Maybe my hopes were too high... maybe it was the storyline... or maybe this series has just played itself out; regardless of the reason, I just wasn't that impressed with this game demo!
Overall, the game was too easy in my opinion... Each item found was easily detected, and then usually used too soon after being discovered to be a challenge to remember where to use it. The HOPs were very easy: several list-type (with a return for another list to find in the same puzzle scene); a couple of silhouette searches; and at least one more creative one, where you feed a hamster the items he dreams up - which was a cute touch! (and the only vaguely unique and positive feature so far) Unfortunately, the graphics I found grainy and circa 5+ years ago. The colors were lifeless, and the drawings very simple.
I think this game would be fun for someone who is either a beginner at HOPA games, and/or a very young person.
Sorry developers - I don't normally give such a pessimistic review - and no offense to hamsters everywhere - there was next-to-nothing during this demo that makes me optimistic for the rest of the game! (not to mention, wanting to part with my $$!!)
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Match 3, Puzzle, Mahjong
Current Favorite:
PuppetShow: The Price of Immortality Collector's Edition
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
Based on the demo: It's been such a long time since I've played a game with a unique storyline, I almost forgot how much fun a HOPA game could be! I've always liked games with an Egyptian theme, and this one's definitely no exception. Add into the mix the bonus of time-travel, and you can hardly go wrong! The HOPs are the type that make you think, not just find objects but locating the one that is to be used on another item to either create or unlock another piece, to be used on yet another, and so on. My only complaint about the HOPs, they were so enjoyable, I wish there were more of them! But, that would take time away from riding your griffin, or figuring out how to defeat hyenas and a crocodile, or deciphering Egyptian co and that would be such a shame. PLUS: along the way you'll find a new pint-size helper... I won't ruin your surprise - suffice it to say, he's not only small, but just a baby, besides! But don't worry how much help a youngster can be -- besides being able to fit into tight spaces, this little guy has powers on his side! You need to decide which of his powers to use in just the right places... Just two are uncovered in the demo, but it appears he has an additional two yet to be discovered... Again I'll say it: Fun! (and funny, too)
So, if you have even the HINT of a desire to play a time-travelling, Egyptian-themed game, or are even slightly curious about one, definitely download this demo for a great way to spend 90 minutes. I only planned on playing about 45 min. of the demo initially, but time got away from me -- which I guess I should have expected, once I found myself repairing a time-travelling device...!
You’re on a train in the middle of nowhere, and a band of dangerous thieves demand you tell them where to find the Hope Diamond’s shards. As the newest Hidden Expedition recruit, you’ve got to find the shards before they do…
*********************IMPORTANT NOTE!!!********************** If you've played any previously released Hidden Expedition games [i.e. Titanic], this game is leaps and bounds better than those older titles! Not that the older Hidden Expedition games were of poor quality - but with this release, the developers have "caught up" with other developers' Collector's Edition games, with all the bells and whistles! And they've done a beautiful job of it! This game has the most intriguing storyline I've seen in any game of the HOPA genre, that I can remember! It draws you in, and despite an "empty" feel [the only, but slight, negative]to some of the scenes, you'll want to follow along with the story just to find out what happens.... Instead of a recap of the storyline - which you can easily read in the game description & others' reviews - I'll just go over the features this game offers... First, the slight negative: the "empty" feel to a number of the scenes: IMO I thought there could be more detail in some. "Detail" may be the wrong word for it, but in some scenes there seems to be only the object with which you need to interact, but not much of anything else to look at. In these scenes, one type of collectible - the Smithsonian Sun symbol -sticks out like a sore thumb ... there just didn't seem to be enough "going on" in the scene to even hide the symbol. However, what was there, was well-drawn; the Hidden Object Scenes [HOS] were beautifully detailed and colorful, as well as the mini-games. The HOS were not all the same, either. The 1st one takes a 3-level solve, only one of the levels is the "list" type, and even that has items that take more than one step to find -- excellent! The sound was excellent, with music that matched what was going on, changing so I never found it boring or any ambience too distracting. The sound Quality, usually lacking in other HOPA games, was the reason I still rated the Visual/Sound Quality 5 stars, but on visuals alone, I would rate 3-1/2 - 4 stars. The game offers a Strategy Guide, Bonus game, extra play on HOS, etc. There are more "extras" but I'm not a note-taker when playing a game in a Demo format, as it takes too much time away from the free hour! So, take my word for what it's worth - there are more [probably]CE-only "extras," I just can't remember all of them! As far as "extras" during gameplay, without comparing to the Standard Edition that's not offered for sale yet, this version has many: Collectibles such as 49 Sun symbols, fact cards, etc.; Morphing Objects [not sure how many, but they seemed of the difficult-to-find type], 20 Achievements, and more. The difficulty-level selection is top-notch: take your pick of 4 levels, the 4th being Custom, so you can set your own timers, glints, etc. For me, Custom is the way to go the 1st time playing through --then go for the most difficult! This game is well-worth the price of a Collector's Edition, and I can see several play-throughs of it in my future, in order to collect everything and gather all the things I'll undoubtedly miss the first couple of times thru! I knew about 30 minutes into the Demo that I would be purchasing, but I kept playing because I just couldn't stop to make the purchase--!
