This Old Bat had an awesome time playing this game!!!
PostedAugust 7, 2023
fromBuffalo, NY
Skill Level:Intermediate
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
Okay. I'm 74 years old. I have bunches of fun playing and replaying the 12 Labours of Hercules games. Granted my hand/eye coordination isn't what it used to be and more than likely most of the *cough* "technical problems" *cough* are more than likely due to my age. Still . . So what?!? I'm having fun!
I downloaded what I call "Herc #15" and started playing. And playing. And playing. Granted I more than likely messed up bunches here and there. I never noticed. Honest. I was having so much FUN!!! I was more than surprised when the game said I was out of time and did I want to purchase it. What? I'm out of time already! I haven't even finished the first "continent" yet! Well, that's what I call it anyway. *chuckles* Loads of challenges, hardly time to think, cussing arthritis, grumbling at having to pause the game to take a drink of water--Oh the FUN!!!
I tried this game as I simply adore the 12 Labours of Hercules games. I've played all of them since the first one came out and I enjoy them a lot. I've purchased all of them from the very first one right up to The Need for Speed. I get a kick out of replaying them from time to time.
Unfortunately, this game just can't, in my eyes, measure up to the current ones. It didn't give me the pleasure or the giggles. I felt let down after I finished. It might be alright for the younger folks. Yet this Old Bat can't explain why the other Hercules games give me enjoyment while this one was just an "Eh . . ." and all. It was OK IMHO, but simply does not measure up to the 12 Labours of Hercules games in my eyes.
This Old Bat is a tad disappointed with the Developers
PostedJuly 29, 2019
fromBuffalo, NY
Skill Level:Intermediate
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Mahjong, Match 3, Time Management
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
3/ 5
I truly enjoy playing MatchVentures and MatchVentures 2. I have fun. At 70 years of age, my reflexes aren't quite up to par and my hand/eye coordination isn't the best. But I'm having FUN! It's a nice break from crocheting, knitting, reading, and the like. However, I'm very disappointed with the Developers regarding the player vs computer challenges.
Where's the new stuff in 2? I'm on a VERY fixed income and I'm upset that I paid money for the same old same old. Another upsetting feature is that when I battle the computer, I get a bomb when I match 4. When my opponent matches 4? *snorts* They get anywhere from 2 to 4 bombs! That is not fair play! And what's with Level 57? I get all the keys and not ONE of them will open the chest in the "get to the bottom of the screen and get a gold nugget" room. *shakes head*
That poor Leprechaun needs a new script for MV2 as well as an extended one for both MatchVentures. *chuckles*
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Mahjong, Marble Popper, Time Management
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
4/ 5
I have fun. Sometimes I have problems with the visuals; however, my glasses ARE old, so . . .
It's fun. Unlike most HOG games, the game's not over when you're done for the day. THAT is a plus for me as most HOG games wind up being like that old Peggy Lee song "Is That All There Is" and I have to wonder, is that ALL there is to the HOG game I just finished. Fortunately, Midnight Castle is NOT like that.
This game challenges me. It keeps me on my toes and doesn't bore me. I can play a run, go and do something else, and come back and play another round. I can hardly wait to level up to the next phase. I do have to wonder at the miserliness of the characters who want you to find things or craft things. After all, in the old stories (50s and 60s fantasy novels) the main character would at LEAST get his/her operating costs back! *laughs*
The plus: I can take a break and knit or crochet without "losing" my place.
Favorite Genre(s):Puzzle, Hidden Object, Time Management, Match 3, Marble Popper, Mahjong, Brain Teaser
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
3/ 5
Perhaps I'm simply getting too darn old for hidden object games. I get to the end and wind up, like the old Peggy Lee song, wondering if that's all there is. I have a LOT of hidden object games that I've purchased that I've played exactly once. They are, to me, like a book meant to be read only once; remembered, yes, but not reread every so often.
Don't get me wrong. Hidden object games are a blast. I have two series that I'm currently, slowly, collecting that I -DO- play over and over again. This particular one, however, I would not. Yes, it's intriguing. Yes, it's designed well and geared to make one think. It's simply not my cup of tea.
The graphics are great. The story? Not so great. In fact, other than some blurbs in the comments, there didn't seem to be any story at all. I gave up after 7 minutes. The game simply couldn't keep my attention.