I own hundreds of HO games, and this is my favorite. So smart, challenging that I bought the CE in case I needed the guide. But I got better as I got deeper into the game, and need the guide far less. I do hope this team makes more smart games quickly. I love this.
I've bought hundreds of games, but don't review. This beautiful game is so dissed, I need to praise it loudly. Love the unique puzzles (no need to paperclip a zipper so far), the quality of the illustration, and the sheer fun of it all. Don't miss this one.
Like a comfy pair of slippers, this game will be familiar to those who've played titles in this series before. There are lots of HOPS, puzzles and objects to find and use.
My only complaint is that it's too short. I thought I'd settle in for the day with it, but it's over after a couple of hours.
My first review -- because this game currently has no others, and it deserves a wider audience.
Best game I've played in a very long time. Every element has a simple strong intelligence behind it. The puzzles were variations on familiar ones, often with no instructions, but the task was apparent to someone with a bit of experience. The game assumes you're willing to think about what your'e doing.
The HOPs made me look at the objects, and interact with them in smart ways.
There was nothing unnecessary here, and not a lot of hopping around for its own sake. It's long enough to feel I got my coupon's worth.
I bought it, and it's a keeper. I will probably let it rest long enough to forget how to do everything and then play it again using another profile. I never use sound, so can't speak to that.