Overall, the game was engaging, kept my interest and was a lot of fun. I thought several of the puzzles were delightfully difficult ... some I loved, others just didn't play to my strengths ... but that's how it should be. Elephant Games generally delivers interesting games that hold my interest. This was no exception.
I never look for games that are too difficult as I do get frustrated easily. The Why oh Why is for the following...
I love Mystery Trackers and usually get the Collector's Editions so I can search endlessly for the morphing, collectibles, puzzle pieces. What I truly missed was a recap of whether I got all the morphing objects ... and the opportunity to replay any that I missed. The same with the puzzle pieces and the collectibles. I was so disappointed when I finished the game and didn't know how I scored - oh i did see that I missed one puzzle piece ... but had no idea where or when :(