it's "lifted" which is yet another irritant and totally uneccessary. It just adds to the fuzziness. (and my eye sight is pretty good) 8. It took forever to finish one very simple puzzle as it was just very slow-moving with too many effects. I normally do a 200 piece jigsaw puzzle in about 30 min. Here it took 30 min. to do a 50 piece puzzle! 9. There is no way to "check-mark" a puzzle after you've finished it, and there is no way to "save" finished puzzles, so I have no idea how I will know which jigsaw puzzle I have played and which I haven't played. You are supposed to just trust your memory with 700 "similar-looking" vacation pictures. Don't think so. 10. There is only one "style" of puzzle shapes. You can "bend" the pieces a little bit, but you can't change the shape. 11. Pieces end up "on top" of ghost picture which means you have to start by moving them all to free the board.
At least I learned to try ALL future jigsaw puzzles out before buying them.
It's nice with a "different" style once in a while. Don't care if graphics are outdated or fuzzy. It's the ambiance, story line and atmosphere that is everything for me. And to feel as if the creators of the game still care at least a little and dare to go outside of the "formula." This game has easy HOGs which is a blessing so they can be done fast. Not too many either which is good. It is a very pleasant and relaxing game. Keeps your interest. Soothing music. Many of the more recent games are so similar that I'm starting to lose interest in game playing completely. Maybe it's time to pick up another hobby.
This was a really well thought out game with an interesting story line. Kept my interest to the very end. Usually I just wish the games would end already, but this was different. Pleasant music, everything tying into the story. And it had a satisfying ending that made sense. Very enjoyable!
This is a game that has a well thought out story line that keeps you interested throughout the whole game. Not like a lot of other games where the story line is just an afterthought to bring you in for the first 10 min. then 100 HOG scenes, and finally a cut-off ending. By then I usually can't remember if I'm playing an "orphanage," "mad scientist", "witch" or "collection of souls" game and I usually don't even care anymore. This game on the other hand had an interesting story line the whole way through. Gives me back hope..
This game held my attention as far as the story line all the way to the end. Good story with a beginning middle and end. I find that the games usually have a great beginning but the story gets lost almost right away with a milion locked doors etc. and a milion HOGs. So, any game that has a thought out story line is a gem for me. Great spooky game! (loved the "elevator music" in the elevator :) - nice touch!)
This is one of those games that you wish would just end already. Short on story with too many puzzles and HOGs. The storyline seems like an afterthought or excuse to fill in as many puzzles and HOGs as possible. Very boring. Couldn't wait for it to end.
So happy to see that there still are some game developers that care about true quality. This game is one of those rare games that actually makes you feel something. Even the HOG scenes didn't irritate me. If you want to "escape" for awhile into a feel-good, strange and beautiful world, this is the game.
I recommend this game!
5of8voted this as helpful.
Scratches Director's Cut
Help writer Michael Arthate explore the Blackwood house! Follow mysteries through the house and dive into secrets of the past!
Overall rating
5/ 5
31 of 34 found this review helpful
My all time favorite spooky game!
PostedDecember 1, 2011
fromPortland, OR
Skill Level:Intermediate
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Large File
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
I've played a lot of spooky games but nothing beats this game. It has everything that a creepy, scary game should have - atmosphere, great gloomy graphics, desolate and isolated setting mixed with comfort and a sense of "safety" when talking with your friend on the phone. And best of all, no violence. A great game that will live on forever no matter how old it gets (like myst) but for the spook lovers.