"Rachel's Retreat" ist eines der besten "Gegen-die-Zeit"-Spiele, das ich bisher gespielt habe. Die Grafik ist ausgezeichnet, und die Musik nicht nervig (auch wenn zufriedene Gäste ab und zu stöhnen - das kann lästig sein), und die Herauforderung ist richtig gut! Es gibt 5 "Orte", die am als Spa-Zentren aufbauen muss, und pro Ort 10 Levels. Um ein Level zu bestehen, muss man 2 Anforderungen erfüllen: Man muss den Gästeguru-Preis erreichen, das heißt man muss eine bestimmte Anzahl von Gäste erfolgreich bedienen, und man muss den Karmaguru-Preis erreichen. Der Karmagurupreis richtet sich nach den Karmapunkten, die man für die erfolgreiche Behandlung der Gäste erhält. Je glücklicher die Gäste, desto mehr Geld geben sie. Je mehr Gäste man geichzeitig in den "Nirvana"-Entspannungsraum schickt, desto höher die Karmapunkte. Man kann auch zusätzliche Karmapunte sammeln, indem man wachsende Kristalle zerstört, ehe sie platzen. Mehr Punkte für große Kristalle. In jedem Level kann man Behandlungsstationen kaufen, Deko und andere Annehmlichkeiten, die man auch "upgraden" kann. Da bedarf es auch etwas strategischen Geschicks: Manche Stationen bedienen bis zu 3 Gäste gleichzeitig, manche nur einen; manche Stationen brauchen eine Assistentin pro Gast, manche nicht. Wohin die Gäste geschickt werden bestimmt über Erfolg oder Misserfolg! Großartiges Spiel - vielfältig, lustig, und sehr gut ausgeführt. Die Levels werden zunehmend schwieriger (Wassermangel, kein Strom etc.). Nur zu empfehlen!
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Strategy, Time Management, Puzzle
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
3/ 5
"Natural Threat" is an adventure game with lots of potential - unfortunately, it often doesn't life up to it. The story is ok and well done - genetically manipulated plants attack humans, and you need to safe your friends. You start with a "prequel" and then enter the story - good idea! The visuals and music are appropriate and well done - many of the scenes quite beautifully even. The mini-games are varied and fun, and not too difficult either. There are, however, a couple of things that are not well done with this game. 1) only one level of difficulty 2) no map - and with this game, and interactive map would have been necessary. Especially towards the end, you have to retrace your steps over and over, and since the cuts between the scenes are not well done, this gets very quickly very tiring! Also, if you don't play it in one go, you might forget where to use which element, since too much time passes between finding a task and finding the solution. You need to rely on the "hint" button far too much because of this! I would love the game if there weren't these weaknesses which impact the fun factor quite a lot! Overall, I would give it a 3.5. It is unfortunate that there is so little direction when this could have been very easily solved by integrating a map.
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Strategy, Time Management, Puzzle
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
3/ 5
"Eternity" is a visually beautiful HOG in which you most solve different tasks in small "chapters" which are associated with a specific time to which you travelled with the time machine. The best part about this game are is the graphic: it is 3D and beautifully executed. The level of challenge could be better, though, and often the game lacks clear instructions: Once you've found your objects, it is sometimes unclear where to put them or ho to combine them. Also, the game is rather sensitive: If you click on the lock with a key, the box won't open, but if you click on the general box, it will - this can be annoying. The individual "capters" are also far too short an can often be solved in 2 minutes. It would be more fun if it would take longer and be more complex - the hidden object scenes are far too easy with too little objects to find, and everything is pretty obvious. I wouldn't buy this game (I've only played the demo), since I've played more challening games. However, for children or beginners it might be good.
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Strategy, Time Management, Puzzle
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
2/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
4/ 5
"The Heritage" is a classical fragmented object game in which you search for fragments of objects which you have to place to uncover "memory moments" which tell you the story. The game has only one level of difficulty. You often have to place the found objects in order to find more fragments, and for this you often switch scenes. The idea behind this is quite good and fun, and the story is interesting. My major criticism with this game are the graphics: They are often not clear enough to make out any details clearly, which reduces the fun factor. The music can be repetetive at times. The game is not too challenging - most fragments are easy to spot (the only difficulty there, as mentioned, the graphics) and the mini-games are easy and skippable. The "hint" button only works for fragments, not for knowing where to place which object. Average FROG, I'm not sure I would recommend it for buying.
