Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
3/ 5
I bought this game as a DD months ago and just got around to playing it. I thought, oh well, may as well see how bad it is... I, too, had been put off initially by the garish colors and the 'hand of light', but once I got into the game, I found that the garish colors were mostly left behind and the hand wasn't used all that often. ( I also found that when using the hand I didn't have to follow all the lines exactly. You just need to run your mouse down the lines quickly and touch the corners. They light up as you pass them to let you know you can go to the next corner... this made it a lot easier to do. ) The story was the usual kind of HOG plot... this time a new family member needs to save the 'new' family...but I just really enjoyed the game play once I played for a while! You travel through the mirrors to the 'warped' lands controlled by various new family members who had been made evil by the virus. I thought the different lands were very creative, well done artisticly and funnily logical. Anyway I recommend this game. It was nice and long and flowed very well at the same time it made you think a bit about what would follow logically. Once or twice logic didn't work and I needed to take a hint and found that the hint button worked very well in helping you figure out what you needed to do. I'm a puzzles lover and thought the puzzles were fun and sometimes challenging. The HO scenes which I usually find to be dull were as much fun as the puzzles.. and I started looking forward to the next one to come along. So just had to give a review (although I don't often give reviews) because the Devs obviously put a lot of time and effort into this game and I thought they deserved some 'cudos'!! It didn't deserve a lot of the negative comments it was given. I think sometimes people just don't let themselves give a game a chance... if the least little thing doesn't please them they 'trash' the whole thing. Try it and know that after the demo what follows is actually a really fun game!
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
I do not often submit reviews but had to share my unexpected enjoyment of this game! Had almost passed on even trying it because of some reviews of tech problems and the fact that there was no walkthrough for it ...:( But.. decided to give a chance... and was quite surprised to be drawn into the game by its delightful art work and its novel and fun gameplay. I'm SO glad I gave it a try and bought it because I have enjoyed quite a few fun filled hours playing in it's charming world! And even look forward to playing it again sometime... which is also quite unusual for me. This game might not be for you but I think many of you would love it as much as I do.... at least give it a try...you, too may be delightfully surprised! Also at the end of the game I was reading the names on the credits and realized that it was made by a very small group of artists/producers.... hope they will be able to continue making many more delightful games like this one!!
" I remember playing the trial and not being impressed but was looking for a game for the buy one get one and based on my faith in other's reviews I decided that this would be my "get one". Holy smokes! Great game.. long and FUN !! Almost missed this one ... glad I gave it another try."
Ditto 'greenshade'! I almost missed this one, too!.... very glad I didn't.
Good graphics, good VO, Lots of puzzles...good variety, logical game play and long, good Bonus game, also long and adds to the story, but SE would end OK.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Brain Teaser, Mahjong
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
5/ 5
I played this game when it first came out. Almost didn't even demo it because I had been rather disappointed with the other Margrave games. I gave it a try anyway... and was SO glad I hadn't missed out on this totally different, magical outing! I thoroughly enjoyed it's atmosphere, graphics and puzzles. The plot of the story also kept me interested to find out what happened! One of my favorite games. I highly recommend this game, especially at the DD price. Give it a try... you may be surprised, too.