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Match 3, Puzzle, Mahjong
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
5/ 5
If you are a fan of the 'Dark Parables' games, then you likely won't be disappointed with this game... I'm already a fan of Blue Tea [the developers] myself, but even knowing how much I like them, I was still surprised yet again, when playing their latest release. The graphics are outstanding, with beautifully illustrated and colorful scenes. Don't think every twist on puzzles [in HOPA games] has already been done, as this game - even in just the 1st hour - contains a couple not seen before. If you're not a fan of HO scenes, you may be happy to learn there were only a couple during the demo. If you ARE a fan, and remember how Blue Tea does a hidden object scene, you won't be disappointed, because it's their "signature" HOs... and we can only hope there will be more of the same throughout the game. [if you're not familiar, instead of looking for several objects to complete a list, it's "parts" of an object that are pictured at the bottom of the screen, which, once found, join together to complete one object. That's it in a nutshell -- but just play it, if you've never done before!] As far as I'm concerned, I hope they NEVER run out of "Cursery" Rhymes that Blue Tea can put their signature twist upon, and then present to waiting fans for just the sheer enjoyment of playing a great HOPA!!
POSITIVES: 1. Can pick timed or relaxed, at the start of game 2. Brightly colored graphics on a black playing board make this game of Match 3 different- [from what I've seen before] 3. 6 different modes of play, your choice. Need to compete 5 of 6 to complete a game.* For example, modes include Line Painter- you need to "paint" on the board by completing Match 3 lines [according to color] horizontally and vertically to clear all squares Destroyer- match 3 using one color, and destroy all squares The game chooses a color/s [shown at bottom of screen] that you must use to complete these different modes of play, sometimes using a number that needs to be reached 3. Some different Power-ups than what I've seen before, i.e.: Reverse- Quickly turns game board 180 degrees, so new gems appear from the bottom of board, and get knocked off above. The game board readjusts itself after about 15 secs. or so Earthquake- shakes board and all gems fall off, including all Power Ups Also included with the Power-ups are Fireballs and Ice-balls, which I assume is where we get the name of this game. [or maybe Timed/Relaxed-?] I won't bore [or spoil] you with details about all Power-ups, you get the drift by now, I'm sure. [and, I don't know all the details myself, yet!] NEGATIVES: *The biggest negative for me were the instructions! This coming from a person big on instructions [and IMHO I'm not too dense-lol] but Gees-Louise, they were confusing. Like mentioned above, I believe you need to pick 5 of 6 game modes, to complete one game, but I'm not even certain of that...! [sorry, lads and lasses!] Timer, that darned timer: made some levels particularly difficult to beat... I guess it's good to have to "achieve" by playing over and over and over ....oh, well, next time I play, I'll try the Relaxed Mode for those, and maybe I'll figure out some magical tip in order to beat the timer more easily. Also, Relaxed mode probably would help to learn about certain modes of play, as well as some of the Power-ups and what they can accomplish. [I'm trying to turn lemons into lemonade here, so don't expect too much of me! :) ] I do plan on using a free game coupon for the game... It's a good game, and fun. I think the fun factor will increase, by figuring out more about the modes and power-ups! I do love Match 3 games in general, and I already want to play this game far over the hour-long Demo!! Give it a whirl!
