Loved all the trials, but I could not keep up even on the Beginner level. My hands are slowing down on me. Could their be a relaxed mode made in these games, if their was I would really consider buying all of these games. Thank you to the Developers for thinking of doing this it would make a big difference.
Love the trials of these games. Cannot play the Beginner's level even as my hands are not that quick any more. But if their could be a relaxed mode built in to these games, I would buy them all. Thank you to the Developers for listening.
Loved all the trials, but I could not keep up even on the Beginner level. My hands are slowing down on me. Could their be a relaxed mode made in these games, if their was I would really consider buying all of these games. Thank you to the Developers for thinking of doing this it would make a big difference.
I have tried all the trals on these games, and I love them. There is one factor but my hands are not very quick, even on the Beginner's level I cannot do this. Would a relaxed mode be thought of maybe by the Developers. I would buy all of these games in that case.
I am very disappointed with this game. I was hoping for more. For one there are spiders everywhere, I don't see the need for this. I hate spiders, so this has turned me off. The other item is that everything is so expensive to buy and you don't get that much money from sales. This also does not make sense to me. I am sorry, but for a game I bought thinking I would like, I am going to have to get rid of it. I am hoping things can be improved next time. vmkann
This game is the same as gardenscapes mansion, Manor Memoirs and Tales of Lagoona. These are great games except for one thing every room has a spider in it, now they are not big ones, but I am terrified of this. So I cannot play these games for this reason.
I recommend this game!
2of2voted this as helpful.
Manor Memoirs
Help Scarlett write her next novel!
Overall rating
4/ 5
4 of 5 found this review helpful
Games like these are the games I like but for one thing
These games, Manor Memoirs, Gardenscapes mansion makeover, Barnscapes or Barnyard I can't remember also the Tales of Lagoona all good games. My kind of games except for one thing I have a fear of spiders and there is one in basically every room, now I know they are not big but they still freak me out, so much that I cannot play these games.
A nice relaxing game. Can not have enough of these types of games. Did have some trouble with the Hidden objects scenes, but just used a hint when needed. Would love a second game here. It ended with to be continued. Need more games that are relaxing like this one and the one below.