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Strategy, Time Management, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
3/ 5
"The Treasures of Mystery Island: The Gates of Fate" is not quite as good as its sequel and prequel, but it is still solid entertainment and a very good fragmented object game. Strengths of this game: - The visuals are very crisp and clear and well done. - The game has a good length. - You can see how the fragments to each object look by hovering with the mouse over the object to be found. - You play two different characters in two different times, so it is fun to see how the place changes (or how you can change it) from character and time to character and time. Weaknesses of the game: - At times, the music can get repetitive. - The fragmented object scenes could be more challenging. I think it is at times too easy to find the fragments, they are not that well hidden. Overall, the mini-games offer a nice variety of different games with different levels of challenge. You can skip them. The "hint" button is useful not only to find objects, but also to tell you what to do next when you get stuck. No map, but also not needed. You have a variety of different scenes to explore and tasks to solve - many of the fragmented object scenes only unlock after you identified the task. Well done and solid game - if you like FROG games, you'll enjoy this one!
Dieses Spiel ist ein klassisches "Adventure"-Spiel bei dem man Gegenstände einsammeln muss, um Räsel zu lösen und das Geheimnis um die Hexe zu lüften. Die Gegenstände werden in verschiedenen Szenen gesucht - Achtung, gut aufpassen, keine Wimmelbilder, und die kleinen Objekte übersieht man gern. Das Spiel wimmelt von Rätseln, die teilweise altbekannt, und teilweise neuer und originell sind. Die Schwierigkeit daran ist, dass man ganz genau auf kleine Details, Handlungselemente und Worträtsel achten muss, um alle zu lösen. Für viele gibt es "Foto"-Hinweise, die man sammelt - könnten allerdings mehr sein. Meine Kritik an diesem Spiel ist, dass es keine Karte gibt - man weiß also nicht, wo noch etwas zu tun ist, und sucht deshalb oft lange rum, bis der "Hinweis"-Knopf wieder aufgeladen ist. Außerdem gibt es kein Tagebuch oder etwas ähnliches - das wäre, da es eine Art Abenteuerspiel ist, auch ganz nett. Es gibt auch nur eine Schwierigkeitseintellung. Die Handlung ist das übliche: Finde mehr über die Vergangenheit heraus mit übernatürlichem Flair. Manchmal reagiert die Maus nur sehr verzögert auf Raumwechsel etc, das kann lästig sein. Die Grafik ist ok. Insgesamt würde ich dem Spiel eine 3.5 geben, wegen der genannten Schwächen. Trotzdem eine gute Idee, und wer Rätsel mag, wird dieses Spiel lieben!
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Strategy, Time Management, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
The game "Fairy Godmother Tycoon" is a market simulation which puts you in the position of a magic potion store owner who is supposed to help the fairy godmother to rebuild her magic potion imperium. You have to sell potions, set money aside to research new potions, and spread the word to make sure the villagers come to your store. There are 9 different villages, all taken from a fairy tale context. The further you progress in the game, the more competition you will have. You have to buy ingredients, set the prices depending on the "weather"-forecast, and make sure you sell most for a good price. This is a exciting simulation with lots of humour - I enjoyed it immensly. In between your sales days, you also get "visitors" (such as Little Red Riding Hood, for example) who ask for advice. Depending on your answer(s), you can get extra things - or loose somethig. Very fun! You can also upgrade many aspects, such as get spells, upgrade the store front, the ware house, the potion maker and the store entertainment, all of which have an influence on the happiness of your customers. The level of challenge is good - especially when you start a new village within the first couple of "days". If you run out of money, there is always the loan shark - and your fairy godmother might bail you out once each village. This game has a lot of humour and is very well done! The only thing that might become annoying is the music which is repeated over and over... Great game, a definite buy!