I love this genre of game, so know that I'm at least somewhat biased: I tried the demo, and knew I had to have this game with just a few minutes of play... Even for beginners, this game is great! Just like the other 6 World Mosaics, you don't have to worry that trying or buying this one would be a mistake if you're new to this type of puzzle-game. The game may be started at the Beginner level, with lots of hand-holding tips, OR if you have already played this type before, you can skip right to the main part of the game... I don't remember that the other 6 World Mosaics had a storyline, or if they did, it wasn't very notable, at least by me - but this one has a storyline that makes completing each grid more enjoyable, as you get another narrative for each, once completed. This makes the game even more addictive, but just completing each grid is actually enough fun for me, as I like how they get more difficult as you go along... Another World Mosaics purchase for sure, for me!!! LOVE the game!
Favorite Genre(s):Word, Adventure, Hidden Object, Match 3, Puzzle, Mahjong
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
3/ 5
There's lots to see and do in this game: collect morphing objects, collect hummingbirds [a little trick to find them makes it more interesting], interactive HOs and Map [which shows one's location as well as where there are still or new actions needed - sort of a "cheat sheet"]. The 4 modes of difficulty include a "Custom" mode, which I really appreciate. I miss this on other games, as I like somewhere in between two modes, it usually seems. There are the usual Extras including the requisite Strategy Guide. I was surprised that when I clicked on the Extras icon at the very start, I was able to see some of them; not the norm on Demo editions... I could even play the Mahjong game, which is an alternate way to complete a HO during the game -- I don't know if I've ever come across this before - not that I remember, anyway!
Ok, you may be thinking, then why just 4 and not 5 stars? Even tho' there are plenty of interactions, etc., I just couldn't "get into" the game. There were very few drawbacks for me, but I guess the storyline just wasn't as captivating as other games released in the past month. The graphics are nice, being colorful watercolor-type scenes. The music was decent and unobtrusive; the vocals in the cutscenes, while a little long for my taste, did move the story along. [The length of the opening b/w movie was too long, but for the first time around I always let the whole thing play. Naturally, a skip for future plays, and gladly!].* Overall, a nice game to play for the first hour; I will have to decide if I "need" it for my collection -- but I'll wait for the SE version to come out to compare, for certain. I'm sure there will be others that love this game - I'm just not one of them! Definitely give it a whirl, it can't hurt to try!! :)
*Although this game is 2nd in a series, it's not necessary to have already played the 1st one, MP Ship of Spirits. The majority of the intro for this game, is a review of what the characters came across in the first game. This made the intro long. A nice review, but unnecessary, IMO.
It should have been a tremendous achievement, but the tunnel through the Ridge of Leviathan became the site of a great disaster. What really happened that day?
