I completed the demo. It is a good, high quality game. However, within the demo I, once again, used a pipe to move the car seat, used a corkscrew to open a drawer and used a hat to fan some smoke. How many times do I want to do this in every game? Answer: No more
Every game seems to be the same with a different storyline. Use the fan on smoke, use a coin to unscrew/screw something, use a pipe (twice) to push the seat back and use a fang along with something heavy (book, statuette) to dislodge something. Only thing that I like is you can pick between difficult vs. easy mini games.
Finished in 3 hours (including the bonus chapter and completing all the mini-games). I really enjoyed the game. Came across some new things. A must try.
WOW, just a big WOW. This game is fantastic. I'm not even done with the demo and I'm already hooked. I have encountered many new HO scenes and puzzles. A must try. Not sure I understand the negative reviews. Oh well, off to play.
This game is similar to "Faircroft Antiques", but I feel it's a bit better. Just an all around fun game. Lots to do besides finding objects. With that being written, this game doesn't even come close to the brilliant "Dana Knightstone Novel" series that these devs created. That was/is (I play those games over and over again) one of the best HO series to date. PLEASE, Boomzap, create another "Dana Knightstone Novel" game. Until then, have fun playing and prayers to Ukraine.
Elephant games are indeed the best. I've just finished playing this game for the 9th time. Love everything about it. Please, oh please, develop another "Detective Quest" just like this one.
I am about 1/2 way through the game (purchased) and I am really enjoying it. Unlike some of the other reviews stated, I'm coming across many new elements and mini games. Also different ways to find objects in the HO scenes (never seen/played before). Lots of variety. I was ever so happy not to have to fan smoke away or pound a nail in with a statue. Only thing I was not a big fan of was the storyline. I feel that "ghosts/bride ghosts" has been done enough times.
Thanks Friendly Fox... great addition to the series and the best one, in my opinion. Really enjoying everything about this game. This game has a great story line. And, thanks for some new mini-games and elements.
I am enjoying this game. It's pretty basic with no bells/whistles (not necessarily bad). It's different - and it's not Domini (yeah). I am just about done with the demo and have completed 5 chapters. I only have 4 left which means I won't have much to complete if I purchase. Wow... very short. I will be waiting until the non CE game is released. Have fun.
Well, I had to try it as I have not bought the last few Domini games. All there games were just the same stuff over and over with a new title. I really like the story line and flow of this game. Yes, I had to fan smoke away AGAIN, open a drawer with a cork AGAIN and use a mirror to see the lock on the other side of the door AGAIN. I may buy, especially if there is a BOGO. I have been playing a lot of old games lately because it seems that no REALLY good games are coming out.