was enjoying this game during trial so bought it, at first i did enjoy it a lot.. Characters are cute, was a good challenge .. But ..after getting to second store it went down hill for me. though you have to start all over at the second store, you can easily go back to the first store to make the funds and get your equipment for the second one, I got bored doing that and knowing you can just keep doing it through all the stores ruined this game for me so I haven't finished it yet. I recommend the trial because it was fun.
I liked the extra store with the edition, upgrades were good, overall a fun game to play. Lots of dragging and clicking to do, so you stay busy. Graphics are good, and people are cute. I did get a bit bored with the repetition and haven't made it all the way through as of yet.
The graphics and characters are great! Very easy, cute, kid friendly game. Overall i had fun playing till it just ended.. The new areas do not offer much. I wanted more things to do ,stuff to build and places to explore! Not for those who love a challenge.