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Strategy, Time Management, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
3/ 5
This is one of my favourite games, and I still like it after re-playing it several times. If you like BlueTeaGames, then you will like this one - it is a lot like the "Dark Parables"-Games, except that the story line doesn't refer to a fairy tale. The sound and the visuals in this game are very nice - the music supports the atmosphere without being annoying, and all of the scenes are beautifully drawn. The clarity of the scenes is not as good in the "visions" and video parts; however, the search scenes are all crystal clear and very good. You have to find LOTS of fragmented objects - you see how the fragment looks, and you have to track them down. They are well hidden in the scenes, and so it is a good level of challenge. The mini-games are a nice change from the usual mini games in these kinds of games - I enjoyed them, although there is a certain repetition factor. They can be skipped, though. You have unlimited hints, and the hint button recharges quickly. You also get a map - however, the map only indicated scenes in which you need to complete a FROG-scene, and doesn't indicate where you just need to pick up something or complete something. This is at times unfortunate and requires a good memory on behalf of the player. If you don't know what to do with an object, you can get through the hint button a vision - this is only limited helpful, though, because it can easily refer to a part of the theatre you didn't unlock yet. There are "cursed objects" you can find to get extra points. The only weakness in my opinion is that there is only one mode of difficulty. Great game - if you like fragmented object games, this is definitifely a go. Good length, too.
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Strategy, Time Management, Puzzle
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
3/ 5
Like many of the other HdO adventure games, "Around the World in 80 Days - the Challenge" has beautiful graphics (in many scenes you can also move the scene by scrolling) and nice sound. It is based on the famous novel, which is a nice change from the plot lines of many hidden object games in which you have to safe someone, or which are slightly creepy. It is a bright and well done game that promises relaxation. So far the good side. However, for experienced players, this game is a disappointment, as most of the hidden object scenes are far too easy or somewhat repetitive with the objects (find 20 bottles / 20 times smoke, ...), and the mini mages are far too easy. This leads me to question if this might be a game for younger players? You have to sort through a lot of colour-coded socks (match the pairs), cards, etc. which gets tiresome very quickly. There are two modes to play the game: timed and relaxed. After finishing the game, you can revisit the mini games in an extra menue. During the game, you can collect stars: In the relaxed mode, they serve as hints, in the timed mode they buy you time. Overall, nicely done, but really only something for beginners or young players. The level of challenge is too easy. Even the timed mode is very easy. Also, there is quite a lot of (unnecessary) dialogue, and you need to keep clicking to get to the next piece of dialogue - that ends up being a lot of clicking. Play the demo first before deciding to buy it.
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Strategy, Time Management, Puzzle
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
5/ 5
It is difficult to classify "Lost in the City", since it has aspects of a hidden object or adventure game, but doesn't quite fulfill the expectations of either genre. The biggest appeal of "Lost in the City" is certainly the plot: It is like reading an interactive novel (so there is LOTS of reading involved). You are stranded in an abandoned city, repeatedly drugged and in search of your girlfriend as well as the truth about this city. To move forward in the plot, you have to search scenes and find objects. As a hidden object game, this game is a disappointment, though, since many of the elements are rather easy to find - and there is never a long list of objects either. Visually, the game could be better - at the one side, the city images and rooms look in a way "realistic" and believable; on the other side, they are too grainy and unclear. However, if you like to be immersed in a plot (which not a lot of HOGs manage) and if you like dark and slightly disturbing plot lines, this is the game to go for! It is fun that you can influence the plot - you have to select where to go next (you lose points if you select the wrong location) or whom to believe in critical situations, and many of the search-scenes are timed (for example, if you don't find certain objects before your time is out, you die). There are two modes: regular, and easy. But even in the regular mode this game is maneagable. The little games in between are from very easy to more challenging - however, there is a lot of repetition (I don't know how many times I had to pick a lock). Throughout the game, you collect money-points which you can use in the menu to "buy" secrets, extra mini-games and information - this is great! The game has also a good length - so you get several hours for your money. The story totally got me interested - but as I said, you shouldn't expect an adventure or classical hidden object game when playing this. If you like, however, more complex plot lines and reading (even during a game), then this is totally the game you should go for - very unusual. I played it several times and enjoyed it each time - I especially like the "solution" to the whole plot. But if you usually skip reading long texts, skip this game. Not to be recommended for kids.