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Match 3, Puzzle, Mahjong
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
5/ 5
I knew I would HAVE to buy this game, within the first few minutes of play! The storyline is one of the more common-type: You are the wife and mother that has the role of rescuing your husband and daughter... They have gone off to take a train ride, but just so happens it's the maiden-trip of a new train thru a newly carved-out tunnel... Lots of excitement has been created for this first trip, with fanfare and confetti, etc. But, lo and behold, the train Vanishes into thin air, with your husband [who, oddly enough, has a Briish accent w/no explanation - maybe this will be explained later??] and daughter aboard! You visit the site of the entrance to the tunnel, on the 1st-year anniversary of the ride and disappearance of your family. Out from the tunnel you see and meet up with a scientist, who explains he needs YOU, in order for his experiment to find the train! [Somehow, he seems menacing, to me - but this could be because he looks like he could be the identical twin of Walter White from Breaking Bad] So far, the storyline seems interesting enough - but it's the voice-overs, graphics, and cutscenes that really grab [and keep, and keep...] the attention. I could never say enough praise, for these graphics and sound! Other developers could learn a thing or two, from Elephant Games - not that others' aren't good... but these really help to make the storyline and the entire game, so excellent - oh how I love them! The graphics are so detailed when needed, and other times, look like a quality watercolor painting. The vocals are exceptional, as well as the ambient sounds, so I was simply "transported" into the game. If there was only a higher than 5-star rating available, because this game's off the charts! There are collectibles, and achievements galore, of course - and since this is a Collector's Edition, of course the Strategy Guide - which looks easily readable and helpful. There are also hints, within the HOPs, and out. The "jump" Map too, is helpful, as it shows the scenes where something-to-be-done is located. This game is heads-above other recent releases, even tho' most of those have been good. I can't really describe this game any better than to say, even if you think you probably won't be buying it, I'm recommending you still download the Demo anyway, just to see and hear how far a game can go in giving you the Total Experience! And, if there were a rating that went beyond 5-stars for overall excellence - maybe one that just skipped to 10, for the absolute Greatest ... this would be that game, for me!! Gotta try it- you won't be sorry! [By the way, you don't "need" any of the previous Surface games; each stands on its own- but after seeing this one, you'd be wise to try the others, due to the current sale! They are also great games.]
Favorite Genre(s):Word, Adventure, Hidden Object, Match 3, Puzzle, Mahjong
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
4/ 5
Other reviewers have so professionally stated all the "nuts & bolts" of the game, that I don't have to repeat! I read the 16 reviews that have been posted so far... I agree with these reviews when it comes to listing what this game features -- Just one [tiny] error: there are definitely Achievements to earn!
I LOVE Elephant's [the Developer] games, and when I see that logo at the beginning, I know I'm in for great, beautifully illustrated scenes, unobtrusive music & ambience, almost always collectibles and achievements, and at least a Good if not Great storyline... and so many other enjoyable goodies, they alll can't possibly be covered here in these reviews! So, that being said, I just MIGHT be biased beforehand, when it comes to reviewing one of their games!
I'm not one to usually "get into" the macabre/ghostly/dark-type of games, and I would classify this game as being that, in spades! However, the game was SO entertaining, I didn't mind! It's VERY easy to get so engrossed in this game, your 60 min. will fly by -- so, buy is what you'll have to do... [especially since it's on a Bundle sale!] ... to see how everything progresses! [WE win in the end, right?-- has there ever been a HOPA game made, where one loses?!] :) ]
TRY the demo, especially if you've got a few minutes to spare in your busy day - but be forewarned, if you have somewhere you have to be before the Demo is over, you probably should set a timer, you'll be so wrapped up in your game!
I LOVE this Match 3 game -- and dare I say: SO much BETTER than the 1st version!
As Big Fish described, there are 3 modes of matching: Swap, Group, and a new one, groups of matching COLORS. At first the only mode you can use is Swap; the others have to be unlocked as you go along earning your $$ and re-building the city. You need to upgrade your buildings too, before you move on. The "buildings" are different types of sea items, creatures, and the like, that are considered the building blocks for the city. Not sure what the city looked like BEFORE it sank, but it's now becoming part of the Sea with its unusual buildings of shells, reef sections, etc.! [so far, in my Demo hour]
The graphics are bright and clear, and the music and sounds are nice, not intrusive... but of course, they can be turned all the way off.
There's a story at the start, to give background on the city and how it has sunk to the reef below... but, you can skip the intro if you want [it's a little corny, but the narrator has a great voice!] So, if you like some background with your Match 3, you'll be happy to follow along. Honestly, I could have done without the intro, but that's just me - I just want to get to the matching!
This is the type of Match 3 game that I find the most fun! You're not just matching items on the screen and that's it: match, clear screen, new screen, and repeat. Instead, you clear the screen, earn your points/$$, then use your $$ to buy parts and rebuild.
If you're a Match 3 fan, or just want to try a new genre [this game would be a great one to try if you're new to Match 3, especially!!], you won't be disappointed that you downloaded the free Demo to try it out -- Enjoy!
[I just finished D/L the entire game -- so, I can't wait any longer, gotta get back to matching while listening to Pandora!]